
August 19, 2009

List of Best Equity Diversified Mutual Funds for 2009

Which is the best Equity Diversified Mutual Fund ? . I am going to list down some of the best Mutual funds which I have figured out from Valueresearchonline.com . I am listing down 6 Equity Diversified Mutual Funds and 3 Tax-saving Mutual funds . I will highlight the main points of Mutual funds like its History , its performance and its Portfolio Allocation.

Best Equity Diversified Funds

These funds are suitable for people who are looking for long term investments and are ready to take the risk of mutual funds .

DSPBR Equity-G

  • 12 year old fund , Return Since Launch is at an excellent : 24.6%
  • Strong 5 yrs return at 33.4% beating its benchmark by impressive 8.4%
  • 50% Portfolio in Small and Mid cap Companies (Risky Fund, with High Potential)

DSPBR Top 100 Eqt Reg-G

  • 6.5 year old fund , Return Since Launch is mind boggling : 36.8%
  • Strong 5 yrs return at 30.6% beating its benchmark by 6% .
  • 80% Portfolio in Large and Giant Companies
  • Looks less risky Fund compared to DSPBR Equity-G

HDFC Top 200

  • 13 year old fund , Return Since Launch is excellent : 25.3%
  • Strong 5 yrs return at 31.8% beating its benchmark by 7% .
  • 65% Portfolio in Large and Giant Companies and 30% in Mid caps . Well Diversified Fund
  • One of the best funds available with long term Track record . Must Have

Magnum Contra

  • 10 year old fund , Return Since Launch is excellent : 27.6%
  • Strong 5 yrs return at 35.86% beating its benchmark by astonishing 11% .
  • 55% Portfolio in Large and Giant Companies and 35% in Mid caps and Small cap .

Reliance Regular Savings Equity

  • 4 year old fund , Return Since Launch is 21% even with the bloody market Crash.
  • Strong 3 yrs return at 21.5% beating its benchmark by 12.5% speaks for its potential in Future .
  • 45% Portfolio in Mid caps and Small cap makes it a Risky and Aggressive Fund .
  • With minimum investment required of Rs 500 , It can find a small corner in one’s Portfolio
  • Only for Risky Investors , Its a new Fund and hence does not have Strong and Long track record like its seniors .

Sundaram BNP Paribas S.M.I.L.E. Reg

  • 4.5 year old fund , Return Since Launch is 22.5% even with the bad markets.
  • Good 3 yrs return at 16.5% beating its benchmark by 7% .
  • With close of 75% Portfolio in Midcaps and Small cap makes its Fund with heart of real Risk takers . Don’t get into this if you don’t like messy markets . It can take your heart our of your body and play hide and seek with it .

You should see this Video to understand how to choose a good mutual fund on your own

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Best ELSS Mutual funds (Tax Saving Mutual Funds)

These are tax saving Funds , used for saving the tax under Sec 80C upto Rs 1 lac . Suitable for investors who want to invest for long term and also require tax saving .

Sundaram BNP Paribas Taxsaver

  • One of the oldest Tax saving Funds with 10 yrs of Strong Track Record
  • Return Since Launch is 22.3% .Strong 33% return in last 5 yrs beating its benchmark by impressive 6.5% .
  • Very good performance in last 2-3 years in falling markets with 17.3% return in last 3 yrs which is almost double of its benchmark returns .
  • Well diversified amoung Giant , Large and Midcap companies makes its a Good fund .
  • A little aggressive fund with 55% portfolio in just 3 sectors of Energy , Finance and Construction , betting on India’s future ..
  • A very flexible fund know for its adaptability with any situation makes it suitable for every kind of investor.

Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver

  • One of the oldest Tax saving Funds with 16 yrs of Good Track Record
  • Return Since Launch is 15% which is decent enough in such a long term .
  • Very good performance in last 5 years with 30.5% return beating its benchmark by impressive 7% .
  • Mind Boggling 60% return in till date in current year (2009) shows that some great potential is building in this fund .
  • Well diversified amount Giant , Large and Midcap companies makes its a Good fund .
  • High Concentrating in midcaps (around 50%) makes it a risky Fund .
  • Minimum Investment of Rs 500 makes it an attractive choice for Risky Small Investors .

HDFC Tax Saver-G

  • This one is the quite genius who does not shout much about its achievement . Not much appreciated among its peers but has one of the best long term track record which has ability to put all the tax saving funds in shame .
  • One of the oldest Tax saving Funds with 13.5 yrs of excellent track record.
  • Return Since Launch is 34% which is an unmatched achievement in itself .
  • Close to 29.5% returns in last 5 yrs beating its benchmark by 6% .
  • It is now becoming more aggressive by increasing its allocation in Midcap funds .

Note : This is not an exhaustive list of Good funds . There are many good funds which are not here . Its just a Compilation of funds which I personally feel are good ones and have ability to perform in Future . All the funds have high Equity Allocation and can be very risky . You should invest in these only after understanding your Asset Allocation and Risk-appetite to handle the ups and downs of its performance .

I will come up with the compilation of some good Sectoral Funds , Debt Funds and Balanced Funds later . Watch for it 🙂

Comments Please and let me know which fund is your favorite and why . If I had to choose 1 fund , it would be Sundaram Tax Saver because I did a detailed Analysis of it myself and It went ahead of SBI magnum which had number 1 position from long time .

Source : ValueResearchOnline

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8 years ago

Hi Manish,

what are your thoughts about investing in axis long term Equity fund and franklin India taxshield..?

8 years ago


i Love your blog…nice mesgs about life ,money and good things.
Still those ELSS FUNDS are good in this year also bro.i,e 2016.
i am looking to invest 2000 per month for tax saving in ELSS .
Please suggest bro.

Have a good and health life bro.

8 years ago

Hi Manish,

I am an NRI and was recently hoodwinked by an HDFC agent into investing in Progrowth Flexi insurance plus investment scheme. I have realised that it is not worth it and would like to surrender it. Could you please recommend equity based mutual funds which can give high returns in long term (10 yrs)? I can take medium to high risk. I would appreciate your resoponse.


Kavya Nair
Kavya Nair
10 years ago

Hi Manish,

It must feel great to be the top personal finance blogger in the country!

I am a 33 year old IT professional and have been investing in mutual funds since 2005. My risk appetite is medium to high, while my investment goal is a retirement corpus of 1 crore.
My portfolio is as below (cost of investment -9 lakh so far)
HDFC Index Fund – Sensex Plus Plan
HDFC Top 200 Fund
HDFC TaxSaver
HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund
SBI Emerging Businesses Fund
SBI Magnum Tax Gain Scheme
Reliance Equity Oppurtunities fund

I am currently investing monthly 20K SIP into Reliance Equity Opp ,another 15k SIP into HDFC Mid-Cap Opp fund and 10k into SBI Emerging Businesses Fund .

I have 2 questions
1. If I continue with current SIP pattern for another 5-10 years and then put only 10k into any equity fund , will I be able to achieve my goal?
2. What do you think of my current portfolio? Would you recommend downsizing of my portfolio?

Thanking in advance


Vikram K P
Vikram K P
10 years ago

Hi Manish,

Thank you for mentioning the best Equity related MF under the heading “List of Best Equity Diversified Mutual Funds for 2009”. Request you to provide similar information for 2014. If this information is already published, please provide the link so that I can refer to it.

Regards, Vikram Premkumar

10 years ago

Dear Manish,

Thank you so much for quick reply.

10 years ago

Dear Manish,

Recently I came to know about this blog & became a fan of your work. I am 35 years old and having two children. My yearly Invstment is as below:

Rs. 18000/year in Term Insutrance (LIC – Amulya Jivan; Anmol Jivan)
Rs. 2o,ooo/year in other LIC Policy (Jivan Anand; Jivan Saran; Triple cover)
Rs. 15,000/year in PPF
Rs. 16575 / month Home Loan EMI

Now, I am planning to invest Rs.3000/ month in Mutual fund for long term. can you please advice which MF is suitbalbe for me to invest?

11 years ago

Recently I came to know your blog. Then I got to know lot of things by studying articles one after the other. Now I can say I am addicted to your blog.

I am 29 yrs. old. I can invest monthly Rs. 4000. So please suggest me a good MF or any other thing for long term investing.

I need a minimum two from Equity Diversified Funds & minimum one from ELSS Mutual fund. Tell me in what ratio I can relocate the amount. Thanks in advance.

Anubhav Saini
Anubhav Saini
11 years ago

Hi Manish,

I am a new investor got recently awakened regarding my financial future.

I am 26, need to spend 2000 in MF’s… My 1st choice is 1000 in HDFC Top 200 (G)
where should i invest the other half? Or should I split up into 500-500… Kindly suggest.

Also i invest nearly 70,000 per year in PPF, been doing so for past 3-4 yrs.. Is this investment ok or shall I increase it??

Best Regards
Anubhav Saini

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
11 years ago

Hi Manish,

Thanks for your response, I am sorry I couldnt explain properly..
1. 1000 in HDFC Top 200 and
2. Another 1000 into some other MF? I was asking about this 1k? Shld i invest 500 x 2 or full 1k in one?


11 years ago


I am 28 now and wish to retire by 60 i have made one time investment in uti dividend yeild and brila dividend yeild fund both devidend reinvestment option for rs 60000. my query is that is this two schemes enough to generate a corpus of 5000000 when i am 60 years old ?

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
11 years ago


Then please sujest some funds for one time investment for my target

11 years ago

Thanks! Manish
what money proportion do you think in this?

11 years ago

Hi I am new in MF investment.
i am planning to invest 4000-4500 per month in MF as per bellow can you please suggest me in this.
its sufficeant amount in the starting or should i plan 6000-7000pm
my planning
HDFC top 200- rs. 1000/-
UTI Opportunity – rs. 500/-
Franklin India Tax shield- rs- 1000/-
Reliance Equity rs-500/-
ICICI Prudential focus blue chip rs. 1000/-
Birla MNC Mid Cap rs. 500/- (confused)

please suggest + or – of money investing as above
Thanks in Advenced

11 years ago

At the very onset, i would like to appreciate your good work in bringing such knowledgeable articles and info to the masses.
I am very new to the investment world and i have just started saving some money p.m after around a year of working in a private IT firm.I need some help regarding where and how to but MFs.
I am ready to invest in 4-5 SIP plans of Rs.5000/- from 2-3 AMCs that i have shortlisted after doing some research on the internet regarding MFs.I have a salaried account with icici bank.I can easily start SIPs p.m. auto debit from that bank’s fundhouse.But for the other AMCs, i have a few queries.The queries are –
1) do i need to open savings acct with HDFC to invest in their MFs ?
2) I dont want to manage my funds from different directions, so is there a way to invest in other funds from ICICI bank ? can i buy MFs from DSP,reliance,UTI using my ICICI account.
3) Also i need auto-debit SIP for all the funds from my salaried account.Is there a way to do this?
4) Also could you enlighten me about the need for demat accounts ? (I have heard that they are not a neccessity for mutual fund investments.Then what is their utility? ) ..

Your answers would be highly helpful.

Thanks in advance.

11 years ago

Dear Manish
I have SIP 2000 for 20 yrs target and now i want to pour some extra amount on that same Fund and extend that target period to 30 yrs. plz tel me how i can do the same .Is it possible to adjust it in previous folio and how.

Mohsin Mirza
Mohsin Mirza
11 years ago

Hi Manish,

I want to invest 8000 Rs per month for 25 -30 years in order to accumulate a.5 crore at the age of 60. Where should I invest? I am a high risk taker. Do have a back with other source of Income. Please give specific fund or policy details

Mohsin Mirza
Mohsin Mirza
Reply to  Jagoinvestor
11 years ago

Can u suggest any thing here i.e., which funds. Franklin blue chip has received large vote here. In how many mutual funs I should invest, I am looking for 4 mutual funds. How do i diversify within this funds or do i need to diversify here. I am a guy who invests and forget cant keep track for years.
Thanks for your prompt reply.
God Bless

Mohsin Mirza
Mohsin Mirza
Reply to  Jagoinvestor
11 years ago

I was not 5 crore instead 2.5 crore sorry for typing error.

nitin pant
nitin pant
12 years ago

hi manish….
i m nitin .i m new to mutual fund. i have monthly savings of 15000 RS. plz suggest me some mf for 1 yr and 3yr ….ready to take risk…… i have not invested any where…waiting for valuable advice..

nitin pant
nitin pant
Reply to  Jagoinvestor
12 years ago


anoop singh
anoop singh
12 years ago

thanks manish for guiding me with a suitable reply, can you recommend me some good equity diversified funds.. how about HDFC equity funds, and how much money should i invest and for how long,

anoop singh
anoop singh
Reply to  anoop singh
12 years ago

waitng for ur reply…..

anoop singh
anoop singh
12 years ago

hi manish,
my name is anoop singh from lucknow,U.P. my request is to guide me on my financial plannings. i am a private sector employee, and my earning is about 3 lac/ p.a.i am 29 yrs old and recently got married in april,and live in my parents house.

i have insurance in LIC india( money back ) sum insured is 1 lac, strated in 2004, p[remium-2720/quarterly

onother policy in max new york life(life gain plus) sum insured is 3.2 lac started in 2006.- 1250/p.m

policy with met life (metlife smart gold) sum insured is 1.2 lac started in 2008- premium-6000/ half yearly

max new york life(six year term pay) sum insured is 4lacs started in 2012- premium – 10654/ quarterly

recently i have invested in three mutual funds scheme in april.
reliance gold fund -1000/p.m
HDFC top 200-1000/p.m
HDFC mid cap opportunity- 1000/ p.m.

plase look at my portfolio and guide me for investing as i can invest rs 2000/pm more on mutual funds.
also i have taken icare-term insurance plan from aegon religare ,yesterday,for an annual prium of 6740/p.m. &now as i wish to surrender/ switch from metlife insurance policy.which are the good funds where i can get maturity benefits also..
i,ve just got married last month, please advise me for my current portfolio…

thank you
anoop singh
mobile no: 91-8400254124

Amol Limaye
Amol Limaye
12 years ago

Hi Manish,

i am 34 now and married,having a homeloan of 15 lakhs.
My plans will be:-
1) Repayment of loan within 5 yrs.
2) Child education and marriage
3) Good corpus at the time of retirement(may be around 7-10 crore)

Current income : 80000
investment : 100000( LIC)
Recurring deposit : 10000 ( Per month)

Please suggest me what will be good investment and which is product i can look for

Amol Limaye

12 years ago

Hi Manish,
Currently i am investing on 2 funds as a SIP(2000 each) i.e.
1) HDFC Top 200
2) ICICI Bluchip

I am planning to add 1 more , can you please tell me which i have to take and whether my existing choices(mentioned above ) is good or not?


Reply to  Jagoinvestor
12 years ago

Hi Manish,
Thanks for your comment..
I am 31 now and married,having a homeloan of 20 lakhs.
My plans will be:-
1) Repayment of loan within 5 yrs.
2) Child education and marriage
3) Good corpus at the time of retirement(may be around 7-10 crore)

Is it ok to stick with the SIPs for fulfilling all the objectives, or i have to take some other plans.
