“I created 1.5 crores in last 7 yrs” – here is an Inspiring Money Story !

This time we are going to share money story of another reader of ours (Name not disclosed as per request). This person is from Bangalore, belonging to the middle class and is now working in the US from the last 2.5 years. He is a regular reader of this blog and agreed to share his […]


How is Rupay card different from Visa or Mastercard?

Have you heard about RUPAY cards? Today we will talk to them in detail and how they are different from Visa or MasterCard and if you should choose them or not. But before that, let’s understand the background first. What is Visa or MasterCard? You must be already having a debit card or credit card […]


Do you want to Retire Early in India? A detailed guide with Excel calculator

Today you will read one of the fascinating stories of one of our readers (Naren from SavingHabit.com) who has shared his personal journey on early retirement and also gave a step by step path on how to change your mindset about it. This is a long article, but quite deep on the topic of early retirement. I […]


3G Theory- A must read for all investors

We would like to share one of the recent interactions we had with one of our past clients. There is something important to learn from the interaction we had and so we thought of sharing the same with all of you. Client: Hi Nandish, This is Sam (Name changed), Do you remember me, I joined your […]


70% investors are “Asset Poor” – What about you?

70% of people feel that they are “Asset Poor” as per my recent survey. Are you one of them? No matter how much you earn or how much wealth you have created until now, you will fall into one of the following 4 categories. Asset Rich, Income Rich Asset Rich, Income Poor Asset Poor, Income […]


Why most investors struggle to save money every month & how to fix it?

Recently, I came across one interesting short story on quora, which I found interesting and worth sharing with all the readers. This story will help you understand why you are not able to save enough money by the end of the month. You will get to know why your hard-earned money is spent into useless […]


The secret of taking better financial decisions in your life – 4 point decision making framework

Do you know, which is the one thing – which is responsible for making financial lives complex these days? The answer is – LACK OF CLARITY! Most of the investors take wrong decisions in their financial lives and regret later about it. However, I want to assure you that by the time you complete reading this article, […]


When can you call yourself RICH in India? [SURVEY of 381 people]

Are you RICH or not? Do you have enough income or networth, so that others will consider you RICH in India? This is all this post is about. I was day dreaming about get RICH few days back (I do it every week) and visualising how much should I earn so that I can call […]


Gift to Family members – 3 awesome tips to save income tax legally

Most of the people in India try to save income tax by investing the money in their spouse, children and parents name. We are going to explore this topic more deeper and help you understand the exact rules applicable and how you can save more tax legally, by gifting money to your family members. Majority […]


6 reasons for which you can withdraw from your EPF – like Buying House, Medical treatment, Marriage etc !

Yes, you read it right ! . Most of the people do not know that they can withdrawal partially from their EPF account even when they are in the job for some specific and important reasons in life like buying house, marriage and paying for education fees. Today I am going to share with you […]


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