How to pay Income tax online in 5 min ? Use Challan 280

Today I will show you, how you can pay your income tax online using challan number 280 on the income tax website. Most of the people rely on their CA and other service providers to paying income tax. Salaried class mostly don’t need to pay additional income tax most of the times at the end of the year because anyway their employers pay it on their behalf.

how to pay income tax online in 5 min with the use of challan 280?

However, one might come across a situation where they have to pay their income tax themselves in following situations like.

  • If TDS deducted is less than the actual tax liability?
  • If you have got a notice for balance tax to be paid
  • If one has any other income apart from salary

What is Challan 280?

Challan 280 is the form which is required to be filled when you want to pay your income taxes. This can be done offline at the bank, or you can also pay it online. We will see both of them

How to pay income tax offline at the bank?

One can physically go to the bank and submit the filled challan 280 form along with the money. You can download the challan 280 from Income Tax website.

How to pay income tax online?

Another way to pay the taxes is by filling up challan 280 online and making the payment through your net banking facility. I have included the steps one needs to take below. Also, you can see the video below to learn the steps.

Step 1#: Choose the option “Challan 280” from income tax website

The first step is to visit this link and click on the option “Challan 280”.

challan 280

Step 2#: Fill details on the Challan 280 form

Once you click on the challan 280 link, you will be directed to the page which will ask you various details.

How to fill challan 280

  • Choose (0021)INCOME-TAX (OTHER THAN COMPANIES), which is to be chosen by individuals
  • Choose an assessment year, which is next year for which you are paying income tax. So if you are paying income tax for the year 2013-2014, the assessment year will be 2014-2015
  • Enter your PAN Number, address, Email, Phone etc
  • For Type of Payment, you can choose “(300) SELF ASSESSMENT TAX” if you are paying the final income tax for the year, or “(100)ADVANCE TAX” if you are paying the advance tax.
  • Choose the bank name from where you are going to make the payment and finally click on the “Proceed” button which will take you to the next page for confirmation of all the details entered by you

Step 3#: Verify Details and proceed for payment

On the next page, you will be asked to verify all the details you had filled. It’s important to check that the name mentioned on this page is for the same person for whom the income tax is to be paid. It should match with the PAN card holder name, also match the assessment year, email and phone number and other details.

confirm details before paying income tax online

Step 4#: Enter your login details for the bank

On the next page, you need to enter your bank username and password, so that you can make the payment finally.

make payment income tax online
Step 5#: Fill the Income-tax payable and make payment

The next step is to enter the income tax amount and other details as applicable and then finally hit the payment button.

income tax online payment

Step 6#: Download the PDF receipt and also get it in your email

Once you make the payment, it will give you an option to download the challan receipt in PDF format. You can save it on your computer. Also, you will get the email containing the challan copy anyways.

Challan 280 Reciept

I hope you got a good idea of how to pay income tax online. In case you have any questions, please ask in the comments section below.

4 important things to complete when you Close your Home Loan

It’s a dream of most of the homeowners to own a house without any loan on their head. It’s a great moment in their life, when they pay the final EMI of their home loan or pre-pay the full outstanding balance and clear the home loan fully. It’s a moment of pride and happiness. It’s a great relief for someone who was paying the EMI from so many years continuously.

closing home loan

However in that excitement, a lot of people do not take all the required actions and later suffer because of small things they didn’t complete after closing their home loans. In this article, I want to share few things every home owner should complete, when they are closing their loan.

While I am focusing totally on home loan closure in this article, but whatever I am going to share also applies when one closes a car loan, education loan, personal loan or any other kind of loan.

Point #1 – Take back your original Documents from Lender

This is a no-brainer.

Make sure that whenever you close a home loan, you take back all the important document you had submitted at the time of taking the loan. Original documents are really important to collect, because in future if you want to sell the house or want to take loan against property, that time you would require all the documents. Some of the documents we are talking aboout are …

  • Original Sale Deed
  • Original Conveyance deed
  • Power of Attorney
  • Possession Letter
  • Your Payment Receipts
  • Any Cancelled Cheque’s given

Some lenders even give you a copy of letter, mentioning what all documents were submitted by you to the lender at the time of taking the loan. Below is a sample list of documents mentioned by HDFC LTD to one it’s loan takers. It clearly mentions exactly which documents were taken by the bank at the time of giving the home loan. This really helps, because there is no confusion later and lender is also accountable towards the customer.

documents list home loan

Make sure you personally go to the branch and collect all the documents yourself. Do not ask the lender to send the documents via courier or speed post. There are tons of cases where the documents were misplaced and investors had to run from pillar to post to get them back.

After getting the documents, you should also check if they are in good condition and no pages are missing from between. Also – If you can’t collect the documents yourself for some reason (like when you are out of country) then you can give an authorization letter to someone trusted, who can collect the documents on your behalf or ask bank to wait till you come back yourself and then take the documents.

Point #2 – Take NOC from the lender

NOC or No Dues certificate is a legal document provided by the lender, which certifies that you have repaid the full loan and no outstanding balance exists. The document will have the lender stamp of the lender. It’s extremely important document, which you should collect from the lender. Below you can check out the experience of one investor who had no proof of closing the loan and how he faced issue due to that.

NOC document

Usually, NOC/NDC is dispatched by the lender after the loan is fully paid. But if you do not get it by default, then you should talk to your lender. I have already written in details about the NOC and its importance

Point #3 – Remove Lien from Registrar Office, if any 

Let’s first understand what is the meaning of “Lien”?

Lien means “a right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged.”

lien meaning home loan

What is means in simple language is that, the lender will keep the right to sell the property themselves, if the loan taker is not able to pay back the loan. These days banks do not put a lien on property, because they anyways check the background of the customer properly and keep the original documents in their custody. But at times, it can happen that due to customer background or on a slight suspicion, lender wants to put a lien on property, which is done in registrar office.

So you should surely check with your lender, if they have put lien on your property or not?

And, If they have – then you should ask them to help you to remove the lien and overall process. Some people will ask – “What happens if I do not remove the lien?”

If you do not remove the lien from your house, then you will face difficulty at the time of selling the house in future, and at that time you have to visit the lender again anyways. So please make sure you complete this part as soon as your home loan is closed.

Once you clear the lien from your property, you can verify it back by applying for a new encumbrance certificate, which should mention that there is no encumbrance with the property, means no one has any legal rights in the property. You should see that its mentioned in the certificate. I was able to find a sample certificate on the internet which you can see.

encumbrance certificate sample

Even if you are planning to not sell your house in future, still make sure you don’t skip this step, Its always a good idea to make sure 100% process is followed.

Point #4 – Make sure your CIBIL report is updated with CLOSED entry

CIBIL report is one document which records each of your loan entry and all your actions of payment. Each lender checks this CIBIL report before giving any kind of loan to you (even when they give you a credit card).

Once your home loan is closed, your bank should update CIBIL, that you have closed your home loan and an entry called “DATE CLOSED” should appear on your report with the date of closure.

But many a times, banks delay this small action or completely ignore it for months and years. Your CIBIL report might not have that updated entry. So you should double check with your bank at the time of closure of loan that they will update the CIBIL very soon.

update cibil report after closing loan

So when should you check your CIBIL report again? A good practice is to check it after 60 days of closing the loan and verify if there is an entry of “DATE CLOSED” with a date on it.

Make your Home loan closure 100% full proof

I have tried to make sure that you take all the last mile steps after closing your homeloan. Even if you prepay your home loan early, still you need to take all these steps, otherwise your home loan closure will not be 100% full proof.

Let me know if you want to add some other point in this list and I would be happy to add it.

Jagoinvestor Workshop in Pune – 12th April (Sunday)

We are back with our offline workshop. This time it will be held in the city of Pune.

We invite you to block 12th of April (just one Sunday) (mark 12th of April on your calendar) so that you can participate in our one day workshop. We are inviting you because our workshop will add a lot of value to your existing financial life. So far we have seen and observed that our workshop helps investors to add new and different dimensions to their financial world. In the whole process they learn to slow down so that they can examine what’s going on in their financial world. With our help and support they also define and adopt new set of actions and strategies to create an amazing financial life.

jagoinvestor workshop

Why we conduct these workshops?

We do offline workshops so that we can connect with some of our readers at a deeper level, round the year we write articles, reply to thousands of comments and work with a few hundred investors one on one and in that process we learn, grow and expand as professionals. Our Workshop gives us an opportunity to share outrageously all the knowledge and experiences that we acquire round the year. The program is an opportunity to get our readers more and more action oriented.

Why you should come for this workshop?

  • You will learn how to improve your financial life with your current set of resources and income.
  • You will learn how to plan for your financial life goals
  • You will interact and learn from other’s people’s financial life
  • You will dedicate one full day to get better with money management
  • You will learn to add new dimensions to your financial life
  • To understand that personal finance can also be fun
  • To give a whole new direction to your financial life

It’s time at add jagoinvestor workshop to your financial journey

It has been a few years now conducting “Design your financial life” workshop and the experience has been amazing. It is a wonderful space to be in, in which the group learns and starts to fall in love with the process of wealth creation. We do not teach tricks and tips to build wealth in fact we help you to discover your own personal process of creating wealth.

This time we want more and more couples to participate so that they can get on same page when it comes to personal finance. It is extremely important that husband and wife both take equal interest when it comes to money management. We are offering special discount to those who want to come with their partner. (You can even come with your parents, siblings or friends and can claim the discount)

The workshop we conduct are highly interactive, it has lots of activities and fun exercises which helps you to discover your relationship with money. The sessions are interactive and very easy to grasp for any kind of investor, beginner or advanced. In short there is something for everyone in this workshop.

Listen to workshop Participants who attended in Past




Register for the Workshop in Pune

Single Ticket SOLD OUT
Couple Ticket
(Discount of Rs 500)


What you get as a participant?

  • You get a FREE Financial Health check-up Report worth Rs 499/-
  • One day workshop with some personal finance tools like budget sheet, Mutual fund tracker etc
  • Invitation to join our inner circle

Invitation to join and participate

From the bottom of our heart, we invite you to join and participate in pune workshop. Come alone or with your spouse or parents, siblings or friends but see that you do not miss this opportunity. Do not let time and money to get in your way and book your seat at the earliest because we will be taking only 35 participants this time and registration will close after some days.

This workshop is strictly for investors and not for advisors or finance professionals. If you have never participated in any personal finance workshop let this be your first workshop. If you have any questions you can write in the comments section.

You can also visit our Workshop Page to Register and Get more details

Budget 2015 : 16 things which every investor should be aware about

When budget speech was over, the first thing I did, was that I created a poll asking people, if you are happy or disappointed with the overall budget. I was sure that most of the people will vote for “Disappointed” and that’s exactly what happened. Around 192 people voted for it and around 65% people said they were disappointed.

budget 2015 highlights

While, I agree that the budget didn’t offer too many benefits to common man, as they had expected, but the budget 2015 has a lot of things to offer and it’s worthwhile to look at things a little deeper. So what I am going to do is list down all the major changes for you below and explain them

1. No changes in Tax Exemption Limit or 80C limit

One of the big blow for most of the people in India was that there were no changes in the income tax exemption limits and 80C limit. At the moment, there is no income tax to be paid if taxable income is upto Rs 2.5 lacs in a year. Most of the salaried class people were expecting some relief in this area and were expecting that the limit should be changed.

However, they were disappointed heavily, when there was no change. Mr. Arun Jaitley himself had demanded raising the limits from 2 lacs to 5 lacs sometime in 2014 when BJP was not in power, but now when he is finance minister himself, he didn’t do what he “expected” from others.

income tax exemption limit budget 2015

2. Health Insurance limit increased from Rs 15,000 to Rs 25,000 per year

A big change in this budget was increase in health insurance exemption limit from Rs 15,000 per year to Rs 25,000 per year. In the same manner, for senior citizens – its raised from Rs 20,000 to Rs 30,000. This is really a good move because health insurance premiums can go up to Rs 25,000 per year in case one is paying the premium for self, spouse and children. This will encourage more and more people to buy health insurance.

So if you are paying yours and senior citizen parents health insurance premium, you can avail a maximum of Rs 55,000 under sec 80D. It’s a good time to head over to this website and leave your details if you are interesting in buying health insurance.

One more announcement was made that those senior citizens who are above 80 years in age, and are not covered by any health insurance, they can avail a deduction of Rs 30,000 towards expenditure on medical treatment.

3. No tax on Interest under Sukanya samriddhi account

When few months back Sukanya Samriddhi account was launched, that time the interest was taxable and investors complained how PPF is better than this scheme, but Arun Jaitley clarified that there won’t be any income tax on the interest part also, which makes this scheme better compared to its earliar version. However its still debatable if its good or bad compared to other alternatives like PPF or mutual funds in a long run.

4. Transport Allowance Limit increased from Rs 800 to Rs. 1600 per month

Another good thing about budget was that the transport allowance was raised from Rs 800 to Rs 1,600 per month. Transport allowance is not taxable at all.means now out of your overall income, total Rs 19,200 will be deducted

That means whatever income you earn, Rs 19,200 will be deducted on the name of transport allowance (Rs 1600 X 12) and you need to pay tax only on the balance amount, subject to other exemptions and benefits. While it’s doubled from Rs 800 to Rs 1,600, still Its not very high amount, especially for big cities where the transportation expenses are very high.

5. TDS introduced for Recurring Deposits Interest

You might not have heard this in the budget speech, but now the TDS will be cut even for the recurring deposits. Till now for so many years, TDS was deducted only in case of fixed deposit, and not in case of recurring deposits. But now this has changed. While it’s not a big issue, but anyways you need to pay the tax on recurring deposit interest earned, even if TDS is not deducted. An amendment will happen in the definition of “Term/Time Deposit” under sec 194A and recurring deposits will come under TDS.

6. Service Tax Rate Increased from 12.36% to 14%

This was a big blow for common man. The service tax rate was increased to 14% from earliar rate of 12.36%. That means whichever services you avail, you will be paying the additional 1.64% in service tax. In case of restaurants, you will be paying 0.656% more every time (restaurants are required to charge service tax only on 40% part of the bill) . So if your restaurant bill was Rs 1,000, you earlier paid Rs 49.4 as service tax, but now you will pay Rs 56 , which is Rs 6.6 more.

7. Wealth Tax act abolished and replaced with 2% surcharge for super rich

Wealth tax is now abolished. Wealth tax is the tax one used to pay for certain kind of assets worth Rs 30 lacs. The wealth tax didn’t bring a lot of wealth for govt and hence they have simplified the whole thing by removing it. Instead of it, they have introduced a 2% surcharge on the those who earn more than Rs 1 crore a year. This new move will bring in around Rs 9,000 crore in govt kitty!

What I loved about whole removal of wealth tax is that CA students were very happy about this as their syllabus is now simplified :), here is one tweet which confirms that!

wealth tax abolished


8. Tax-free infrastructure bonds worth Rs 20,000 crore to be introduced

Tax-Free Infrastructure bonds are back. Keeping the focus on the infrastructure development, especially for railways and roads, the finance minister announced that the bonds worth Rs 20,000 crores will be introduced. The interest on these bonds will tax-free and the maturity will be after the long term tenure of 10-15 yrs.

9. PAN Mandatory for all Transactions above Rs. 1 Lakh

Now, if there is a transaction of more than Rs 1 lac, it would be mandatory to quote the PAN Card. For example, if you are paying Rs 4 lacs for buying a car, you will have to quote your PAN number for sure. This requirement of furnishing PAN is for both purchase and sale transactions. Finance minister also mentioned that tax authorities are also making provisions to check “splitting of reportable transactions” , which means that if someone tries to split the transactions only for the sole reason of avoidance of mentioning PAN, then it would be detected.

Suppose you want to make a transaction of Rs 4 lacs into gold through your debit card, but if you make 5 payments of Rs 80,000 to avoid mentioning PAN, then there will be some mechanism to detect this and you will have to explain it to tax authorities if there is any enquiry.

The Finance Bill also includes a proposal to amend the Income-tax Act to prohibit acceptance or payment of an advance of `Rs 20,000 or more in cash for purchase of immovable property’.

10. FM to Reduce Corporate tax rate from 30 to 25% over next 4 years.

This is not directly related to common man, but its important to mention it here. Just like salaried people pay tax, even corporates (companies and firms) also pay tax and the rate was 30% till now. That will be reduced to 25% over the next 4 yrs. This is really big thing, because a lot of tax is earned by govt from big and small companies and it was a bold move to reduce the taxation rates for corporates.

11. Choice between EPF and NPS

Now employees will get an option between EPF and NPS, but this option will be available to only those employees whose monthly income is upto a limit, which is not yet shared. However the good part is that employer will still have to contribute their share into EPF, only the employee share will either be invested in NPS or EPF.

Both EPS and NPS are retirement tools by govt and I personally think that over the years, govt should keep only NPS and abolish EPF, so that the whole system is more simplified.

12. Upto 10 Year imprisonment for concealment of Income or Assets abroad

Do you have any property or income abroad ? If Yes – please understand that you need to mention and declare it in your income tax return in India. Otherwise it amounts of black money and as per this budget you can be jailed for upto 10 yrs if found guilty. So if some Indian who has or does not have income of India or not, is getting any income outside India and has any assets outside, they have to file the tax returns for it without fail. If govt finds out that you didnt follow this rule, even your assets in India might be siezed in India.

Not just that, even you will have to pay a penalty of upto 300% . Read this article which explains things in a bit more detail.

13. NPS limit raised from 1 lac to 1.5 lacs 

The limit of NPS has been increased from 1 lac per year to 1.5 lacs. NPS is a retirement benefit investment product by govt were you can invest and create your retirement corpus.

14. Pay Rs 12 a year and get 2 lacs accidental insurance

Focusing on poors who do not have any access to insurance products, it was announced that a special scheme with name “Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana” will be launched soon and will be connected to Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana . By paying Rs 12/year , one would be eligible for getting accidental cover of Rs 2 lacs.

The exact details on this are yet to come and it would be interesting to read the finer points on this scheme and how it works. Because this scheme will provide 1 lac of insurance for Rs 6 , however in market when you buy any standard accidental insurance, the premium per lac can range from Rs 100 to Rs 500. Lets see more on this when the scheme details come in future.

15. Pay Rs 330/year and get 2 lacs life insurance

Under ‘Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana’ one would be entitled to a life insurance of Rs 2 lacs sum assured for a premium of Rs 330/year . This would cover natural and accidental death both and any person under age range of 18-50 will be eligible to buy this policy.

The good part of this scheme is that one would be able to buy a lower sum assured of Rs 2 lacs because for people in lower income range, even a sum of Rs 2 lacs ifs good enough and it would really help them in life, but the premium of Rs 330 is not very cheap, because that turns out of be Rs 165 per 1 lac of life insurance. However in market when you shop for any pure term plan , the premiums are very much in same range. For example when a 30 yr old person buys a 1 crore term plan, he/she pays around Rs 8,000 a year, thats Rs 80 for every 1 lac of sum assured.

Anyways, its a good scheme which can benefit poors. The details are yet to come and we are not sure of the fine prints as of now.

16. Gold Bonds to be launched other measures

A special kind of gold bonds will be launched very soon, which will be alternative of buying the physical gold in market. So if you want to invest in physical gold “only” for the prices appreciation, then you can instead buy these bonds whose prices will move as per market price only. This is really good because there were almost no option to invest in pure gold other than physical gold. And the good part is that this will be from govt :).

Another good thing announced was that there would be Gold Scheme’s where one can deposit their physical gold which are in forms of bricks and coins (anything other than jewelry) and earn interest on it. While this is not very much beneficial for a common man, as they mostly have their gold in jewelry format only. So big institutions, temples, and other charitable trusts would benefit from this scheme.

Apart from this, new gold coins will be minted which will be having India ashoka chakra on it, so it will be “Indian gold coins” which didn’t exist till now and one had to buy foreign gold coins.

So overall – How was the Budget ?

The only question, a common man is asking is “How was the budget ?” . I personally think it was a balanced budget overall. For a salaried person, they might not find too many things in this budget and budget surely disappointed them and then there are some things which are good also. Lets not get into debate of “good” or “bad” because one person opinion might be wrong for someone else. Its a personal judgement overall

So you tell me, how was the budget for “you” and how do you feel about it ? What are good and bad things you find in this budget ?