10 minutes video guide to check your FREE Credit Report & Score

Do you know that every person is entitled to 1 free credit report and score each year from each of the credit bureaus in India? There is 4 credit bureau in India which are CIBIL, Experian, Equifax and Highmark.

As per RBI guidelines, now each of them have to provide one free report each year. For those of you who do not know, a credit report is a document that has all your past loan repayment history and a score that tells a lender if you should be given any loan or not.

So each lender checks these reports and scores as part of their loan approval process. It’s very important for investors to keep track of their credit scores from time to time.

How to get free credit report and score in India each year

Step by Step Process to Check FREE Score online

So today I am going to share the process of getting the free report and score online from each CIBIL Transunion, Experian, Equifax, and Highmark credit bureau. I have personally checked my own score + report from each credit bureau and I will teach you the step by step process of how you can do it too. The whole process is online and you do not have to fill any form by hand or send any documents anywhere.

Note that your credit report will be available only if you have taken some kind of loan or credit card. So if you do not have any kind of loan, you will most probably not have it, unless someone has misused your documents and applied for some loan.

So let’s start with CIBIL first.

How to check the FREE CIBIL report and Score?

In order to check your free CIBIL Transunion report and score, you need to follow below steps –

  • Go to https://www.cibil.com/freecibilscore
  • On that page, click on the link which asks you to apply for a free report
  • Enter your basic details like name, address, PAN etc and submit
  • Enter more details on the next page which asks you detailed information
  • Once you fill the details, CIBIL will send you a temporary password on email
  • Then go to https://www.cibil.com/mycibil/ and sign in with your temporary password
  • Change the password mycibilpage and relogin with the new password
  • Now on this page, you need to verify your details like loans and amounts
  • If everything is correct, then you will be taken to a page which shows you FREE Report

Note that you should watch the video above to exactly understand the steps required to check your report.

How to Check FREE Experian Report and Score each year?

In order to check your free Experian report and score, you need to follow below steps –

  • Go to http://www.experian.in/index.html
  • On the right bottom sidebar, you will see a link for free score and report, click on that
  • It will take you to http://www.experian.in/consumer/experian-free-credit-report.html
  • Enter your basic details like Name, Email, and Phone and submit
  • You will get a voucher code in your email using which you can get a free report
  • Go to https://consumer.experian.in/ECV/content/landingPageSubmit.action
  • Enter your current details like Identity Details, Contact details etc and continue to step 2
  • Confirm your email on next page, and then go to your email to click on a link inside for email verification
  • On the page, enter your voucher number and move ahead
  • You will then be asked for some verification questions related to your debt.
  • Once you answer them correctly, you will be taken to your free report

How to Check FREE Equifax Credit Report and Score?

Here are the steps to check your free Equifax report and score

  • Download the Equifax India mobile app (android or iOS)
  • Register your email and get temporary PIN number
  • Enter a temporary PIN and reset a new PIN and then log in to the App
  • Enter your Name, Phone, Date of Birth and Adhaar Card
  • An OTP will come to your phone number which is linked to adhaar card
  • After OTP verification, your KYC check will be complete
  • On the app, click on the link “Credit Report”
  • On the page, click on the link “Request Free Credit Report”
  • Enter all your details and then click on Submit
  • Now your “Knowledge-based Assessment” will be in the pending stage.
  • After 24 hours, your knowledge-based assessment will get generated.
  • Click on the app, and click on the link which says “Knowledge-based assessment”
  • Give correct answers to the questions asked, after which your credit report will be in the “Initiated” stage
  • After 24-48 hours, you will get an email with the free credit report as an attachment
  • Download the attachment and have a look at your report and score.
  • You can also login to the app and check your report there

For those, who do not have mobile linked with adhaar, they can send their KYC documents along with a filled form to Equifax customer care, and on verification, they will get their free report in 48 hours

How to Check FREE Highmark Credit Report and Score?

Here are the steps to check your free Highmark credit report

  • Go to https://cir.crifhighmark.com
  • Register as a new user and set your new password
  • Activate your account by clicking on the link inside the email
  • Again login and choose an option to get a free report on the top of the page
  • Enter all your details and click submit
  • You will get a notification that inquiry was successful and now wait for the email
  • After a few hours, you will get an authentication email
  • Click on the link and verify some of the information asked on the page
  • On successful verification, you will get an email with PDF attachment after 48 hours
  • Open you free Highmark report and check it

I hope the above videos must have given a good clarity on what needs to be done to check your report online, totally free of cost.

Why you should check your report every year?

A credit report is fast becoming a very integral part of the credit system in India from the last few years (it’s already is). It’s highly recommended to have a clean record and a fairly good credit score if you don’t want to get rejected for your future loan applications.

Now with one free report from every credit bureau, everyone should check theirs from each company and make sure that all the credit remakes and details like name, age, score, and other details are correct. If you find any problems, immediately raise a dispute with the lender and the credit bureau and start fixing it.

PRO Tip – Subscribe to each report with the gap of 90 days

One of our readers Krishna mentioned a wonderful trip

Don’t subscribe all 4 reports at the same time. Time them one per quarter so you can monitor your credit report for any frauds frequently instead of once every year.

So the point is that if you divide your free reports checks every 90 days, you will be able to find out if there were any frauds happening throughout the whole year. However, if you just apply for all the reports in a single month, then you will be able to apply them only next year.

Let me know if you face any issues while checking your free report

CIBIL introduces Subscription Services!. Get 4 quarterly reports at Rs 1,200

CIBIL has now started subscription services for its customers. Now you can get bimonthly or quarterly CIBIL Reports if you want to track your credit score on an ongoing basis, then this service is for you.

cibil subscription services

How to apply for the CIBIL report on a subscription basis?

Earlier you only had an option to buy your CIBIL Credit Report on a one-time basis by paying fees. Now you can buy it on a subscription basis if you wish to.

You need to visit https://www.cibil.com/creditscore/. There you will see 3 options which have 1 report (one time), 2 reports (half-yearly) or 4 reports (quarterly). One can choose any one of these options and fill up other authentication-related details and then make the payment online. You will start getting your reports on email.
cibil subscription charges

Who should opt for the CIBIL subscription?

I think all those investors who are going to apply for loans in near future and want to keep a watch on their scores or those investors whose CIBIL Reports were bad earlier and they have taken steps to improve their scores, can apply for CIBIL subscription so that they get the periodic reports. However also note that from the coming year, CIBIL will provide one FREE report anyways

At this point of time, the one-time CIBIL Report + score costs Rs 550, if you apply for another report within the period of 12 months, then your total cost anyways will be Rs 1,100 , where as the quarterly subscription cost Rs 1,200. However if you are the first time applicant, I suggest only buy the one time report.

How to correct CIBIL report mistakes in next 30 days – A step by step Guide

Today I am going to teach you some step by step process which will help you to correct your wrong CIBIL entries, which will, in turn, improve your CIBIL score. Most of the investors take some of the other kinds of loan and if they are not able to pay the EMI’s on time or default on the loan, their CIBIL report gets messed up and they don’t get further loans in future.

This is because once your credit history becomes bad, then lenders are not very excited to give you loans.

correct credit report mistakes

How to correct the CIBIL record?

I recently got a question from Mukesh Kumar, who saw a wrong entry in his CIBIL report. See what he says…

I have an error in my cibil report that I applied for loan in 2009.but it is wrong entry. How can it be corrected.

CIBIL report can contain mistakes either due to the investor’s mistake and their ignorance, but many a time the errors happen because of bank mistakes or manual issues.

Some reasons for mistakes in the Credit report

  • The lender did not update the correct remarks with CIBIL
  • The lender updated the wrong remark with CIBIL
  • CIBIL makes mistake in name, address, gender or date of birth while creating the report
  • The mistake happened while generating the CIBIL report
  • There was some fraud using your documents and hence the wrong entries

4 Step process of correcting the CIBIL mistakes

Let me help you with the step by step process if you want to fix the errors in your credit report. Here you go ..

Step #1 : Check your CIBIL report

You will not be able to move ahead unless you properly understand your current situation. So the first step is to apply for your CIBIL report and understand it properly.

You can go to CIBIL website and pay the fees to get your report. Once you pay the CIBIL charges, you will receive the PDF report in your mail almost instantly which will contain your credit score and the report. Below is a nice video tutorial by the CIBIL team which shows you how to read the CIBIL report.

Step #2 – Raise a Dispute Resolution with CIBIL

Once you have understood your report, you should make the list of all the errors and mistakes in the report.

After that, your first point of contact is CIBIL. You should raise something called a CIBIL Dispute Resolution at https://www.cibil.com/dispute/.

You need to fill up some details and mention the issues in your report which you think should be corrected. Once you do this, your dispute will get recorded and CIBIL will get in touch with the lenders one by one and ask them to relook at the issues if they would like to send a new update (the correct one).

Note that CIBIL will never make any changes in your report themselves. They will only do it once they get a go-ahead from the lender because at the end of the day, your CIBIL report is the collection of all the information CIBIL gets from various lenders.

How online dispute resolution with CIBIL works?

dispute resolution cibil process

It can take anywhere from few days to 30 days for your dispute resolution to get sorted out. But I suggest waiting for 45 days. If you have questions on this, I suggest you read the FAQ on dispute resolution here

This dispute resolution can be raised even if you have not bought the report yourself but got it from the lender while applying for some loan.

Now, in this case, it might happen that the lender refuses to correct some information because they think that they are correct and the investor is wrong. In which case the investor should take the 3rd step.

Step #3 – Contact lenders directly

If the dispute resolution works, then the changes will happen in the report. But at times some lenders might disagree to some point and refuse to make the changes.

At this point, CIBIL can’t do much and you will now have to follow-up with the lender yourself.

Let me give you an example.

Suppose there is a guy who checks his credit report and see that one of the loans which he paid off fully, is marked as “WRITTEN OFF”. In this case, he can raise a dispute resolution with CIBIL and let’s say the lender says that the loan was still not paid off and some amount was remaining and with interest and late payment charges, the loan becomes bigger and later they marked it as WRITTEN OFF.

In this case, the guy has to contact the lender himself and then sort things out.

He can ask for all the explanation proofs and loan statements and prove if there was any loan outstanding or not. In this case, it would have helped if the person had taken a NOC once he thought that the loan is complete and paid off.

Contact lender through email + phone

Coming back to this point, the first step is to send an email to the lender, stating your case with proper dates and the error in the report. If possible, also attach a snapshot of the CIBIL report. Then wait for a few days for their response, and if you don’t get any response, then you should visit their branch in the city.

Meet the manager there or whoever is the in-charge of the CIBIL loans section. If 30 days are over and you are not getting any proper response, it’s the time to raise an online complaint with banking ombudsman. This way you have at least raised one leg of investigation and waged a war against the lender.

To give you an example, see how lender did not update the correct status with CIBIL in this case below

I have taken loan from fullerton India long back and paid the same. they have also given me NOC. But the same is still not updated in CIBIL records. My financials status is now good and I can pay loan installments regularly. I am good salaried and paying IT also regularly. Can this improve my CIBIL Score and Can I get Loan ?

In case you face any issues, feel free to contact CIBIL team. Here are the CIBIL contact numbers on this link. Call their customer care number and mention your issues, at times this can bring faster results.

Step #4 – Close your Past Dues and Outstanding amounts, if any

Finally, once you contact the lender, it might happen that there was a genuine mistake from the lender’s end. If they agree, they will update the correct status with CIBIL and your issue will get resolved in 60-90 days. But if not, then mostly the issue is due to some past outstanding amount which did not pay.

Loan Settlements and not paying EMI on time.

In most of the cases I have seen, the issue is some past loan for which 100% outstanding was not paid off by investor and it was settled for a lower amount. For example, support you owe Rs 1 lacs in the loan, but are unable to pay it and you do the settlement for Rs 60,000.
Years later then you see a remark on your CIBIL Report which says “SETTLED” or “WRITTEN OFF”. At this point the situation is very bad because most of the investors don’t want to pay this surprising amount just to fix things.

Check out this real-life case

I took Durable loan with Capital-First in Feb 2014 with period of 9 months. I paid first 6 EMI’s on time but the last EMI I didn’t paid, one fine day I got call from Capital-First Legal team and they asked me to clear rest of amount. So I paid remaining amount in single shot using Capital first online portal in Aug 2015.

Recently in Feb 2016 I pull CIBIL Report and I found the above account marked as “WRITTEN-OFF” and Raised Dispute with CIBIL, I observed in latest (in May 2016) CIBIL report that the status changed “WRITTEN-OFF” to “POST(W/O) Settled”. I discussed with Capital First Customer care many times. They just gave reply like “you paid amount in stage of WRITTEN-OFF status. so it should be POST(W/O) Settled. it won’t change further”

Is that true? and How do I remove that status from My CIBIL?

In this case, it’s very difficult to improve your score, because that bad remark will be there for many years/decades, unless you clear off the loan.

Get in touch with lender

So if possible try to get in touch with the lender and speak to them about this. Ask them how you can get a “closed” remark for a loan. At times lenders are ready to take a lesser amount and update the entry as “Closed” with CIBIL.

Once you follow all these steps and correct your CIBIL mistakes, your CIBIL score will go up over time.

I hope you got a fair step by step process on correcting the mistakes in the CIBIL report? In case there are any questions, I will be happy to take them in the comments section.

CIBIL to provide 1 free credit report a year – Says RBI Governor

CIBIL will soon be providing 1 free credit report a year to every person starting Jan 1, 2017 as per RBI directions . This was said by RBI governor Raghuram rajan at a seminar on ‘Transforming Rural India through Financial Inclusion’.

This is great news for investors because right now one has to pay Rs 550 for getting a onetime credit score and report from CIBIL. While Rs 550 is not a very big amount for many people, for a majority it’s quite a good amount and most of the people are not in agreement to pay for a PDF report, as they think that it should be freely available.


How the FREE credit report will help investors?

A lot of investors have till date not checked their credit report and hence they are not aware of any issues which might be present in their report. Not everyone is ready to pay Rs 550 for their report and even that’s the reason why many people are not aware of their credit score.

With this free credit report, I think a lot of people will start looking at their report and start working on improving their score and take measures to remove the bad remarks from their report. Investors will also be able to find out if there are any fraud loans on their name taken by others if any.

Seems like RBI has really pushed on this matter of free credit report. The reason why I say this is because around a month back in June, 2016 , there news channels had reported that RBI has suggested CIBIL and other credit bureau to provide a one free report. You can check out this youtube video.

What is Credit Report?

In case you are not aware, Credit report is a comprehensive report which is prepared by CIBIL or other credit bureau from the data they get from various banks and lending institutions. The report contains your credit history and all the details about our past loan payments (including credit card). Every lender uses this report to understand how trustworthy you are and if you should be given a loan or not.

In a lot countries consumers are entitled for one free credit report a year and now it’s going to be a reality in India too. I went to https://www.usa.gov/credit-reports to understand how it works in US and found out that Americans are entitled to get 1 free credit report from all the three credit bureau there. See the snapshot mentioning that below


In India apart from CIBIL, we have Experian and Equifax as other two credit bureau, but at this moment RBI governor has only announced that one will get a free report from CIBIL. He has not mentioned about the other two.

However, I think over time even they will start providing a free credit report to catch up with the rules.

What you think about this news? Do you think it’s fair for CIBIL to charge people for providing the credit report or it should always be FREE?

Why your credit report remarks matter more than high credit score?

So, you have been reading a lot about CIBIL these days and you have got the impression that having a high credit score like 800 or 850 is a key to get your kind of loan?

If that’s the case, let me break your myth that having a high credit score is not a guarantee that you will get a loan from a company. Look at the following comment and you will understand what I am talking about

Dear Sir,

I have taken the PL of Rs.1.5 L from HDFC and get settled of amount Rs.15 k in 2013. In March 2015, I checked my CBIL score, it is 813 however loan status is settled.

Recently I applied for PL of Rs.5 L in ICICI but it gets rejected based on previous settled loan. I don’t get this, when my CBIL score is 813 then how its get rejected. Kindly guide me how could I get PL as its v.urgent for me.


What is CIBIL remark and score?

In case you are new to this CIBIL concept. I suggest you read this article or watch this video below from the Cibil team.

It will help you understand the concept of the credit bureau and credit report. Once you view the video, then you can move ahead.

Your credit report remarks matter more than your Credit Score

Let me share with you a personal experience. My brother had taken a bike on loan a few years back and I was with him in the Bajaj showroom where I asked the executive if they really looked at CIBIL score (CIBIL was new around that time). The executive shared with me that they don’t look at a credit score, instead, they look at the remarks on the report and that is what matters most along with your other factors.

It was really a new thing for me to know that a credit report does not have that much Importance compared to the credit score in your loan approval process.

Credit remarks vs. Credit Score

Let’s understand both the concepts and the meaning of these two things

What are Credit Remarks on your report?

If you have 3 different kinds of loan accounts (1 home loan, 1 car loan, 1 credit card). In that case, you will have the remarks for each of these loan accounts and the current status. Imagining you have closed the loan accounts, the remarks may say “Settled” , “Written Off” or “Closed”, out of which the first two are bad remarks. At times, if you are not able to pay off the loan, the loan guys will try to persuade you to settle the loan with a lesser amount and close the chapter.

However note that it’s a short term solution to just get away with the problem. Eventually, the remark will be marked as “Settled” or “Written Off” and in future when another lender looks at your report, he will come to know that you didn’t pay the full/partial amount of loan outstanding.


At this point in time, even if you have great salary or a good credit score (we will look at it below), they are going to reject your loan application.

What is a Credit Score?

Credit score is a number between 300 and 900, which signifies your credit worthiness and how likely are you to default on paying your loan installments. A low credit score means that there are higher chances of you defaulting on the loan payments. This credit score calculation is a trade secret and no one knows the algorithm of how it’s calculated, but there are various factors that are considered by the credit bureau which its calculation.

So one can still have a high credit score (the chances of paying their future EMI’s regularly), but still their past remarks will have a greater impact on their loan evaluation process. While a score of 750+ is desirable (as per CIBIL around 79% loans were given to those with CIBIL score of more than 750), don’t think that just because your score is higher than 750 means that you will surely get a loan.

cibil score 750

In the same way, if yours is less than 750 (like 600 or 720), but if your credit remarks are clean, you will most probably still get the loan, considering you qualify on other parameters like (salary, other EMI etc)

So while credit score gives a future insight, the credit remarks gives insight into the history.

4 other factors because of which loan application rejection can happen?

  • If you are a guarantor for a loan which is already defaulted. Though you have not taken the loan directly, your application might get rejected if you have become the guarantor of a loan by your friend/relative and they have defaulted.
  • If you are too dependent on credit already (means if you are over-leveraged). Imagine if you are already paying 50% of your income on EMI’s and have many different kinds of loans running. Even then your application might be rejected.
  • You don’t have enough tax payment history. If you have not been paying your taxes regularly, then it’s tough for the company to ascertain your paying capacity, hence, make sure you file your returns regularly and properly
  • Too many unsecured loans, if your loan portfolio has too many unsecured loans (credit card, personal loans) then it’s not a good sign and makes you look a credit hungry customer. This might lead to rejection.

So what’s the learning?

So what’s the learning out of this?

The main thing you should focus on is to make sure that your credit report does not contain any bad remarks and if there are any, then you should take actions to rectify it. It will by default help you in improving your credit score. Don’t get obsessed with increasing the credit score. If your credit score is above 700 and your report is clean, you are 95% good to go. Beyond that, if your score is higher, it’s a great thing. But don’t over-focus on it.

Before applying for any kind of loan, make sure you apply for your credit report and score before few months and analyze it to find out if you need to fix it or not. Over the long run, just keep paying your dues on time and do not abuse your credit utilization and you should be good in the long run.

Let me know if you have any queries about this.

How Wrong CIBIL report’s have harassed & destroyed many investors life?

A few years back, India was introduced to the world of “Credit Bureaus” and “Credit Scores”. Credit Bureaus track an individual’s credit history and create a report from that data. So all your financial history including credit cards, loans, the timeliness and regularity of your repayments and the number of times you have sought credit, is captured in this single report, and based on all this information a score is generated. This data is shared with lenders on request and subsequently used by them to make a lending decision.

CIBIL report Errors

On paper, this idea looks great because the system ensures that there is extensive record keeping for all individuals and the data can help lenders and banks make effective lending decisions. So far, the intention was good and admittedly with our huge population and fragile systems, there were bound to be a few hiccups along the way.

But it would seem that the amount of confusion created by the Credit Bureaus has reached unreasonable proportions.

Wrong Credit reports and how they are messing up financial lives of many

From the last 3-4 years, I have been hearing horror stories about how various financial lives have been destroyed as a result of wrong credit reports and mismatches in data. Banks are now mostly reliant on CIBIL reports for processing loan requests – they look at the CIBIL report and take the decision. But how does one guarantee that each and every bit of data recorded in the credit report is a 100% CORRECT?

There have been tons of instances where the report was wrong or had incorrect information and ultimately the consumer had to suffer a lot because of it.

  • Imagine a student who is looking for education loan and his father has applied for education loan, but bank is not ready to give loan because there is no Credit history ?
  • Imagine a family has made the down payment for their dream home and have applied for home loan , but it gets rejected because their CIBIL report has an entry for a credit card due which they have closed 8 yrs back and now neither they are getting loan , nor the builder is co-operating with them
  • Imagine a guy who is in need of personal loan, and if fully eligible for it, but could not get it just because his report has data of some one else whose name is close enough and the system has made the error ?
  • Imagine a guy following up with banks to update his data with CIBIL, then going back to CIBIL to know the status, asking 100 times about it, still not getting any clue on what is the status and finally he feels helpless and sorry for the whole system

Wrong Data in Reports

One of the biggest issues with present credit reports is the inaccuracy of data. Mostly this happens because the report is pulling data from multiple sources that might have incorrect data themselves or because of name mismatches. Even though this is a system fault but the end result is that the investor suffers.

I want to share Prabhat’s story on how his life was impacted due to wrong data in his CIBIL report.

Hi Manish,

Am a real victim of this “CIBIL”. Two years back i requested for a report. The report was full or errors- be it my name, identity, address, accounts etc. I raised a dispute form then. Since then, in that report, my name has changed thrice, my addresses have changed, my contact nos have changed. They apologised and said that corrections have been made. Recently i applied for a loan and again got rejected. When inquired and got the CIR, my data was merging with some other “Prabhat”. To confirm my doubts, i even called that person and highlighted all this in my next mail to cibil. But to no avail. You would always get a prototype reply- “We cant change data on your own and pls contact credit institution for modification”.

Ridiculous, is’nt it? First of all you sweat to get your issues registered (if only you get a great guy who happens to read your mail/ talk to you over phone by luck). Then follow the same to make them understand what is apparent to even a layman. in my case the other “Prabhat’s” pan no is different, dob is different, address and other things are also different but even then the data got merged and when i raised this, they are passing the buck onto credit institutions.

This is clearly not any fault of credit ins but of this cibil only. To be more precise- in their system of extracting data which they are not accepting. Sometimes, after negotiating so many mails and conversation with their executives, i really feel that this is being run by a bunch of nerds who would not listen or not understand your concerns. I have not taken a single penny as a loan in my whole life and now not getting loan just because of this cibil.

I want to knock the doors of law, to claim a heavy compensation- can you suggest me how and where can i lodge my complaint. I have all the evidences in black n white.


Here is another case of spelling mismatch

I got my CIBIL report recently. My Name is CHANDRA SEKHAR SHARMA but the name that I have found on the report is CHANDRA SEKHAR S V. It is not a spelling mistake as CHANDRA SEKHAR S V is a different person at all. But all my credit cards are listed against this name and one loan which is taken by MR CHANDRA SEKHAR S V is also showing here. So it is overall one report mixed up with two person’s information. In other word CIBIL is selling one report to 2 person.

I am going to report this dispute to CIBIL. But it is raising lot of question on CIBIL.
This CREDIT score concept hold good and easy to maintain in country like USA. They are having SSN concept where they are uniquely identifying each individual. But in our country we still to have such concept until UIN /adhar effective completely. Till then we have to face such situation .

Gap in Communication from Banks

The other problem is gap in communication with banks . The whole system is not efficient enough for speedy updates. Given huge banking system and widespread network, its bound to have communication gap. Here is one instance where Subhajit was marked as Defaulter by CIBIL , just because SBI didnt update some data from their side on a loan closed years back

I took a loan from SBI in 2004 and closed it in dec 2012. Now at present when i applied for another loan to some other bank, CIBIL marked me as a defaulter as they did not get any updates from SBI on the closure details. I contacted Chief Manager of the SBI branch from where I took the loan and asked her to send out an email to CIBIL ([email protected]), mentioning all my details and report that the loan account is closed now. Even after this was done, CIBIL is still saying that they might take 30 days untill the credit institution reverts back with their response. I dont understand whether CIBIL has a huge miscommunication between their call center folks and the email department. what do i do now?? i wanted to escalate this to the highest authority in CIBIL but i dont have any contact information for the same.


Here is another case of Vijay

Hi Manish

In my report, the SBI card which I used to have was mentioned as “WRITTEN-OFF” and the Days Past Due section also had a number 120 put for the last several months ending in Sep-2006. This was definitely wrong info since I had checked with SBI in 2006 and they had informed me that there was no due from me at the time of closing the card. So I contacted SBI and they informed me that it was a mistake from their end and that they have corrected it in the latest update to CIBIL.

Then I informed CIBIL about the mail from SBI and asked them to confirm if the erroneous entries have been removed. CIBIL gives me a very vague answer stating the SBI card account is closed as per instruction. But I want to know if the word “WRITTEN OFF” has been removed from my report and if the Days Past Due section have been set to 0. I have sent them at least 3 mails asking for precise info on the above two queries. But they continue to give me very generic and vague answer.
Please let me know if there is any escalation mechanism when CIBIL gives vague responses.

Also in the score section, there is a line which states “*One or More Trades with Suit Filed Status in the Past 24 Months*”. I asked them for an explanation on what the above line meant. But they have not given any explanation. It sounds like some company has filed a suit against me in the last 2 years. I am not aware of any such suit. I am not able to get CIBIL to explain the line or tell me which company has filed the suit. I am at my wits end to get a proper response from CIBIL. Any help is appreciated.



Using CIBIL report as a weapon

Some banks have also started using CIBIL report and its impact as a weapon against investors. They have started talking in the language of – “Do this, else your credit history will … ” (here is the proof).

Here is a what happened with Ravi

I was using a credit card from ICICI bank and I used it for about 6 months, in between I forgot to pay the due amount for one month and in the next month statement I found additional 6000+ Rs to be paid as late fees + interest + taxes that I refused to pay and deposited the amount that I was expected to pay. And after this I traveled abroad for 1.3 years and on my return from there I was called up by bank and asked to deposit 31 000 Rs against that, here again I refused to pay initially and asked them since I have not used this amount why should I pay this much. But later one gentle man from the same bank called me and said that if I will not deposit the same amount it will affect my credit history and I will not be able to get any loan in future. Hence I deposited all the stated outstanding amount at once.

But now when I applied for car loan , my loan request got rejected by the AXIS bank due to that credit card credit-history. I also approached ICICI bank for same and they immediately issued me the NOC with 0 Rs outstanding for me.and also requested them to get my name cleared from CIBIL, for this they told me that your name is already updated in CIBIL for 0 balance. I forwarded the same email to AXIS bank but still they are not ready to issue me the loan saying that I have paid the money lately after 1 year. Hence I am very anxious about it now that without doing any fault from my side I am becoming a victim here.

Your rights incase you are suffering because of Credit Beureu mistakes ?

A lot of investors who are affected by this CIBIL menace and mistakes from the banks side just feel angry, but they let things go and do not force a resolution. But you need to know that no one has any right to play with your financial life and if someone has, then they need to pay for it. If you have been facing an issue because of CIBIL or the bank and it has impacted you financially or mentally, you should always reach out to the consumer court or banking ombudsman. There have been many cases where customers have got some compensation. The only catch is that you need to be committed to pursue the case and have patience.

Here is one instance where a person was awarded compensation because was mistekenly marked as “defaulter” by the bank and suffered due to this

City residents continue to be hassled by the ‘CIBIL defaulter’ tag over minor disputes with banks. Now, a Sector-39 resident received justice from the UT Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum after a private sector bank had labelled him a defaulter and sent his name to Credit Information Bureau India Limited (CIBIL), an all-India data bank which carries credit history of all commercial and consumer borrowers.

The Chandigarh Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum has directed the bank to pay Rs 10,000 to the harried complainant, and Rs 5,000 as cost of litigation.

The order was issued by the Forum following a complaint filed by Bhajan Palm who told the forum that in 2003, he took a personal loan of Rs 66,000 from the bank, and repaid it in equal monthly installments.

Here is another instance where HSBC was fined for adding the name of a person to defaulter list without strong reason

Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) has been ordered by a consumer forum here to pay Rs 20,000 as compensation to one of its credit card holders for adding his name in CIBIL’s defaulters list even though he had paid all his dues.

While awarding the amount to the HSBC credit card holder, the New Delhi District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum said the Bank should have “gracefully” accepted its fault instead of adopting an “obstructionist attitude” by seeking rejection of his complaint.

You can read some more cases here or here .

Below is a 2 part video series from MoneyLife Foundation on “How to file effective complaints and win your battles in Consumer Courts”

Can you share any experience of yours on CIBIL mistakes or any struggle you faced ?

Also let me remind you of the ‘Oh my God’ offer coming on 7th Jan 2014, which you will not like to miss at any cost. Its one of its kind of offer coming soon !

Days Past Due (DPD) section – What is the meaning in CIBIL Report ?

You might have seen a section in your Cibil Report which says DPD (Days Past Due). While Loan Status and Credit Score matter a lot when it comes to getting a loan approved or rejected, a big myth among people is that a clear report (without SETTLED or WRITTEN OFF status) and a credit score above 750/800 are the only two things that they need to get a loan.
That’s not true. While a clean report and a good score are definitely primary level requirements for getting a loan approved, there are finer details which a bank looks at, before deciding if they want to give you a loan or not; and Days Past Due or DPD is one of those important metrics. Lets understand this then …

What is Days Past Due (DPD) on a CIBIL report ?

Days Past due or DPD means, that for any given month, how many months worth of payment is unpaid. And this information is for each account . Which means that if you have 3 different loans going on, then you will have DPD information for each of those accounts. For each account you can see Days past due information for each month for the last 3 years , i.e., 36 months.

You might already be aware that your cibil report contains the past 36 months of your credit information. Each and every month, your lender who is a member of CIBIL, will update the CIBIL with the latest information like Did you pay on time or not? How much outstanding loan do you have at that moment? How many months worth of loan is remaining and other micro details are shared on monthly basis by banks and lender to CIBIL. So each month, a new month’s data is added and the oldest month (36th month) is removed from the cibil report and this way a sliding window of 36 months data is available on your cibil report at any given point of time.

Example – Date 06-12 and DPD value is 90

If DPD value is 90 for a date say 06-12, it means in June 2012, the payment is due for last 90 days, which means 3 months dues! So you can now understand the the DPD in the last month (May 2012) would be 60 and for Apr 2012 would be 30.

When you default on any payment or do not make the full payment, this DPD value will start getting a number and it will be a negative thing. So if there is a cheque bounced from your side and the loan not paid on time, you can expect one entry of DPD for the latest month with value 30 – which says one month of dues are not paid. If you clear it on time before the next cycle comes, it will help you to improve your bad credit score and the DPD value for next month again will be normal, but if you do not make the payment and keep those dues , then the DPD value for the next month will increase to 60, which implies that from 2 months you have not paid the dues. See the graphic below to understand more examples of DPD

Days Past Due (DPD) example in CIBIL report

What does XXX means as DPD Value ?

There are certain values which can appear in DPD section and each of them has some meaning, however the safest values are 000 and XXX . If you have the value as 000, it means the dues are totally clear on that date and nothing is outstanding. And if the DPD value is XXX, then it simply means that bank has failed to report the data for that month to bank, and it does not impact you at all . At times instead of 000, the value can be STD which means that the dues are for less than 90 days . While any other number other than 000 is a negative thing, but make sure it does not go above 90 days , because then its super negative.

At times, some lenders also report DPD values in a different way, as per asset classification norms set by RBI. In that case, the values which appear under Days Past Due section are STD , SUB , DBT or LSS which denotes good to bad , where STD is good and LSS is the worst one. Here is what each of them denotes


STD (Standard) Payments are being made within 90 days. Note that any delay of more than 90 days is seen as Non Performing Assets (NPA) by banks
SUB (Sub – Standard) An Account which has remained NPA for upto 12 months
DBT (Doubt ful) The Account which has remained Sub Standard Account for a period of 12 months
LSS (Loss) An account where loss has been identified and remains uncollectible


Can DPD values be changed ?

There have been cases that lenders have rejected loan applications based on DPD information even though the credit report was clean and the score was quite good. And the common worry at the time is “Can’t I change my DPD information somehow?” and the answer is NO . You can’t change DPD information like you can change SETTLED or WRITTEN OFF status by taking some action. All you need to do is wait for some time and as time passes, new month information will get added to your report and old data will keep getting phased out. So if you have some bad DPD data before 12 months, then it will go out in next 24 months, and if you have some DPD data 2.5 years old, it will go out in 6 months period.

For those who like to learn through video’s, we have a 40 min course on Credit Report and Scores in detail on our Jagoinvestor Wealth Club, which will explain all the aspects of the subject in a clear manner and great detail

Did you understand the meaning of Days past due or DPD which appears in CIR (Cibil Report) ?

Shocking ! – Job Rejection due to Bad CIBIL Report

Your credit score is going to affect your Employment. You can face job rejection due to it! Yes – that’s happening already. A lot of companies especially Finance and Software Companies have started asking candidates to present their CIBIL report and score (or any other credit report) at the time of the interview and it has started playing a role while selecting a candidate. So if your credit report is bad because you have not paid your loans on time or if you settled your loans in past, you might get rejected in your next job interview provided your prospective employers look at your cibil report/score. Note that it’s standard practice internationally to check credit score before employment and various other purposes.

Employers looking at cibil report at job interviews

3 Real-Life Example of Job Rejection due to Bad Cibil Report

I am sharing with you 2 real-life example’s where credit report was asked before the interview and they were eventually rejected (there can be other parameters for rejection apart from the bad credit report)

Example #1 – How Sapan has rejected a job in HDFC

Sapan a reader of this blog faced job rejection twice by HDFC Bank and an NBFC just because there was a credit card dispute on his credit report and he could not convince them that it was his fault.

I lost the Job twice in HDFC Bank even after got selected for Relationship Manager but rejected by HR team because of my credit card dispute which was stolen and unauthorized transaction took place of 50000/-. In the end of the day I was failed to convince the HR team and I was forcefully to pay 50000/- and got a job in one of the NBFC which also checked my CIBIL before getting job. – from facebook comments below

Example #2 – Rejection by Indian company for a Bad Credit Report from the US

Even those who are coming from US to India and looking for Jobs, employers are asking their US credit score – Here is an incident which happened with Nandish’s friend, this sharing was from Nandish

He was in US for almost 8 yrs. During that time he created a lot of debt for himself. His job transfer got him back in India, he knew his credit score in US is bad and he never bothered about it as he thought now he will be staying in India. His job was going on well and his life was comfortable. On one fine day he decided to quit his job and started his own business. He could not make it in business, his social responsibilities forced him to get once again in job. He started applying in different companies and finally one Bangalore based company offered him 16-20 lac pay package. He was excited and thrilled to get this offer. This company was US based and one of the most important criteria they would check is their US credit score…My friend tried hard to convince them but finally he was not selected. To improve his US credit score he is now really working hard but nothing seems to be working for him.

Example #3 – How an Indian Bank asked for CIBIL report

One of the readers was asked for her CIBIL report when she applied for a job in an Indian Bank, She applied for CIBIL report and handed over to the bank, the bank has not followed up with her after that.

I have applied for a job in bank and they have to check my CIBIL. I have a loan taken just 2 months back and only one installment hit my a/c thru cheque and tht was honored. Bank want to check my CIBIL before hiring. I haven’t had any bad experience but ya this is first time my CIBIL gonna check… and might be there is some problem according to bank ppl as they have not reverted me after my cibil check.

Quotes from some of the latest articles on media

  • If you thought you had only to worry about banks getting hold of your credit histories, there’s more. Of late, employers too have been asking prospective candidates to submit their Credit Information Report from CIBIL. Your employability could be affected by the report, as it happened with an acquaintance of mine, who was refused employment in a bank because of his poor credit history. Would you rather pay for your mistakes at a later stage in life or plan for those loan EMIs and pay them on time? – source
  • Some employers may also ask a potential employee to submit his/her credit report during the hiring process. Those with poor credit scores may be rejected in favor of those who have demonstrated better financial planning. Thus, the credit score and report may become a vital ‘reputation’ collateral even for employment in the future. – Source
  • Companies in western nations are known to make credit checks before taking people on board. In India, companies have started checking the creditworthiness of an individual, especially for senior-level hiring. Employers ask the candidates to produce their credit report at the time of interview because employers cant access it directly.  The trend is picking up in financial and IT sector companies. – said Harshala Chandorkar, senior vice president, consumer relations, Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited (Cibil). – Source 

Why Do Employers want to check your Cibil Report?

If you think for a minute and try to understand it from an employer’s perspective, you will realize that there are some reasons why employers might want to look at your CIBIL report before they hire you. Here are some –

1. It’s part of “background check”

A very valid point can be that checking your credit report or score can be seen as a part of “background check” . While there are genuine reasons why some innocent guy had a bad CIBIL report, a person having a bad CIBIL report can be seen as an irresponsible person and not capable of taking care of things. Just like no company likes to hire someone who has a criminal record, in future even having an extremely bad credit report can be seen in that way.

2. Bad credit record might indicate bad intentions as general

A person having a bad credit report might not be seen as an honest, credible person to work with and he/she might be seen as a potential threat to the work environment. While this is a big debatable topic – look it from employers point of view, they see things in a very defined manner, if the company policy tomorrow says that we will not hire someone with any person whose credit report has a WRITTEN OFF status on a loan, or has a score below 650 , then even those who are innocent and have got a messed up report will feel ask if its unfair, but companies go as per their framework and rules defined, not case to case basis.

3. High debt trap might lead to bad performance

If you have a huge debt on your head, it’s really tough to give your best at work. This is exactly how employers can see it, even though you disagree with it. It has been known that financial issues have a big impact on professional life, you might not concentrate fully if you are in a financial mess and paying off your debt is consistently on your priority list each and every moment.

Bad credit report leads to job rejection in interviews

Is the CIBIL report being checked by all employers and sectors?

As of now, looking at credit reports while the interview is a very new trend seen in India. It’s not widespread, but have started happening. So you can safely assume that it will be a regular process within some months or years. As of now, CIBIL Report is checked at only senior-level interviews especially in Financial and IT sector, but soon this will be happening across sectors and all levels. Employers can not directly access a candidate credit report because RBI guidelines allow credit bureaus to share it only with banks and financial institutions who are clients of CIBIL, hence Employers ask the candidate themselves to present their report when they come for an interview.

Note that credit reports are just one of the parameters being checked by the employers, it’s not the only basis for job rejection. Apart from the credit report, other main and important parameters like job qualification, experience and salary expectations will also matter while hiring, a credit report is just a part of the whole process.

Who else can use Credit Report and Score in coming future?

In an email reply to me, Harshala Chandorkar – Senior Vice President – Consumer Relations of CIBIL shared with me that credit reports can enter our lives in a big way in the future. In future landlords may demand a credit report before renting out an apartment and even telecom providers can see your credit report to assign the limits for your usage, but this can happen in the future, not very soon. Here is what she said in an email reply to me

In more developed economies, an individual’s credit information report and credit score is critical reputational collateral and is being used for multiple purposes by various institutions. Employers review it before recruiting a new employee; landlords require it before renting out an accommodation and of course telecom providers check an applicant’s credit history for assigning limits.

We may see similar evolution in India when a person’s credit report and credit score will be imperative for a lot many things in addition to availing institutionalized credit facilities. Therefore it is very critical for students to maintain a good credit history and pay back the loan dues on time.

Share this information with your friends (you can share it by clicking on the “Share” button on the left side) and let them know about it, they will thank you. Also, let us know – What do you think about this about job rejection due to the CIBIL report? Do you feel it’s going to help us all? Do you think it’s fair to check credit reports by employers in job interviews?

Loan Settlement hurts Cibil Report & Score !

Did you do any loan settlement in past ? That will surely affect your CIBIL report and score ! . Before we look at that, look at this data – Over 88% of new home loan borrowers in 2011 had a CIBIL score of 750 and above. Do you have a score of 750+ or not ?

So now by default if your CIBIL Score is less than 750, you stand a very low chance of getting any kind of loan to be approved. Most probably your loan application will be rejected. However, today we are going to talk about “Loan Settlement” aspect of any Loan. Lets see more!

CIBIL has really made life worse for a lot of people. A lot of people have misused their credit cards or other kind of loans , on top of it outstanding loans piled up so much over time, that they could not pay it off completely. Banks suddenly told them- “Hey, Don’t worry if you can’t pay off your Rs 3 lac outstanding loan, just go for loan settlement and all you need to pay Rs 60,000. We will send you loan settlement letter or NOC letter after that”. Are you one of those who went for Loan settlement months or years back ?

Loan settlement impacts your credit report negatively

Settlement of Loan is not a solution

A lot of people feel that Settlement of their loan outstanding in case they cant pay it off is a permanent solution to their worries? However, for one and the last time, understand that SETTLEMENT of Loan is just a temporary solution. It’s just a short cut way to get rid of constant reminders from banks and credit recovery agents. Banks do this because they know you are a waste and mostly you will never be able to pay back your 100% dues, so they settle for whatever you can pay! . Atleast they will get something back from you.

This settlement of loan will NOT clear your name in CIBIL report. In fact its a negative sign. It shows that you took loan, happily used it, ballooned it with late charges/interest by not paying on time and finally bank in frustration said – “Fine… Let’s take whatever we can get out of this guy, if we don’t get some part right now, we will not get even a penny later”.

Mak was worried why his name is appearing on CIBIL report as “settled” and his loan application was rejected.

I want to remove my name from Cibil report, I Used to have 2 CC, from HDFC & another from citi bank, I do had personal loan from citi finance, which I settled long 2yrs back for which I have settlement letter as well. Recently when I applied for a Bajaj finance loan for home electronic, It got declined, reason given to me was as my name reflected as a defaulter of Cibil. Please advice me to clear of my name from Cibil.

What Mak has to understand is that Loan settlement is a negative thing, and banks will report this incident to CIBIL and mind you, your status will be marked as “Settled” for next 7 yrs. So forget about getting any kind of loan from any bank for next 7 yrs at least. Once 7 years passes, then the SETTLED status will be removed , however your credit score by that time will be so low , that you will not get any loan even after that point, unless you work on improving your credit score. Now if your score is low at that point, it will again be very difficult for you to get any kind of loan (because of low score). So ultimately, the final conclusion here is that once you settle your loan, it becomes very very negative thing for you and your future and over the years it will not let you get any kind of loan unless you pay off each and every paisa of your loan.

Loan Settlement is Tempting

Loan Settlement gives you instant gratification. It’s something you really want to go for? Obviously, it gives an impression that all your worries will be taken off by the bank, its shown to people as an “opportunity” by banks. And most of the people fall for it. Swetha is one of those people who is confused about the Settlement of her loan

I have a personal loan and i have defaulted , my loan completes in the month of april the collection guys asked me to settle the loan for half the price of the remaining loan amount which is rs 44000 and he said the NOC will be mailed to within 15-20 days and also can i get a loan again . Please guide should i go for the settlement or payoff the whole amount.

No doubt, once you settle the loan and pay the settlement amount, the banks will not bother you anymore by calling and asking you to pay. They will also send you an NOC that this guy has settled his loan of X amount by paying Y amount (Y<X). But please don’t be mistaken that bank will forget you and is so generous that it will show any mercy on you. Bank will make sure your life is hell after that point. You will not get any kind of loan from that bank plus, they will send this information to CIBIL that this guy was not capable of paying off his full amount and hence we showed mercy on him by settling his loan. Please mark him/her as “SETTLED”.

Unless you pay off each and every penny/paisa of your original loan outstanding, your CIBIL report will show status “Settled” and it’s a very bad sign. Finally let me tell you what CIBIL website has to say about “Written Off” or “Settled” status in CIBIL report.

Given that a CIBIL credit report helps a loan provider ascertain your ability to pay additional debt based on your past performance, a ‘’written off’ or ‘’settled’’ account implies that you have not been able to pay your past dues. Hence, Loan providers may view accounts that are reported as ”written off” or “settled” negatively and this may affect your chances of a future loan approvals. – from cibil website


If you have done any kind of loan settlement in past, first check your credit report and see what is your score. If its low (lower than 750) , you will seriously face getting any kind of loan in future, So the only solution is to pay off the loan outstanding. Talk to your bank and pay it off. This will still not improve your score immediately, over next 1-2 yrs , make sure you pay your existing loan/credit card on time and dont misuse your credit capability. Your score will improve over time. Can you share your Loan settlement Story with us ?

Equifax Credit Report – A new credit score in India

Today we will look at Equifax Credit Report given by Equifax – a worldwide credit bureau. It has started giving credit reports and credit scores in India just like CIBIL (read about CIBIL Credit report). CIBIL was the first credit bureau in India that initiated giving credit scores for individuals. Banks and other lending institutions have started looking at these individual credit reports before approving any sort of loans and hence these credit reports have become the backbone in deciding whether or not you will be given any loan now or in future.

What is Equifax Credit Report

Equifax credit report is a consolidated report given by Equifax Credit Information Services Ltd. This report contains details of your past and current credit behaviour. It also has the details about all the outstanding loans and enquires done in the past. Equifax is the second credit bureau in India to provide such credit reports after CIBIL. Just like CIBIL, Equifax Credit Bureau also provides CIR (credit report) and Credit Score + CIR. If you just want a credit report (without score) it would cost Rs 138, however if you need Credit Score (comes with CIR), it would cost Rs 400.

Equifax Credit Report is said to be more useful as it is represented with graphs, pictorial description and better colour coding as compared to CIBIL reports and hence should be more user-friendly for the individual as well as loan/credit approving authority to understand the minutes. As much as 150+ institutions share the data with Equifax regarding their customers credit behaviour (CIBIL has 500) and it has past 48 months of credit history.

What does Equifax Credit Report Contain ?

Your credit report has many components and gives a full overview of different parts of your credit behaviour . Lets see which are those –

1. Identification and Contact Section: Confirm application information with access to the consumer’s name, date of birth/age, address and ID information

2. Credit Summary: Get a quick overview of consumer’s key credit characteristics.

3. Recent Activity: Helps you quickly access consumer’s recent activity including accounts which have gone delinquent, new accounts that have been opened, etc.

4. Account Details Section: Account-wise details of the consumer’s repayment history.

5. Inquiries Section: Details the Inquiries made on a consumer.

What is Equifax Credit Score ?

Equifax Credit Score is a numerical score ranging from 1 to 999 that is assigned to each person. This credit score will determine how good or bad your score is. Higher the credit score, better your repaying capability is. “The risk score is designed to predict the likelihood of a customer defaulting over the next 12-month period. An account is said to be a default when it crosses the 90 days mark of no payments. The score will help banks monitor their loan portfolios,” says Samir Bhatia, managing director and chief executive officer, Equifax.

Equifax Credit Score

What makes Equifax Credit Score ?

A credit score depends on almost 600 different kind of variables which affect your equifax credit score , but the top most variables are

  • Past credit payment history
  • Current credit usability
  • Number of credit cards you hold
  • Number of secured loans you have
  • Number of unsecured loans
  • Demographic variables such as address
  • Your Income

Who can get credit score ?

Equifax Credit score is available to anyone – whether he has any credit history or not. Unlike CIBIL who scores only for those individuals who have some kind of credit history in the past, Equifax scores individuals with no past credit history as the individual being assessed will have some kind of score based on parameters like address, city and income level.

How much does Equifax Credit Report cost ?

It would cost Rs. 138 to get a credit report and Rs 400 to get your Credit Score (along with Credit report). However those who want to monitor it throughout the year can choose an option to get their Equifax credit report 4 times a year for Rs 1,000. Those who are looking for any kind of loan can choose this option as they can monitor their report every quarter.

How to apply for Equifax Credit Report ?

You can follow these 6 steps by step procedure to apply for Equifax credit Report

1 : Download and fill in this equifax credit report application form

2 : Attach a self-attested copy of Identity Proof (Pan Card, voters ID card, driving license, passport)

3 : Attach an address Proof (electricity bill, Telephone Bill,Credit card or Bank Statement, Gas Utility Bill, Ration Card)

4 : Make a demand draft depending on what you want. ( Credit information report (CIR) will cost Rs 138 , Credit Score (with CIR) will cost Rs 400 and a 1 yr subscription with credit score every quarter will cost Rs 1,000)

5 : Send the above documents through Courier/ Regular Post/ Speed Post to – “Equifax Credit Information Services Private Limited , Office Number 2 Ground Floor, Lotus Estate, Madhusudan Mills, Near Peninsula Corporate Park, Shankar Rao Naram Path, Lower Parel, Mumbai – 400013 . Maharashtra , India”

6 : Post receipt and validation of documents, the credit report shall be sent via courier or postal service within 7 working days on a best effort basis.

Other Points to remember

  • All photo copies should be self-attested
  • Please ensure that ID card numbers and photographs are clear and visible.
  • All bills should be within 3 months from the current date.
  • All ID proof documents with validity dates should be valid at the time of sending the request.
  • The name and address on the documents should be of the requestor
  • The address should be clear and visible

Wrong information in your Equifax Credit Report

Incase you find some mistakes in your credit report or any kind of mistakes , you can raise a Dispute resolution with Equifax by filling this Dispute Resolution Form . All you need to do is fill up the form , attach the required documents mentioned in their website and send it to them. Equifax will followup with the banks and try to resolve the dispute.

Equifax Credit Score vs CIBIL score – What it means for you

Now there are two credit bureaus in India, CIBIL and Equifax – So the obvious question is, “Which one is better?” and Does it make sense to have credit score from both the companies? You will be surprised to know that in India many banks are already looking at more than one credit report and are expected to look at multiple sources of information before lending to anyone. So having a credit report and credit score from two credit bureaus will help a lot. So if you have good credit score with both CIBIL and Equifax, it really works in your favour as it’s a double confirmation for the banks that you are a good customer.

Whereas if you have a bad score – “god save you”… It would be extremely tough to get a loan in that case. Also incase there is any discrepancies in the scores then banks can give more weightage to one score and less to other or just choose one score which it feels right. So incase you want to check your Equifax credit report go ahead and apply for it.