Arogya Sanjeevani Policy – A uniform health insurance plan (REVIEW)

IRDA has recently announced the launch of health insurance policy called “Arogya Sanjeevani Policy” (official link) which will have standard features which are required by a common man for his health insurance requirement. IRDA thought of a standard policy which will be exactly same across insurers with similar features. In this review, I plan to […]


Retirement Time Bomb (60 min video discussion)

Here is a 1-hour deep discussion on the topic of Retirement Planning and how India is set to have a massive problem in the coming times (and it’s still going on). In this video, I talk with Mr. PV Subramanyam (also called as Subra) who is a retirement expert and has also authored a best […]


Why Investors are from Mars and Financial Advisors are from Venus

This article is a must read for every investor and financial advisor. The best part of this article is that it is about YOU (the investor) and it is about them (financial advisors). I and Nandish always discuss how financial advisors cant live without investors and vice-versa, but still their world are very different from […]


How prepared are you for these 4 bad situation in your financial life?

Are you ready for the bad phase in your life which might come anytime? How prepared are you? We should not be pessimistic in life and always look forward to thinking positive, but that does not mean, we should not be prepared for bad times. Bad things happen in life and you must have seen […]


Term plan or Health Insurance ? Which is more Important if you have limited money ?

Few weeks back, I posted an interesting question on our Facebook Page asking – “Given limited money – which is more important product to buy from security point of view – Term Insurance or Health Insurance ?” . Lets say there is a guy – who wants both a term plan and a health insurance […]


Simple vs Complex Financial Products – Which are more powerful ?

I was talking to one of my distant relatives and told him this – “When you want to increase sales of a financial product, make it complex, and if you want sales to boost a bit more, increase the complexity a bit more!”. Because the moment a financial product is “complex”, investors perceive them to be more […]


Example of mis-leading financial product advertisement

Does False and Misleading Advertisements come under the heading of “Mis-Selling” ? Have you ever saw a financial product advertisement where numbers are tweaked and framed in such a way, that the financial product looks very attractive and not-to-miss deal ? You see the advertisement and nothing looks wrong to you and you just concentrate […]


How a newcomer should start his financial life – 4 steps

Today we will talk about how a newcomer or a fresh investor start his investment journey. We will see 4 steps which a newcomer can follow to start his invstments. I see a lot of new people on the blog asking things like Hey Manish I am totally new to this world of investing, I […]


First 5 yrs of your earning life – Does it matter ?

A lot of people complain that they do not have much wealth in their life despite earning from many years. This brings an important point in question. What did they do in the first 5 yrs of their earning life? It’s very clear that the first 5 yrs of your earning life leaves a very […]


Is looking for perfection killing your financial life ?

Do you know that looking for perfection for everything in your financial life can be one big reason why your financial life is a mess! . If you dont think so, read the story below. The Perfect Woman Once upon a time, an intelligent, attractive, self-sufficient woman in her late twenties decided that she wanted […]


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