10 money lessons for millennials (Recent corporate webinar by Jagoinvestor)

We recently had an opportunity to conduct a personal finance session for the millennial.

For those who don’t know this word, millennial means the people who are just reaching their adulthood. They are quite young, and may be just out of college and recently started earning money. I am writing the article so that we can inspire other young professionals to kick start their journey as an investor.

This was my first experience leading a session ONLY for the millennial

Personal Finance for millennial or young investors

It was done for an organization called Squareboat based out in Gurgaon and the experience was awesome. I was amazed to see a high level of energy, participation, and hunger to learn from each participant.

I started with a statement, “I am leading the session to my Younger Self and not to an audience”.

I covered things which if someone would have shared with me at the start of my career, my financial life would have been very different. At the start of my career, I was not at all serious about managing money. I was extremely casual and would only focus on spending.

I was also having some junk financial products in my financial life which later discarded. I was candid with them, it was a casual chat with personal finance as a theme.

Webinars conducted for various companies by Jagoinvestor

10 important lessons and realizations from the session

Here are the 10 things which I realized from the session and I am putting them up here. You can forward this for your young brother or sister or any other person you know can benefit.

1. The first 10 years of our career are CRUCIAL

All the major Mistakes happen in the first 10 years of our working life. We taste the blood called “salary” and start spending money on things we love the most. The first few years set the tone of our entire financial journey and so it is important to manage money well at the start.

In the first few years, people are so busy in establishing their career that they end up buying many financial products without doing the homework. The participants learned an important lesson to avoid common mistakes and to keep their financial life on track.

2. The Unit System

I shared my Unit system theory with them.

After I got serious about my financial life I decided to work on my net worth. Now, I was always scared of the word “Crore” and so I use to call “10 Lakh” as one Unit. I started playing for the units so that I can stay relaxed in the area of money and the word crore does not put pressure on me.

In the session, I invited the participants to play for their first unit. It can be 10 Lakh or 5 Lakh or even 1 Lakh. Many liked my Unit System and they started sharing about their first Unit.

3. Learn to think small

I invited participants to think small.

Everyone wants to directly become Warren Buffet. Well, first you have to learn to become better in any area and then great. The world always teaches us to think BIG and almost all of us have bought the idea of thinking BIG.

There is nothing wrong with thinking big, but to think small can also be equally powerful. I invited the group to go very slow and to set a very simple and easy goal as an investor. I wanted them to have a sense of winning and the idea was to help them to experience winning.

We took examples of the power of starting small, we saw what Rs. 5000/-. Rs. 10000/- and Rs. 20000/- can help them to create in the next 20-30 years of time frame. They loved the idea of starting small and then continue to expand their game of wealth creation.

4. Become Rich Slowly

I was sharing with them the conversation between Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet in which Jeff asked Warren, “You have shared all your secrets around wealth creation with the world through your talks, videos, and books but then why not many people are RICH”, the answer by Warren buffet was, ” Because not many people want to become rich slowly”.

Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett conversation

Yes, everyone wants to become RICH quickly and that is where all the problem starts.

I invited the millennial to focus more on the word “CREATION” than the word ” WEALTH”. It takes time and there are no short cuts. No stock or 1-2 actions will make you a millionaire quickly. Wealth creation is always like a plant it grows slowly, row by row, Inch by inch.

Well, that is exactly how wealth grows.

5. Goals are always a by-product

We did an interesting and insightful conversation on giving and serving. The song which is being played in our mind is the “want” song.

  • I want a car
  • I want a house
  • I want an iPhone

Our want list occupies 99% of our Mind’s bandwidth and in that, we forget to serve our financial life, we forget to serve people, we forget to serve our organization.

Jagoinvestor Session Snapshot

The participants learned the biggest lesson of their life and decided to give time, commitment, consistency, and discipline to their financial life and if they do so the goals will automatically start entering their world. I wish someone would have given this learning or insight at the start of my career, for many years I was finding wealth on the wrong side of the river.

6. One action at a time

I made a statement at the start, “only action products WEALTH”– It is not the thinking, worrying, planning, imagining, visualizing that helps to create wealth.

The book called, “Think and Grow Rich”, is a great book but the title is totally misleading. The participants learned the most important personal finance lesson that, “Only action Produces WEALTH”- One action at a time, I asked them to find their first personal finance action and encouraged them to complete the action in the next few days.

7. Cost of Delay

I did not want the session to be preachy and so instead of asking them to start investing, I showed them two different scenarios, what if they start now and what if they delay and I left for them to decide. After seeing the example and calculation they decided not to delay their investment journey anymore and they made a commitment to start their monthly Investments.

I was happy to see the session was helping them to give a new direction to their financial life. It was more like a wake-up call for many and was making them a confident investor.

8. Power of HABITS

Our Habits have the power to make or break our financial life/future. Habits are Powerful, they are brutal and they are our invisible enemies to create wealth. It is absolutely normal to have habits but the problem starts when habits start to have us. That is from where the real disconnect happens between you and your financial life.

Almost all participants admitted some habits they need to work on to improve their financial life. I think it is a very important realization and it takes courage to accept your disempowering habits. At the start of the session, I invited every participant to bring in a lot of honesty and they did so, I appreciate them for their honesty.

9: Compounding is the way of Life:

Again a very powerful conversation learned by the participants. Personal finance is not about money, it is about YOU. We all have learned compounding as a concept and we all know the formula of compounding but it is about practicing compounding as a way of life.

I invited them to practice compounding beyond personal finance, maybe in the area of health, learning a new skill, or doing some activity on a regular basis. No Break. We took the example of being overweight, calories compounds, good work you do in your Organization compounds, efforts compound, and money also compounds- In Life everything compounds and we need to build a strong relationship with compounding.

10 The One-page action Plan

I wanted the session to end with a simple and easy action plan. I gifted a one-page simple action plan to all the participants, I am sure the actions listed will help them to kick start their journey as an investor. I promised them at the start, if they complete the training you won’t be the same person in the area of money.

The participants shared their results and actions before ending the program and it filled by heart with a lot of happiness.

Are you an HR or Entrepreneur?

I invite all the HR Professionals, entrepreneurs, and everyone to join hands with us in spreading financial awareness. You can become our partner in spreading financial awareness.

Let’s GIFT financial wellbeing to others, trust me there are many who are waiting for a helping hand and you and I can become their helping hand. The conversations we do helps an investor to reset their mind and personal finance actions and it saves them to create wealth, avoid the debt trap, and have a smooth financial journey.

If you are an HR of any company or someone who can help us conduct the sessions for investors. Do fill up the form below.

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We have already done programs for several Companies like HPCL, Wabtec, Tata communications, Airbnb, IAS officers Academy, BSF, symbiosis, and many other institutions and Organizations. I invite you to join hands with us to make a difference in someone’s financial journey.

How long will you live after retirement? (Its not 80 yrs)

70-80 yrs.

That’s what most of the investors answer when they are asked – “How long are you going to live?”

Truly speaking, no one knows how long will you live!. We may die at 60, 70,80, and 90,100 or may be 47 or next week!. Who knows?

Till what age people will live in India? What is the life expectancy ?

In most of our workshops and even the online webinars, when we asking this question “How long should you plan your retirement?” . The standard reply is 75-80 yrs. Only 2-3 people among the ground of 40 will murmur a number like 95 yrs. or something like that and obviously face the horror from of those who are confident of not retiring with enough corpus.

Today, we are trying to answer this question from retirement planning perspective. When you plan for your retirement corpus, it depends heavily on how long you are going to live!. If you live for a short period, you need less wealth. If you are going to live for a very very long time, you are going to need a very large corpus.

Your answer to “How long will you live after retirement?” will also vary depending on how happy are you with life overall currently. If you are stuck in your job, where you feel frustrated and also have not been able to reach some milestones in life, your answer will show the pessimism and you might say “75 yrs” is enough for me”

However if you are full of life, very happy right now, in a great health and have been doing great in your financial life, you might say “I would love to live till 90 or 95, Life is so beautiful”

But, Most investors get it wrong

Coming to the main question we are trying to answer today, we want to investigate or rather get enough clues on how long we can expect to live in retirement. Finding a good enough answer is critical for every one of us, because then we can design our life, priorities and investment plan for retirement based on the answer we get today.

I want to convince you today, that if you feel that you will just live till 75-80 yrs. only, then maybe you need to change the way you look at it. May be you are planning is wrong. May be you are taking the best case.

The biggest retirement worry most of the people (who are already retired) is “Outliving their money”. Just think of a situation where a person has planned for just 20 yrs. of retirement (retired at 60 and expects to die at 80), but he has already reached 78 yrs. of age and his money is almost finished.

What kind of mental trauma he/she has to go through?

We all want to make sure that it does not happen to us.

We all want to make sure that in our retirement life, we have enough money, freedom to withdraw enough money for our expenses and have a decent margin in case anything goes wrong, so that you don’t have to depend too much financially on others.

Recently we did retirement planning for a 54 yr old person who was an NRI reader and while we created his plan, we made sure that all these elements like legacy, tax optimization, risk-control and growth was taken care while creating his retirement plan and his action strategy. You also have to make sure that if you are almost going to retire or if your parents are about to retire (or already retired) these elements are present in their retirement portfolio.


How young population of India will retire in few decades

While we are happy today that India is the youngest country in the world, we also have to remember that in few decades, all we young people will also retire. Many of us may also not have the privilege to live with our children which many senior citizens enjoy. So we need to plan better.

Life Expectancy in India

Let’s start with the basic question – “What is the average life expectancy in India right now in 2020?”

The official answer is around 69.73 in India at birth. For simplicity sake we will take life expectancy as 70 yrs. The life expectancy in India is continuously increasing every year from last many decades (a lot of people have this myth that it’s decreasing)

Historical Life Expectancy in India from 1950 and projected life expectancy for next 30 yrs.

It simply means that one an average when a child takes birth, He/She is expected to live up to 70 yrs. of age. However we all know someone who died at 85, or 95 and even 53 or 29.

So this 70 yrs. is “Average” – which includes

  • All the young people who die because of accidents
  • All small children dying of malnutrition
  • All people who die of suicide
  • All people who die of any illness at young age
  • Old age people who die because of illness in age band of 60-70 yrs.
  • Old age people who due because of illness in age bank of 70-80 yrs.
  • Old age people who die of depression and loneliness
  • Old age people who die because of no access of good health care
  • Very old age people who die at age 90+ yrs.

So, you now understand that “average” is kind of a fraud number. It gives some idea to you about something, but does not reveal enough to take decision. We also have to look at standard deviation to get a better sense. And people age at death can vary by a big margin.

Senior Citizen in India high age

A big population dies below life expectancy of 70 yrs. and many die above 70 yrs. The average is 70 yrs. Which means that for every person who dies much before 70 yrs. , there is another person who is living till 100 to average it out

You can’t take these 70 yrs. as the base to plan your retirement life.

Moving Life Expectancy in India

A better data to look at is moving life expectancy number, which gives you an idea of what is the expected life expectancy once a person has reached an age. A person who has already reached 60 yrs. of age, won’t have the life expectancy of 70 yrs., it will be much more than that.

And here are the official numbers

So to conclude, a person who reached 60 yrs. of age as per above data can expect to live till 77-78 yrs. (another 17-18 yrs.) and this again is the average. This includes an unhealthy, broke retired person and a healthy, happy and wealthy retired person also. One of them will mostly die before 77 and another one will live longer than that.

You probably will belong to the other side and you know where this whole conversation is going.

Women live longer than Men

Let’s change the track a bit. I want to now talk a bit about Men and Women life expectancy.

Another thing you should know is that women in general live longer than men all over the world. In India also its true, and its truer for couples. You will often see men dying before their wives for simple reason that men generally have higher age compared to women, and men are exposed to more risks like accidents etc. because men mostly drive, get involved into those tasks which often have danger of life.

There are many other evolutionary and behavioural reasons, but it’s out of scope of this article.

So if you are women reading this, you need to understand that you will live much longer and have to plan for your pension. If you are men, you need to understand that while you may not believe that you will live longer, it’s your spouse who will outlive you and you have to do your planning more carefully for her as she may live for another 5-10 yrs. after you on average.

The following memes can give you a small hint (in a funny way) of what we are talking about.

Medical Advancements will contribute to your longer life

Decades ago, people died because of illnesses and diseases/inflections which look very normal today. The medicine and vaccines are available today which were not available few years/decades back (in future people will also talk like this for coronavirus).

Then over time various discoveries and inventions were done in the field of medical science and medicines, vaccines and treatments were available for masses at lower costs. This makes sure that the mortality rate comes down over time.

Check out how the mortality rate for Cancer is coming down (not the number of deaths, but the mortality rate)

Cancer mortality rates coming down over the years due to medical advancements

Even the other types of mortality rates are coming down from last many years.

Mortality rates coming down for various infections and illnesses

If we talk about the current Covid-19 related deaths they are mostly because we have no cure or vaccine available. But very soon, we will have some cure available which will make sure that not too many people die in future because of this virus.

The point I am trying to make is that the whole world is on the mission to make sure that there is further medical advancements and they are constantly trying to find ways to make sure that people live longer and longer.

If you have money with you, it will get tougher and tougher for you to die as no one will let you die easily. Neither your family members nor the hospitals that benefit out of treating you.

India is developing faster

Another angle to the same conversation is that our country is making progress every year and we are on our journey towards becoming a developed nation. India in 2040-50 (When I will be retired) be a different place than today (like its different than 1990)

As a nation develops we have better access to everything. We have more money, we have better healthcare system, we have better roads and infrastructure (imagine less accidents and all the people who didn’t meet accident also adding to the pool of retired people).

If you compare yourself to your parents, you will agree that you have much better access to better housing, quality food (ok this is controversial), quality entertainment, quality travel, quality healthcare, quality roads and infrastructure. They might not have been able to afford a good hospital, but you can!.

All these together contribute to a higher life expectancy. Check out this world map where the developed nations has higher life expectancy

Life Expectancy of various countries .. Higher the development of nations, higher is the life expectancy

Share of old age people in overall population

If you currently have a look at the share of aged population in developed countries, you will see that it’s very high in developed nations compared to developing or poor nations. For example, Japan has 26% of people who are senior citizen and Italy has 22.4% .. India will reach to that point in next 30-40 yrs.

In Japan, there is a village called Ogimi, where people generally live up to an age of 100 yrs. I am just showing a glimpse of what can happen with a developed country

japan village ogimi where people live up to 100 yrs.

Here is the data, I found in this report about share of senior citizens in overall population for developed countries. Check below

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% Share

1 Japan 26
2 Italy 22.4
3 Germany 21.1
4 Portugal 20.7
5 Finland 20.3
6 Bulgaria 20.1
7 Greece 19.9
8 Sweden 19.6
9 Latvia 19.3
10 Denmark 19


Source : https://www.prb.org/which-country-has-the-oldest-population/

In India, currently the senior citizen population share is around 8-9%, which is expected to rise to 20% of population, which will be quite huge. This might be a disaster unless we all are prepared for with sufficient retirement corpus. Here is what Google tells me about the future

Share of Senior Citizen population In India in 2050

So if you are 30-40 yrs. old person reading this article, you need to be clear on this that once you get older, you will have much higher chances of living longer compared to our parents or much older generation. It’s a different thing that you live long in reality or not. But you have to plan thinking of the longest you can live, not the “average age”

So to sum it up, I will show you what are the recent United Nations, World Aging Population Report 2019 says about all the points I was trying to make above. You can see that they say the same things

World Aging Population Report by United Nations


I would like to conclude and sum up this article now with some points. Here they are

  • You may live for a very long time. It can be 90-100 yrs. and even 105 for some cases. Do plan better
  • Life Expectancy is increasing and it will keep increasing in future too.
  • Don’t assume or plan that you will be living only till 75-80 yrs. It’s not even happening now, forget about future
  • Plan for a big retirement corpus, so that it can last for your lifetime and also leave some legacy for your family.

Please share in comments section, what you feel about this article and whats your views about retirement phase and how long people will live in future?

7 types of Petrol Pump frauds (its a nation wide scam)

I got cheated at a Petrol Pump yesterday for ₹ 400.

Yesterday I went to a BPCL petrol pump to fill petrol in my car, where it all happened.

I asked the attendant for a “Full Tank”. I generally get out of my car and stand near the person filling it, but I was in a conversation with my friend and trusted the petrol pump as I have been there quite a number of times. However, this time I made a mistake.

The attendant asked me to see the ZERO on the meter and then started filling the petrol. Once the meter started and I thought that everything is fine, he stopped at ₹ 400 and started billing.

I knew this tactic where they say “Oh .. I thought you said ₹ 400”. So I told him to leave it at that point and bill it to me for  ₹ 400 only. I paid the amount and went ahead.

However, my car indicator was still showing the same “51 km” which it was showing before I went to petrol pump and did not go past it. That’s when I realized that I was a victim of another Petrol Pump fraud, which I was unaware of. I already went too far from the petrol pump and had no proof of the incidence that happened.  However, I was surely tricked.

I got back my Rs 400 and offer to terminate the employee

My immediate next was to lodge a complain on BPCL website with all details and I was quite surprised and happy to see that I got a call back from the petrol pump manager within 30 minutes.

He accepted the mistake and offered to pay back the fuel worth ₹ 400 and also terminate the employee if found guilty. I told the manager that I do not wish him to get terminated in this hard times. It will be enough if he can warn that person strictly and take measures to ensure this does not happen again.

Please listen to my 3 min audio recording with Petrol Pump Manager.


Today I visited the petrol pump again as requested by the petrol pump main manager (he was not present that day when I got scammed). He was quite helpful and courteous in explaining all the things to me. He also got my car filled for Rs 400 petrol so that I am not in loss. Apart from that, he also showed me their automation system which records each and every entry with the time stamp.

I was able to see the entry of Rs 401.50 for the exact time and date. However as I said, the petrol did not reach my car at all. As I said I was not attentive enough that day. I guess the petrol was getting filled in some other vehicle or container (check Fraud #4 below) which I will leave the petrol pump to investigate using their CCTV. I was also offered by petrol pump to do 5 ltr fuel test incase I want to.

Please note that I am not holding BPCL or manager responsible for what happened. After I met the manager, and asked all the questions I had –  I am convinced that it was purely employee mischief in this incident.

Also I want to acknowledge that BPCL was quite fast in resolving my case and the petrol pump manager was also quite prompt to investigate the case.

Is this a new kind of petrol pump scam which got invented?

This got me thinking about the quantum of these kinds of scams and frauds which happen almost every minute in our country in almost all the cities of India, where people get cheated of small amounts like ₹ 50, ₹ 20 or ₹ 500….

99% of the people who get scammed are not even aware of it. Others who are bit aware, they make a scene for 2 minutes, may get a refund and the matter is closed.

Massive “Small Scams” going on across the Petrol Pumps

There are close to 60,000 – 70,000 petrol pumps in our country. Imagine the amount which is looted together by all petrol pumps (leaving those who are clean) even if they do small frauds.

I feel it’s so rampant that it might amount to thousands of crores which is yet to be investigated in detail.

So to make everyone aware, I started digging internet, YouTube and various other platforms like Team-BHP, Quora, etc to check experiences of other people who got cheated and thought of compiling a list of different ways through which petrol pump attendants along with owners/managers in some cases defrauds customers.

So let’s see various frauds one by one ..

Fraud #1 – Short Fueling by distraction

This is most common and widely experienced fraud which can be done quite easily if you are not alert. Here is how it happens;

You ask for petrol worth ₹ 500, and the meter is already at ₹ 100 (the person before you filled it for ₹ 100) . The person tries to show that he is resetting the meter to ZERO, while you are distracted by another person. He does not reset the meter in reality, but starts from ₹ 100 itself and goes till ₹ 500.

You pay ₹ 500, but you get the fuel only worth ₹ 400 only.

If the meter is already set to ZERO, then they use another trick.

So you ask for petrol for ₹ 500, the attendant asks you to check the meter at ZERO and then stats filling the petrol and stops at ₹ 100. When you ask him why he stopped at ₹ 100, he tells you that he heard ₹ 100 only. Then he says that no issues, he will reset and fill another ₹ 400 (will give some crap technical reason why he can’t continue from that same point).

At this point someone from his team distracts you while the attendant starts filling from ₹ 100 onwards itself, when you think that he had reset the meter back to ZERO. Then he goes till ₹ 400 and charges you ₹ 500 (₹ 100 + ₹ 400). You get petrol worth ₹ 400 only, but pay ₹ 500.

In both these tricks, someone distracts you in the name of PUC, cleaning of vehicle, or will just ask you some silly thing and you turn your eyes away from meter.

Here is an image showing how it works

Giving less petrol than you pay for on petrol pumps (frauds and scams)

Unless you make a scene then and there itself, it becomes quite tough to catch them later because by that time the incident in old enough and you also loose the interest in fighting for few hundred rupees.

Fraud #2 – Tweaking fuel-dispensing machines using integrated chips

This is a clear cut fraud from the main owners of the petrol pumps or at manager level, because in this fraud – an integrated chip is installed in the machine itself. This chip makes sure that 3% less oil is filled every time while the meter shows the full amount. So if you ask for ₹ 1000 petrol, everything will look perfect but you will get petrol worth ₹ 970 only.

Even the receipt will be generated for the full amount. This is a small tweak which is done in the machine itself.

Frauds at petrol pump by installing echip in Machine

Imagine 10,000 customers coming to a petrol pump and everyone gets 3% less fuel. How big is that as a scam .. Now multiply that with hundreds of petrol pump who may be doing this.

To read more on this kind of fraud, you can read this article where it’s explained in detail about how the chip works and the methodology

Fraud #3 – Filling the costly version of Oil (Speed / Power) without asking

This is not exactly a fraud, but an unethical thing which most of the petrol pumps do.

They by default start filling the costlier version of the oil (Speed Petrol or Power Petrol) without customer asking for it. Most of the cars or bikes in India run totally fine with the unleaded version of oil which is the default thing. Then there are high octane fuels which can cost 5-10% more than the normal price.

A lot of petrol pumps guide their employees to NOT ASK which version to fill and directly start filling the high performance fuel. And if you catch them and question them, they inform you that it’s your responsibility to clear in start which one you wanted.

You may want to refer to this video from AskCarguru on this topic or read my article

Fraud #4 : Blocking your Mirror and Filling Oil to another Vehicle

This is an advanced level of fraud done by some high risk taker employees of the petrol pumps. This is done to those who like to sit in the comfort of their cars and completely trust the petrol pumps.

In this case, the person filling the petrol pump will show you the meter and set it at ZERO and then come in between of your left mirror and fuel tank. While fueling, he will stop at ₹ 200, ₹ 300, ₹ 500 or some number like that and will give you various reasons for why he stopped, for example, he is coming in 2 min or he has to bring swipe machine or start generator, etc. Once he is back, he will start from the same point.

You will feel everything is normal; however, the trick is that before he left, he was actually filling the oil in some other vehicle (obviously another guy is involved). Your mirror was blocked from seeing what is happening and you were either on a phone call or were listening to music, etc.

I guess this is what happened with me recently as I was in a conversation with my friend and was bit careless (as I had used the same fuel station many times! poor me)

Here is experience of Mr. Rananjay Singh shared on quora

Fraud #5 – Start-Stop Trick to create an air lock (Long Nozzle)

A lot of times, the attendant while filling the oil, does not lock the dispenser nozzle into the tank neck and manually keeps pressing the start and stop button repeatedly. This makes sure that some quantity of oil is locked into the dispensing machine due to the air lock which is created.

As per the studies, 200 ml of oil is saved for every 10 liters of oil. Which means that if you are asking for FULL Tank, you are probably loosing close to 500-750 ml depending on your tank size.

Also if the dispenser nozzle is a long one, a decent amount of oil remains in the nozzle.

Considering thousands of liters of oil sold by a petrol pump every day, it probably saves them dozens of liters of oil, which I and you are paying for.

The solution for this is simple. Make sure the attendant locks the nozzle and does not interrupt till the auto-cutoff point is reached. Also the hosepipe should be raised as high as possible while taking it out of the tank.

Fraud #6 – Resetting the Meter to your final amount in between

This is a trick which shows how innovative people are.

In this trick, suppose you asked the attendant to fill petrol for ₹ 2,000. He shows you ZERO in the meter and starts filling the petrol.

Everything is going fine.. But towards the end when the meter shows around 1600-1700 and you get a feeling that now no one can scam you, some random guy will disturb you for various things like “Card or Cash” or “PUC” or “Lucky Draw” and things like that.

You are already relaxed now because you have been cautious enough from start thinking “what can go wrong now”.

The billing time comes, you check the meter and it shows your final amount of Rs 2,000. You pay the bill and leave.

Congratulations! You are scammed of few hundred rupees.

What happened?

So when the meter was at ₹ 1,700, and you got disturbed and diverted your attention to something else. The guy who was filling the petrol stopped filling the oil, did reset the meter to ₹ 2,000 (while the number of liters did not change).

We generally look at the amount only and not pay much attention to the quantity displayed. Some websites where I researched about this fraud also mentioned that in this kind of unauthorized meter reset, the meter amount blinks which is an indication that it was reset in a wrong manner.

Here is Vivek sharing his experience of a similar incident in our old article comments section

Vivek says:

Here’s another trick used by the pumps. This one in Pune. Mauli Petrol Pump (Baner Road) – HP dealership. You ask the attendant to fill Rs 1000. He asks you to check the Zero (reset) to gain your trust. Thereafter you don’t pay attention till it’s time to pay – that’s a mistake. You should pay attention throughout the process. Here’s why.

Attendant punches in Rs 1000 into the dispenser, asks you to see the Zero and continues filling. Then when it is close to being Rs 1000, say at Rs 800 or so, he pulls a switch to reset the counter – apparently there is a way to “round-off” or reset the amount, so that the amount on the screen is seen as Rs 1000. You feel that Rs 1000 has been filled when in actuality only Rs 800 is filled.

Modus operandi is this. After around half way of fuelling, someone at the pump will distract you for Cash/Card or Car Polish or PUC, etc. It is during this time that the attendant cheats you by pressing the reset switch. This particular pump does not have an electronic receipt system and gives handwritten receipts to hide this fraud – an electronic receipt would have indicated the exact volume of fuel dispensed.

Fraud #7 – “Low Engine Oil or Coolant” Scare

Another fraud is not about the petrol or diesel, but scaring car or bike owners of low engine oil or low coolant and then selling their products. I have seen this multiple times happening at some petrol pumps where they offer to check the engine oil level and refill the water level. I don’t understand why my engine oil is always low only when I reach the petrol pump.

Once I realised that it was just to scare me in order to sell their products, I always tell them that my car is going for the servicing next day.

Here is an incident which was reported at Moneylife where they were cheated into believing that their engine oil was diluted and they were sold 5 packets of servo engine oil, which they got refund for later once they figured out the scam.

This even happens at Shell Petrol pumps which are generally quite famous for no scams (which I agree). Here is an incident which was reported at Team-BHP website by one of their members

Who is involved in these frauds? Employee or Owners?

Majority of the time, it is the attendant who is responsible for the small frauds and cheating which involves few hundred rupees.

They carry out some on their own and some with help of fellow attendants. However, in some cases even the petrol pump incharge/manager might be involved with the attendants in such frauds.

A lot of people say that manager/owner might be involved because the attendents take payments using the cards/paytm/google pay and not cash always. Even in this case the attendents might be able to benefit. This is because the payments happen by both cash and card and at the end of the day, they may adjust the amounts.

Having said that, some of you might think how exactly the entire process is carried out.

To understand this let’s look at a scenario.

At every petrol pump, meter reading on the petrol vending machine is taken at the start and end of the day. Sometimes it’s taken during shift changes. So, the point here to note is that the meter reading of start and end is taken.

Each transaction is not reported one by one. So at the end of the day only thing which is checked is the oil sold and amount collected through Cash and Card. If a fraud is done for Rs 500 and the payment happened by card, the attendant can take the Cash of Rs 500 out of all the cash collected. That’s all

Here is a simple example

Now suppose according to meter reading the sale made for that particular period is ₹ 900 just for understanding the system. There were two buyers who filled the oil, you and me.

You paid through card and I paid through cash. Now you asked for ₹ 500 fuel, but the attendant filled your tank only with ₹ 400 of fuel. Then I came and asked for ₹ 500 fuel and got fuel for entire amount and paid ₹ 500 in cash. Now, at the end of these two transactions. The amount that is with attendant is ₹ 1,000 (₹ 500 card payment slip + ₹ 500 in cash). However, the total fuel sold is only for ₹ 900 (₹ 400 to you + ₹ 500 to me). Hence, he conveniently takes out ₹ 100 cash from his collection and pays ₹ 900 to the petrol pump incharge/manager.

This ₹ 100 will then be distributed among the conspirators as per the agreed percentages.

Note that only in the big frauds which are manipulation of machine it self, the owner or manager might be involved.

Where to complain against Petrol Pump?

The first step is to ask for the “complaint book” of the petrol pump and register your complaint locally. Each Oil company has a complaint register book at every petrol pump station which they look at during audits and inspection. The petrol pump attendant or owner/manager will first try to give you reasons for not having it or will persuade you not to register the complaint. But make sure you do it.

Apart from that you can lodge your complaint online on the oil company website. I did complain on Bharat Petroleum website about this issue

Complaint Online for Petrol Pumps in India

When I checked on internet, many people reported that it’s helpful and actions are taken in few weeks or months. Here is the links which you can use
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Company Complaint Link
HPCL https://www.hindustanpetroleum.com/cms
BPCL https://ebiz.bpc.co.in/Ccsext/CorporateSite/PetrolPumpComplaintRegistration
Indian Oil https://cx.indianoil.in/EPICIOCL/faces/GrievanceMainPage.jspx
Central Complaint Website https://www.pgportal.gov.in/


Important Precautions to Take

  • If you are in car, always come out and keep a close watch at the meter and how they are filling the petrol
  • Always make sure the meter is reset to ZERO in front of your eyes.
  • Always make sure that the meter shows ZERO while the oil nozzle is entered in the car tank.
  • Always ask for the electronic receipt after the oil is filled. Make sure before filling the petrol you check if there is digital meter or not.
  • Always avoid talking or entertaining anyone in between as far as possible.
  • Make sure you pay at the end of the transaction
  • Incase meter is stopped for any reason, offer to just complete the transaction and fill the petrol at next station or next day.
  • In case you are not satisfied with anything or want to complain – do insist for the complaint book, as the oil companies take the complaint book very seriously.

Please share if you have any experience of getting scammed on Indian petrol pumps..