3 categories of Investors, which one are you?

Suppose you have 3 buckets, and you have to put each kind of investor into those buckets!. What would be the criteria you will use? In my experience of dealing with hundreds of readers and dozens of clients till date, I can categorize them in a very interesting manner which shows their knowledge and attitude […]


How you can create huge wealth by small savings?

Small is Big? Are you worried, about how will your financial goals be achieved, because you are not able to save more? Do you feel that small savings will not help you much to reach your big goals in life? If that’s the case, you are mistaken! While it’s true that small savings won’t be […]


World’s Simplest Money Management System – A habit that works for everyone

Most people have such a fear of (lack of) money that they almost equate money to oxygen.  Cover someone’s mouth and nose and watch how they fight you to get their air back. I came across T. Harv Eker’s book “The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” it says “Rich people manage their money well. Poor […]


Women & Personal Finance in India

Today, we’ll talk about Women’s involvement in Personal finance, especially in the Indian context. How many of us remember when our ladies at home took any decisions regarding banking, Insurance or Investments? Their role has been always limited to household work and as caretakers of our homes & hearths, for decades and centuries now. Even […]


Prevention is better than Cure even in Personal Finance

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” I see that most of the people these days have bought wrong products like ULIPs, ULPPs, Endowment Policies and unsuitable Mutual funds (which they are not aware of most of the times) and then when they do come to know about it, they don’t have much […]


What is 80/20 rule and how it applies to Financial Planning

Let us first understand what is 80/20 Rule? It means that 80 percent of your outcomes come from 20 percent of your inputs! It’s also called “law of the vital few” or Pareto principle. This rule applies to almost all the areas of life, even though it’s called 80:20 rule the main idea of this […]


How much Time should you spend for managing your Personal Finance

Some months back I wanted to find out how much time a person would spend on his Personal Finance? So I did a poll which asked them this question and gave them some answer options to choose from. Around 180 people participated in the poll. Let us find out what most of the people think […]


Ability to take Risk vs Willingness to take Risk

A readers tell me : ” I invested 4 lacs in Sectoral Funds and now its down by almost 45% in one year. Now I need the money for my Sister Education in next 1 month, Should I withdraw it or wait for 1 month ? Manish , please advice ..” I asked “But why […]


How Career affects our Financial Planning

“When you grow up, What do you want to become ?” , and the general answer is Doctor, Engineer or Pilot . That’s the story of 99% people . I just wonder if some kid today says “I want to become a Financial Planner” , how will his/her Parent React ? They will either think […]


What do Friendship and Marriage teach us about Investing?

Friendship and Marriage, are two important things in our life .. The principles of good Friendship and good Marriage also apply in Investing also. Whether its Mutual funds OR Direct Equity. key is having Small group of good friends (Mutual funds) and giving enough time and trust to your Partner to have a long lasting […]


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