
February 12, 2010

Prevention is better than Cure even in Personal Finance

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” I see that most of the people these days have bought wrong products like ULIPs, ULPPs, Endowment Policies and unsuitable Mutual funds (which they are not aware of most of the times) and then when they do come to know about it, they don’t have much choice left.

They either have to live with it or they have to lose a lot of money to correct the situation.

In this article we will see some thoughts on why we should focus more on “Prevention” and not “Solutions” for a bad situation from Financial planning perspective.

personal finance

A Small Story

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence.

Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally! The day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all.

He told his father about it and the father suggested to the boy that he should now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence and said, “You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out.

It won’t matter how many times you say “I’m sorry”, the wound is still there. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are very rare jewels, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed.

They lend an ear, they share words of praise and they always want to open their hearts to us.”

The Story is encouraging and gives an important message. We all make decisions in life. Some of these decisions can prove very unhealthy. We make mistakes and then when we come to know about it, we try to figure out ways to fix the problem.

Making mistakes is not a wrong thing, we all do it at some point in life and taking measures to cure it is another great thing. But it will some times have drastic impact on you and your money.

Some of the mistakes we make are

Watch this video of 4 biggest financial mistakes related to personal finance that every investor should avoid :


A lot of readers of this blog were sold ULIPs (they didn’t bought it, it was sold to them) without telling them the costs involved and sometimes promised with wrong returns (it was just an illustration and dependent on market condition, agents just said it was guaranteed).

Now when they come to know about it, they stop the premium payment and get out of it at right time, this getting cure for the problem but the damage has happened. You might not realise it, but the damage is big, some people have lost close to 80,000 – 1,00,000 in premiums or in costs.

One of the person I know has paid 4-5 lacs in premium and 60% was the cost in first year. Now he stopped the policy, that’s a loss of 2.5 lacs. If that same money is invested in some good Mutual funds for next 20 yrs and if we expect a return of 12%, it’s 24 lacs at the end.

This is opportunity cost. RS.2.5 lacs might look like a small or “chalta hai” kind of amount, think again, it’s opportunity you have lost. The amount can differ for different people but the lesson remains same.


Another case can be of Insurance, most of us are still under-insured, even now!! Even after we know that Term Insurance is what we should take, still we are underinsured, that’s the risk. Once the disaster happens, it will be too late, you will never get the chance to cure it.

In fact you will not be there in this world to cure it and the outcome will be very horrible which you might not want to imagine.

Endowment Plans

Same with Endowment Policies, Investors who have taken Endowment Policies and are paying 50,000 per year for next 25 yrs. They do not realise what they are missing. You get 5-6% returns, that’s all! forget what agents promised or what was told to you. Endowment and money back plans are world-famous for “not able to beat the inflation” kind of returns.

So you are missing long-term equity returns of 12% at the least. So you are loosing 6% worth of returns. That’s loss of 45 lacs for the example I just gave you in long-term, what is the reason you lost that much, just simple laziness of not taking the action of “change” and restricting your mentality of “Equity is Risky”, that’s incorrect at least for long-term.

Late Investing

No matter what you always have some money to invest when you start. If you don’t want to invest, there will always be enough reasons to not have savings. Almost 99% of the people can live with their 90% of salary, whether they believe or not. Earning less is not a crime, it’s part of life, save what ever you can save, even Rs 100 is ok, but do something.

Some people can save more than 30-40% of their salary, but they are not doing anything about this! Don’t underestimate the power of early investing, Early investing is so powerful that it can compensate for big mistakes in investing later in life. If you are a 25 yr old person who needs 2 crores at retirement at age 60.

Assuming 12% return, you just need to invest  Rs.6,000 per month to reach your retirement target. Imagine what happens if you feel that you can do a little late, how does it matter and all and actually start 5 yrs late, with the same saving of 6,000 per month, you will have just half of your retirement target, that’s 2 crores.

Imagine the cost of saving late by 5 yrs, You have to but down each of your retirement thing by 50%. That can be a big hit!!

What is the Solution

Taking measures to fix your messy situation is worth appreciation and we all should do it if we get into it. But on the first hand why to get in a messy situation. You don’t need to do fancy things to be in healthy financial condition.

A simple 5 things can save you from disaster

Just practice these 5 Mantra’s and almost all of mistakes you make will go away.

Comments, what do you think about this? Please share your views.

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Rakesh Goyal
Rakesh Goyal
14 years ago

uneed to be smart for finance planner and keep on churning ur portfolio.
i kept the money for long in fixed and then realized equity..put in MFs earned 50% annual gain…but all was eroded in 08-09 crash…now the money is back to debt fund …giving less than the inflation rate…so if i invest in equity i have to wait for nxt 5-10 yrs for good return…and i am sure it has a term correction in it….so the capital will go again when i will need it …

14 years ago

Dear Manish,

have recently strated following your posts and they are indeed very informative. congratulations for that.

Can u help me with a doubt I have. I have been seeing this Birla sunlife dream retirement plan suggested by my agent, intend to invest for 20 yrs, annual premium ~87500 with basic sum assured of Rs. 24 lacs (which is also the death benefit), Fund value of ~40 L in 20 yrs on an assumed 10% return.

My agent says that from a long term prespective, and if u r not a disclipined investor, it makes sense to invest in ULIP than MFs. Also, according to him, the death benefit of 24 lacs is an add on in this plan, not provided by other retirement plans. I feel the fund charges are high , ranging at ~25000 – 35000 on an average per year but am not sure if inveseting in term plan + MF will give me a better return. Do u think that with a 20 yr horizon, this ULIP should be considered. whats your take on this retirement plan. Please do advise.


Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

thanks a lot manish for ur prompt response.. solves my query.. please keep up the good work..
btw, this was suggested by my financial planner only.. I have second thoughts on taking his advices blindly now..


14 years ago

Dear Manish,

Thanks for your reply!
I don’t know anything about this SBI plan and tell me how I can calculate return of SBI and term+MF. My age is 30. I can take maximum risk.

Please suggest your option which way I need to choose
1. loose 25K of SBI policy and go for term+MF
2. Continue with SBI with 50K every year

You are the best guy who can suggest me which is the best for me.
Next premium is due I need to choose one option before that.
Please suggest which way you will go.

Thanks & Regards,

14 years ago

Dear Manish,

Before coming to this site, One agent sold me sbi policy “SBI Life Horizon II Pension” Option 1: Pure Pension Plan
Plan: Dynamic
Half yearly:25000
Duration:30 years

I have given initial amount of 25000 for this policy. Now next primium is due on 28 March.
Please suggest wheter I need to continue this policy or not because In this policy I need to pay 50K every year.

I have read your one artical in which you have proved that It’s always better to come out from wrong policy.

Please suggest.

Thanks & Regards,

14 years ago

Hi manish, congraulation on a good artical, i have been in this field for the last 6 years, this six years i have been doing what you have mentioned in the artical, but i should confess our poor investors still remain the same, the lic advisor who sell endowment policies are better than me, in 2008 when the market fell, lic advisor made full use of it, and the poor investor again fell in the trap of such advisors, it is a big task in advising the investor as they feel there is something wrong when we say 12 % as his advisor has said 18 to 33%. i have requested my clients to arrange small meet where i give them advice on investment and the mistake they are commiting, i wish lot of people read your article, and become a wise investor.

14 years ago

I have already bought one ULIP without much knowledge at the time of buying (2006 jan). I paid the premium 50K for that for 3 years … but i could not pay after that as i can’t afford. i am still feeling the pinch as the value is below the amount of premium i paid. whats your suggesting in correcting this damage.

Similar thing goes for a ULIP policy that my parent bought. It is way below (~55%) the amount that we have paid out so far for 3 years each 12k (actually it remained lapsed for 2 yrs before 3rd premium). Please suggest on this too.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Yes. I also think that getting out of it is probably the best. From the Budget Y2010, I see that DTC is going to affect in a new manner and I read that (sorry i don’t remember where) ULIP is probably something better to stick to instead of selling. Is that really the case?

Reply to  Madhu
14 years ago

I am not able to access, it says I need to subscribe…Can you copy paste the content here.

14 years ago

1. Nice Article
2. Story Not Matching with Article, otherwise a nice story
3. Article on New Pension Scheme is definitely required for all the readers. Once you come up with NPS, we will have lot of discussion on the same. It’s important topic

14 years ago

Hi Manish,

I have read most of your blogs and really appreciate your insight into personal financing. I agree the so called LIC and other policies doesnt earn enough corpus over a period of time except for risk cover, these are some of the instruments that offer guarantee (may be just 6%) returns while you really need say, after 20yrs.

Investing in MFs is the option for better returns however some turns of investment cycles like that in 1992-94, 2000-2003 if happen in future will definitely erase investments we make. Just imagine if some one invested for 10-15 years and want to redeem for meeting his needs, but faces the terrible market crashes, he cannot reach his retirement corpus goal…

My thought is to stay invested in 30% of guarantee returns followed by MFs and other high return investments… whats your take on tha?

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago


wen u intend to move out of the equity market, u ve to start transferring ur money to some debt instrument like ppf, liquid MFs, FD etc. approx 3 years before u want to completely exit the market.

14 years ago

Hi Manish,

I have got 3 SIP for magnum contra (d), BSL frontline equity (G),hdfc top 200 (g) for 2k,1k and 1.5k respectively. how do you find this composition for my equity exposure? and i am planning one more for bsl tax relief 95.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

I have written an article on TOP 3 mutual funds for 2010-11.
Take a look http://money360.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/top-3-elss-mutual-funds-for-2010-11/

14 years ago

Hi Manish,

I am sound reader of your site. It is a very terrific site for learning to the investor.
I have some concernes regarding investment for regarding redemption in mutul fund
Suppose I had invested for 30 years and while at the time of redemption the mutual fund house told me that your signature is not matching so your request is cancelled then what kind of steps to be taken.

If you can give some tips regarding redemption of you mutul fund and problems occurs at that time then it will help to keep in mind while investing.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Hi Umesh,
Though signature issue is not so common but it can certainly happen. But today, signature is also once of the important criteria but not the only one like in the days of non-computer days. When you are investing in Mutual fund, PAN and Bank account is mandatory. During redemption, Bank account is treated important than signature mismatch.

If you feel you signature has changed a lot as years goes by, you can talk to mutual fund office. As i know, in case of banks, If they suspect signature mismatch, they ask you to prove your identify and they will take your thumb print and latest signature specimen.

Do not worry too much on these things as long as you can prove your identity (with Passport, Voter id, ration card)

14 years ago

Hi srinivas,
thanks for replying, here are the details of my LIC polices

i have already read term insurance article now this question arises should i continue with existing LIC or go for term ins? parameters to consider before terminating existing LIC policies?
awaiting response!
thanks for assistance, really appreciate it.


Reply to  Marshal
14 years ago

Hi Marshal
No problem, we are here to share knowledge and help each other.
My suggestions are:
Policy No.1 (New money back 25 years) – Analysis: You have already paid 16 years of premium and received 45% of 125000 as money back from LIC on 5th, 10th, 15th year. Now 9 years left, after maturity you would likely to receive around 2Lakh rupees.
you paid till now Rs. 98696 (6158*16)
money back received 56250 (45/100*125000)
premiums to be paid for 9 years = 55253 (6158*9)

Option 1:
If you continue till maturity,
you get another 15% of 125000 at 20th year = 18750
and you get 190625 (=40/100*125000+125*45*25) considering bonus of 45 average for 25 years.
Total amount u would have received from LIC in that case = 265625 (+10k approximately) and remember bonus declared by lic every year varies (no guarantee)

Option 2:
If you surrender then (number of completed years -1)*premium*30%+accrued bonus *30% – money back paid = 61,461.
if u invest this money in equity MF for 9 years then considering 12% returns you would receive 239450/-
Adding bonus till now received 56250 makes it 295700

Option 3:
If you make it paid up policy, then returns from LIC will be locked till 9 years and u will receive (premiums paid+bonus – money back received) after 9 years = 132446/-. and considering inflation of 6% per year; the value of 132446 after 9 years is 75891/-

Though inflation is applicable in all options, in Option 1, money hardly grows at the rate of inflation. In Option 2, calculations are based till LIC maturity, but you can withdraw your investment in equity MF any time as per your goal. In Option 3, you money is locked and cannot beat inflation and you will be covered for 70k insurance till maturity

Impression: considering your age and you do not have other term insurance;keeping your goal inline with lic maturity, I suggest to surrender and invest the money in equity MF.
Note: First visit you home lic branch and inquire how you money receive in case of surrender. if any major gap, we can discuss.

For other 3 policies, No much analysis is required as it has completed only 5 years.
Bonus for the last year is already added.
For the other 2 money back policy, you might be receiving cheque this month, wait for the cheque and do not pay LIC premium. After encashing cheque surrender the policy (Note: Do not pay 6th year premium)

For jeevan surabhi you can surrender right away.

hope things are clear, if not please let me know.

Reply to  srinivas
14 years ago

thanks a ton srinivas, i will go thru all options and will let you know if i have further queries..

14 years ago

Hello Manish,
I have LIC policy and for this i pay annual premium of 16k/- Sum assured 2.80k
Need input, can i terminate this and take a Term insurance of 16k with sum assured of 50lacs?
What all factors should i take into account before taking this step?


Reply to  Marshal
14 years ago

Hi Marshal
First let us know, policy name & how many years you have paid premiums for this policy?
regarding term insurance requirement read http://jagoinvestor.dev.diginnovators.site/2009/11/how-much-insurance-cover-is-enough.html.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Not surrendering the policy can be better choice only if 80% policy term is over and 20% is remaining then better to continue the policy.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

May be this % is incorrect for policy of different term. It should be otherwise, if your policy matures in less than 5 years; it is better to continue the policy because
1. Surrender money will be very less compared to the amount you invested.
2. Considering if you surrender and invest all the money in equity (may not be suitable for all people) with 12% returns also cannot beat the money you will get if you continue for next 4~5 years.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Let’s take my own example for Jeevan Anand.
Sum Assured 3,00,000 – Yearly premium is 12,228/- for 25 years.
Let’s say If i pay premium till 21 years; then 21 * 12,228 is 2,69,016/-
If I surrender after 21 completed years, then I will get 30% of 20 years premium + 30% of 21 years bonus (take bonus as 45 per 1000 of sum assured)
30% of 20*12,228 + 30% of 21*(300 * 45) = 158,418/-

If I invest 158,418 in equity diversified fund for 4 years with 12% returns then it becomes 2,34,406/-

If I continue for another 4 years, then I will get
Sum Assured + Bonus + Final Additional bonus (475 per 1000)
3,00,000 + 3,51,000 + 1,42,500 = 7,93,500/-

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

From the LIC website for Jeevan Anand.
The policy may be surrendered after it has been in force for 3 years or more. The guaranteed surrender value is 30% of the basic premiums paid excluding the first year’s premium. Any extra premium(s) paid and premium(s) towards Accident Benefit are also excluded.

It could also mean, you will definitely get 30% of basic premium paid excluding 1st year. I did not get clear description on internet.

Last time, I visited LIC branch and talked to officer. He said this is the formula 30% of premium * (completed years -1) + 30% of accrued bonus.
The surrender value I will get what he told exactly matched with this formula.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Hi Manish,
Yesterday, I also tried with this website, for my data it did not work out.
Today, I tried with different data for 20 years back (most of the policies are not available from LIC now). our importance here is only for surrender value.

Data from LIC website as per today’s date
Plan – Jeevan Mitra (Double)
Date of birth – 25-Sep-1990 (I am just taking it for 20 years individual)
sum Assured : 3,00,000/-
policy/premium term – 25/25
Yearly Premium – 11,477/-

With this data, let’s go 20 years back, and enter the appropriate values in

Commencement date of policy 25-Sep-1990
Date of birth 25-Sep-1970
Plan number 88-Jeevan Mitra(Double)
Premium mode Yearly
policy term 25
premium paying term 25
Sum Assured 300000
Premium 11477
Rider premiumn 0
Last premium paid date 25-Sep-09

Final Calculation:
Completed years = 19
Money paid till now (11,477 * 19) = 2,18,220
Accrued bonus (average 49 per 1000) = 2,79,501

According my formula told you before, if I surrender today (30% of premiums till now paid for (completed years -1) * 30% of accrued bonus)
= 30*11,477*18/100 + 30*2,79,501/100
= 1,45,825/-

Result from the website is 144,141.

Final Impression:
There is slight change in result because of bonus variation. This shows the formula I got from LIC officer is correct.

Any thoughts?

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago


Thanks for insight, will let you know soon my decision.


14 years ago

Hi Manish,

I too have learned much from ur blogs & now can choose better
products & can invest wisely..Still in learning phase.

Can u come with article related with NRI investment ?
What are good investment options for NRIs?

14 years ago

Hi Manish,

Good article (as usual) !

I have an off-topic question that’s been bugging me for a few days now.
I own a car that’s 5 years old. I plan to buy a new car in another 4-5 years.
I don’t want to take a car loan (I had a painful enough experience paying off the loan for my present car).
I am willing to put aside some money (upto Rs. 10k per month) to build up a fund to replace my present car (I’m looking at buying a car in the price range of around 7 lacs).

What is the best option that I have? The most conservative one that I could think of was a Post Office RD of Rs. 9000-10000 that would give me 6.5-7.2 lacs after 5 years. Bank FDs give worse returns. Do you have any suggestions for these kind of short-term fund building?

Thanks in advance!

14 years ago

hi manish i plan to make 30 lakhs in three years to buy a house in my town.i save 60000rs after expenses every month .iam 25 yrs old and willing to take mediumto high risk.i alredy have a ulip(45000/annum) which is for the long term and i have money put aside for it.can u suggest me .i have no other jobs or responsibilities.

waiting for ur reply


Sachin S
Sachin S
14 years ago

Hi Manish,
I have following queries.
Is this right that in case of permanent disability premiums can be waived of by LIC. What if during accident someone gets permanent disability then how this is covered.

What is annuity? How we can get annuity on lump some amount after 50 Years (retirement).


14 years ago

Very Informative post, well explained.
Keep up the good work.


Reply to  Rakesh
14 years ago

Manish, could not download your e book…where is the link??

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

ya…got it thanks..
also, ichecked about the ETF tracking error…and have clarified on that blog..
do have a look once

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

No…checked out both instruments..

ETF have significant tracking errors…upto 6-7%..
Thats the most irritating thing for me…for i intended to mirror the indices…now ill have to do it the costlier and more fussy, paperwork way : buy index MF 🙁

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Im sorry..dont have the link now..
but u can check for Kotak ETF during sep 2009-dec 2009..

14 years ago

Well it is always as something to do with money so you have to be very careful before taking any decision….A very nice post.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Well any one learn from their misakes and yes if some one wants to prevent themselves from commiting mistake they have to be updated and take calculated risks…

14 years ago

A Very good article as usual . Thanks 🙂

14 years ago

hi manish,

good illustration.

i think u spend a lot of time on this blog educating the rookies like us new to the mayabizzare called the stock market.iwant to know if u make any money from this blog,because u keep educating debutants like me spending alot of time in this blog.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

hope u will make it and be a facebook for punters like us

all the best