How to Check EPF Balance online ?

A lot of us do not have even an idea on how much money we have in our Employee Providend fund account (EPF) and how to check EPF Balance online or offline. So in this post we will see how one can check his EPF balance online and get the details back through sms . Earlier […]


EPF interest rate increases to 9.5% for 2010-2011

On 15 September 2010, the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) raised the interest rate for EPF accounts by 1% for 2010-11. The organisation increased the interest rate to 9.5% for 2010-11 from 8.5% in the previous year. This 9.5% is the highest in the last five years. However, one needs to understand that the 1% […]


Everything you need to know about PPF and EPF

Everyone wants to spend an easy life without any stress specially related to money. And this is why people are becoming more and more conscious about their savings and investment. It is good for now that you are working and earning good enough to cover your expenses, but what after your retirement? Have you thought […]


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