Creating Wealth for Long Term through Equity

We are going to discuss today, a huge wealth creation by investing with discipline over long period of time. We often think that investing a small sum of money will not be able to generate huge Wealth and we need to invest huge amount of money.

wealth creation

Creating Wealth

Its obviously true that more money will create more wealth, but we are going to see today that we underestimate small savings and how small investments over a long period of time can generate fortunes.

How much wealth you can create, if you earn around $1000 /month (Rs.40,000 per month) and can invest 10% of that amount every month for next 30-35 yrs. I am assuming you are a 25 yrs old and retiring at the age of 60 (though i want to retire at 40). Total dependents are 3-4.

And monthly expenditure is Rs.25,000 ($600/month).

What kind of wealth can this person create?

Can he invest Rs 5000 ($125) in a diversified Equity Mutual fund per month till his retirement. I hope the answer can be YES

As we said that he is investing in Equities, What kind of return should we expect? 5% , 20% or 50%, but Wait … Equities are risky, it can be negative also !!! that’s very true … but People may not know that Equities are extremely risky in short term, but its almost not at all risky in long term, and if the long term = 35 yrs, then forget it, you can get some great returns.

Risk in Equities are inversely proportional to the investment tenure. Well that’s a different topic to talk about (And i will post an article on that soon , keeping an eye !!!) Just for the data, Indian Stock markets have given return of 17%+ CAGR return in 28 years, from 1979 (inception) to 2007. We are talking about Sensex.

So, to be safe we can easily consider 15% CAGR return in Long term (remember LONG TERM).

Coming to the point, It may happen that during initial years, our investor may face difficulty investing this much money considering, he may have other important things to take of and later he may have more responsibilities. But during is career life, his salary will also rise and then 5000 will be a small percentage of his salary.

So assuming he can do the investment we are proposing, what kind of retirement corpus he can build? Guesses?

I am sure most of the people will be thinking the following way:

He invested 5000 * 12 in a year, which is 60,000, and then he does it for 35 yrs , so he invests total of 60,000 * 35 = Rs 21,00,00 0 (21 lacs). And he will get some return of 15% every year. if we take 15% of this 21 lacs, it will be around 3,00,00, so total corpus = 24,000 and also as this is compounded , his interest will also keep growing at 15%, so it will be more than 24,00,000 , so lets take it 50,00,000. Fine …

Ok , let take 70,00,000 (70 lacs) to be safe. This is a calculation done not exactly by the proper annuity formula, but a workaround, which a general person can think of.

How much does he generate with this strategy

You can also look at my another article on Early investing and power of Compounding to get an idea about early investing and how compounding is a great tool. But keep going ahead if you are enjoying this article.

How to create wealth

So the question is What will be his corpus , can it be anywhere near to 70,00,000 . The answer is that his actual Wealth will be way beyond this amount. After doing the actual calculation i can see that it will come around 7.43 Crores (Rs 74 million) .

But how is it possible , such a big amount !!! .

That’s because of compounding power . The interest earns interest and that again earns interest and this keeps on going. Initially the interest earned is very small , but as the time passes , the amount keeps growing and the interest also grows at an unbelievable amount.

Can you believe that this investor will earn more than 1.04 Crores only in interest in his 35th year (last year) , more than 4 times the money he actually invested whole his life. That’s all possible because of systematic and consistent investing with out fail and because of Power of compounding.

That’s the reason why one of the greatest Scientist Albert Einstein said “Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the World”.

So it that all we are going to talk about today , NO !!! We have more to talk on this topic.

Why does this investor takes pain of investing that 5,000/month all this life. What if he invests just 10 yrs and leaves that money to grow for another 25 yrs. What if this is his plan till retirement.

The sudden thing which will come to your mind is that he invests for 35 yrs and created wealth of 7.43 crores , What if he just invests for 10 yrs .. it should be 10/35 * 7.43 crores = 2.12 Crores . Is that true ?

Will it actually be 2.12 Crores only. The answer is NO !!! . Then the question is how significantly different will his Wealth be in this case. The Answer is 5.88 Crores. Yes it will not be significantly less but just 21% less .

So Just by not investing for 71% tenure he actually gets 21% less money , that’s not a bad deal !!!

But wait , What if he wants that same 7.43 crores at the end , and still wants to invest for 10 yrs. the obvious way out is to invest more than his regular 5,000 per month . The question now is HOW MUCH MORE !!!

The answer is Rs 1420 more . Instead of 5,000 , he should invest Rs 6,420 per month for 10 yrs and then leave the money to grow for rest of 25 yrs. And he can generate wealth of Rs 7.43 Crores.

Watch this video to know how one can use Equity to create wealth over long term:

What we can learn from this

So there is a learning here and a very important thing to note , that more pain we take in the start , the better it is . In the initial years of career , its possible for people to invest more , as they have less responsibilities to handle and less dependents.

So it may be feasible for them to invest heavily in the initial phase of there career, which will benefit them for long term . Now see this person . Instead of investing 5,000 for whole of 35 yrs , If he chooses to take a little more pain in the initial 10 yrs and manages to invest Rs 1,420 more per month, then he can save investing for 25 yrs of his life and still can generate same Money.

One great question now !!!

What if our investor is ready to invest his 50% salary (20,000) per month for starting 2 yrs and then let it grow for rest 33 yrs. He is ready to heavily invest first 2 yrs of his career and do some sacrifices like not spending too much , no vacation , no fancy spending and all.

Can he still beat the target !!

Will he be able to generate the same Wealth for himself like in earlier examples !!

So here you go !!! , He will not only achieve the target , but exceed it.

His Wealth will be 9.24 Crores (Rs. 92.4 million) at the end of 35 yrs. I know that’s an Eye-opener . So now you know that the best time to invest was 5, 10 or 20 yrs ago , but if you missed it , don’t worry 🙂 . there is another golden chance and that’s NOW !!! .

please let me know what you feel about this article , that helps me to refine and write better articles.

Thanks, Happy Investing.

Note: The formula used for calculation is called Annuity. See formula under “Annuity Due” on this wiki page

An investment advice for all the beginner investors for their healthy financial life

People say its always a wise thing to Diversify your investments. Its gives you better security and better returns. It minimizes your risk and if one part of your portfolio is doing bad, it will not affect others and you will benefit from other side.

That is true, But then there are some things to note here.

Diversification – By investors point of view

Ask any investor who Started investing in Equities around 2002 and then sold his holdings at the end of 2007. If he sold it just by luck its great, but if he managed to take this decision based on his study on markets and hard work. Then its worth appreciating.

Diversification is very good, but only when you don’t have much time to track whats happening in things which you have invested in. Its a trade off between return and the time you can contribute tracking your investments.

What if you can watch your investments closely and take decisions based on any move in markets or investing world. In that case Diversification is not that important.

Warren Buffet’s views on diversification:

One of the greatest investors of all time Warren Buffet also says that Too much diversification is needs only when investors doesn’t know what he is doing. If you are cautious and well aware of things which affect your investments, then too much diversification is not required. Because you will take actions fast as an when required.

People who can not give time for there investments on daily or even weekly basis need better diversification. Read
to read more on diversification of portfolio.

Warren Buffet says that he likes to put his eggs in a single basket and watches it closely.

Lets take a Case study.

Ajay and Manish want to invest 1,00,000 each for 1 yr. During this period returns from different things were

Equities : 25% (for a year, but there were ups and downs in Equities market for whole year)
Gold : 20%
Debt : 9%
Real Estate : -10%

These were returns after an year, so before making investment both of them did not knew that what will be returns.

Ajay do not have time to track his investments, but Manish has, so Ajay diversifies his investment like this/

Equities : 50,000
Debt : 10,000
Gold : 10,000
Real Estate : 30,000

His portfolio after 1 yr looked like after getting respective returns

Equities : 62,500
Debt : 10,900
Gold : 12,000
Real Estate : 27,000

Total : 112,400, which comes to 12.4% before tax.

On the other hand Manish do not diversify, because he has much time to track things closely, He does some study and understands that Real estate has short term bear market as there is lot of supply and interest rates are also going up which will affect demand and hence prices. He Invests most of his money in Equities and some money in Debt and Gold.

His portfolio looks like :

Equities : 80,000
Gold : 15,000
Debt : 5,000

His portfolio after 1 yr:

Equities : 1,15,000 (He sold his equities when he sensed that markets may fall in near term and then again bought at low levels, because of his good timings he earned more than 40% return)
Gold : 18,000
Debt : 5,450

His total = 1,38,450
Return = 38.45%


Though this is hypothetical example, it shows that Because Manish kept a close eye on this investment, he does not need very highly diversified portfolio. He can have more concentration on something which he can closely track.

Diversification in portfolio is to minimize risk and to get benefit of all the form of investment.

But risk can also be minimized by keeping a close eye on your investments, So the investor can choose more risky products and hence also increase there chances or earning higher returns.

Understanding what is Fixed Maturity Plan & what are the benefits of FMP?

Attaining financial goals is does not happen overnight, it needs a long term investment. But in case of Stock market, lot of people avoid a long term investment because of the fear of volatility of the returns.

Fixed Maturity Plan is the better option for such investors because of its higher security concerns. Let me explain you a bit detail about FMP.

Fixed Maturity Plan (FMP)

What is FMP?

Fixed Maturity Plans are the equivalent of a fixed deposit in a bank, with a little difference. The FMP’s returns are only indicated and not ‘guaranteed’, Since the fund house knows the interest rate that it will earn on its investments, it can provide ‘indicative returns’ to investors.

Fixed Maturity Plans are debt schemes, where the corpus is invested in fixed-income securities.

Where do FMP’s invest?

FMPs usually invest in certificate of deposits (CDs), commercial papers (CPs>), money market instruments, corporate bonds and sometimes even in bank fixed deposits.

Depending on the tenure of the Fixed Maturity Plan, the fund manager invests in a combination of the above-mentioned instruments of similar maturity. Say if the FMP is for a year, then the fund manager invests in paper maturing in one year.

The expense ratio, generally varies from 0.25 to 1 per cent.

Tenure of Fixed Maturity Plan

The tenure can be of different maturities, from one month to three years. They are closed-ended in nature, which means that once the NFO (new fund offer) closes, the scheme cannot accept any further investment.

These FMP NFOs are generally open for 2 to 3 days and are marketed to corporates and well-heeled, high net-worth individuals. Nevertheless, the minimum investment is usually Rs 5,000 and so a retail investor can comfortably invest too.

Benefits of Fixed Maturity Plan:

1. Minimal risk – Fixed Maturity Plan’s are hold by fund manager till maturity which helps in getting fixed returns. Because of this FMP’s exposed least to the interest risks.

2. Protection from capital loss – FMPS’s invest in debt funds and this reduces the loss of capital relatively than that of equity funds.

3. Liquidity – Normally it is suggested to hold the Fixed Maturity Plan’s till its maturity, but if you want an exit then you will have that option and can exit from the FMP at any point.

What is the difference between FMP and FD?

FMP are differentiated form FD on the basis of some major key points like interest, returns, tax and indexation. As a debt fund, FMP enjoys the benefit of indexation on a long tern investment for more than 1 year.

FD is a risk free investment tool whereas FMP’s are risky because of the corporate debt default. Besides this, the returns from FD are fixed, but in case of FMP, the returns are only indicative and not fixed.

You can watch this video given below to know more about how FMP’s are different from FD’s.

Actual return Vs Indicated Return

The actual return can vary slightly, if at all, from the indicated return. Against that, a bank fixed deposit exactly prints the amount which is due to you on maturity on the FD receipt. However, FMPs do earn better returns than fixed deposits of similar tenure.

Have a look at the list of closed ended FMP’s , and there returns :

Tax Implication

1. Dividend :

Tax-free in the hands of the individual investor.

2. Investment in growth option of the FMP for less than a year :

The gains are added to the investor’s income and taxed at the investor’s slab rate.

3. Investment in the growth option of the FMP for over a year :

Either 10% capital gains tax without indexation or 20% with indexation.

What is indexation benefit?

The finance minister has been generous enough to recognize that inflation erodes the real value of any investment. So every year, he comes out with an inflation index based on the prevailing rate of inflation.

The cost of investment is indexed by multiplying the index of the year of maturity and divided by the inflation index prevailing on the year of investment. If you have arrived at an indexed cost, then the long-term capital gain is taxed at 22.44 per cent and if you do not opt for the indexed cost, then the tax is 11.22 per cent.

To understand more on indexation, Read this


FMP’s are investment options for sure if you want to park your money for short term. They are more tax efficient and give better post-tax returns. Though returns are not 100% guaranteed , they are almost risk free (remember almost) .

If they really give better than returns then FD’s and practically as safe as FD’s why don’t people invest in these ?

Ans : No awareness among people and they less risk taking attitude

If you have question or any doubt related to FMP, you can leave your query in the comment section.

Everything you want to know about ETF.

Do you want to invest your money more safely? Here is one of the best options for you. ETF i.e. Exchange trade funds are one of the safe way of investing your money in equity market.

It is an investment fund traded on stock exchange, much like stock. These are attractive investments because of their low cost and stock like features. It offers both tax efficiency and lower transaction cost.

What is ETF?


What are ETFs?

Exchange Traded Funds are a basket of securities that are listed and traded on a recognized stock exchange. Simply, they are mutual funds, whose units can be bought and sold on the stock exchange.

Given that an ETF is traded on the stock exchange, its price may not necessarily be the same as the NAV of the underlying portfolio. In other words, an ETF could have an NAV distinct from its market price. The reason being that the market price is usually driven by the demand and supply of units.

Hence there is a distinct possibility of an Exchange Traded Funds units trading at a premium or discount to its NAV.

For Example Nifty BeES , whose underlying is NSE , may not have same price as its underlying , For example if Nifty is 4500 , it may be possible that The ETF’s value is 4600 or 4400 , depending on the sentiments and expectations.

Watch the video given below to know the current status of ETF in India:

How does ETF work?

Exchange Traded Funds are just like stock exchange. For that you need to open a Demat account by any medium like through bank, online brokers or through any consultancy.  Check for the prize value of the share so that you will know which of them are in your budget and then you can buy or sell your shares at any time you want to.

It is so easy like suppose you buy some shares at 10:30 in the morning and sell it at 12 pm. then again you can buy another shares after lunch.

Benefits of ETF

ETF’s are the low cost simple solution for the generating good returns from stock market investment. The benefits of ETF are as Given below.

Benefits of ETF

1. Easy to access:

ETF’s can be purchased with just a single transaction. In EYF’s you are buying mini portfolio’s so it is way more easier than buying a basket of Indexes.

2. Cost effective:

Commissions are generally low on ETF as compared to the other tools. Besides this it there is no load fee’s and managing fee is also very low.

3. Transparent:

The most important thing of your investment is transparency. You should know where have you invested your money and how’s it performing. In Exchange Traded Funds, your portfolio details and underlying are publisher daily.

Difference between ETF and Mutual Fund:

Many beginners get confused between Exchange Traded Funds and Mutual Funds. Though ETFs are part of mutual funds, they are different in many aspects than Mutual funds. Lets see some of the differences between Mutual fund and ETFs:

ETF and Mutual fund difference

ETF’s in India

Nifty BeES : Tracking NSE
Quantum Index Fund : Tracking NSE
ICICI SPIcE Fund : Tracking BSE
Bank BeES : Tracking CNX Bank Index


Gold ETF’s are the simple investments products that combines flexibility of stock investment and simplicity of Gold investment. Gold ETF’s are different from Gold savings.

IT tracks Gold prizes. Gold ETF’s are one of the best form of Gold Investments. Earlier investors used to invest in gold in metal form. Then comes paper bond and now you can invest in gold through electronic form.


  • No risk of impurities.
  • Flexibility in buying Gold. Like one can buy in smaller lot.
  • Held in electronic form.
  • No storage cost.
  • No security concern like in physical form.
  • Transparent pricing and potentially cheaper.
  • Can track your investment values in real time.
  • No wealth tax like in Metal form.

Advantages of ETFs

1. ETFs tend to be more cost-effective vis-a-vis comparable mutual funds. The expense ratio of a passively managed ETF (tracking a benchmark index) would normally be in the range of 0.50%-1.00%; for an index fund, it can be as high as 1.50%. And for mutual funds the entry load is 2.25% .

2. ETF’s can be bought and sold anytime during the market hours , unlike the Mutual funds NAV at the end of the Day.

3. Given ETFs are traded on the stock exchange, and can be bought/sold on a real time basis; they tend to have low tracking error (deviation of ETF’s performance from that of the underlying index) as compared to index funds.

Disadvantages of ETF

1. Investors need to have a demat and a trading account, with a SEBI registered stockbroker, for investing in ETFs

2. Costly to operate – You need demat account to buy ETF and the charges for demat account might compensate the low expense ratio of ETF. One of our blog readers comments on that

While promoting ETFs it is argued that their 1% edge of expense ratio over mutual funds will be significant if it is compounded over a long period of time, say 20 years. So this advantage of less expense ratio is not there if the calculations in the previous comment are true. What I am trying to say is that the only advantage that ETFs have is that they are like mutual funds that will guarantee market related returns. Nothing less and nothing more.

If you have any query related to this topic you can leave your reply in the comment section.