How two readers got justice and got their money back

Today I want to show you how 2 fellow readers of this blog were in a fix when it came to their hard-earned money and they were struggling to get justice from their respective banks and financial institutions. They mailed me and commented on this blog and when I saw those comments, I thought – “lets […]


Is someone misusing your Financial Documents ?

Is it a total truth that you are too careful with your documents? Did someone recently asked for your PAN Xerox (extra) copy without any reason and you gave it without thinking much? Do you handover your Driving license or passport copies to some agent without giving it a second thought? If yes, you need […]


Noida Extention Flats in Problem

Is your under-construction flatin Noida Extention in danger? No! But there are thousands of buyers who have invested their hard earned money in flats that are being constructed at Noida Extension. In this article I will talk on the issue of Noida Extension and what learnings can we take from this whole issue. For people who […]


Are you sharing agents commission ? Its Illegal

“Discount kitna doge ! Mishra ji mujhe 35% de rahe hain ” , as per Rakesh ,this is exactly how a lot of customers ask their agents commission to be shared with them in Insurance or Mutual funds. Have you ever asked your agent how much discount he can give you on the premium? This […]


JagoInvestor/Moneylife helps a customer get his money back

What do you do when you are facing un-ethical practices by some company officials and You are not getting justice anywhere? You should reach out directly at the top of the management somehow because, believe me customer care just does not work ! . This is exactly what I did, when one of the readers […]


5 mistakes I made in my first stock market Investment

Do you remember your first stock market trade and how you behaved at the time? Just like you, even I, have made some really stupid mistakes in stock market Investment. Today, I would like to share some mistakes (only the big ones 🙂 ) which I made during my first trade in stock markets. Its […]


Real Story about an Investor who Fought for 9 months with ICICI Bank

Can you fight back ? Really ? If you were taken for granted as a customer by some Bank or any institution and you were forcibly sold some product by officials at some Organisation assuming you are a weak customer who will not raise his voice and fall in trap , What would you do […]


Mis selling by an LIC agent

Many people have been sold LIC policies without making them understand what is that policy and how is that structured for you. I have recently been informed by one reader how an LIC agent sold her a policy claiming it to be “a great opportunity” and gave her wrong information about the policy and the […]


FREE Financial Health Checkup

Take up a detailed 25 questions financial health checkup to find out how much you score out of 100?
