
July 8, 2013

Why “Forced Investing” is really good for your financial life ?

A big reason why some financial lives are messed up is because there is no “accountability” factor in those financial life, you are not answerable to anyone, you are not required to report the progress of your financial life to anyone like you file your income tax returns each year. Because of this fact, most of the investors have to depend on their “will power” and “commitment”, but truly speaking – in real life it does not work! . Just promising yourself that you will “stick to your plan” fails like anything. Whats the solution here?

In my opinion, the solution is simple and amazingly astonishing – you take decisions which “forces” you to invest from time to time, you surrender to a situation which makes you pay due to some fear and compulsion, where you cant come out of it so easily.

Forced Investing is good

There are various decisions like Buying a House on EMI, Starting a SIP in a mutual fund, opening a Recurring Deposit, Buying a Policy which forces you to keep paying premium or installment over the years/months help you save money by “compulsion”. The product design is such that you get into a structure or an arrangement that makes you feel – “I have no option” . Most of the people will not be able to save any money if they do not rely on these “compulsive” investments and each month their money from saving bank account keep reducing the same way I saw audience disappear every minute while watching “Lootera” movie this Weekend (It really looted my Rs 400 bucks) .

Let me point out some scenarios which will make this point clear.

1. Forcing your brother to pay for Education Loan

Imagine, you have a spoilt brother/sister, whose mindset is not designed by God to “save” . Now you or your father have the money to fund the education cost for college. But instead of that, you tell him/her that there is no money and education loan is the only option, which he/she will have to pay back later once he gets a job. Now there is “compulsion” to pay this EMI, there is no escape from it. Out of whatever he/she earns, they will be forced to pay away with the EMI part and only the rest money will be there for them to “enjoy” and you can be sure that it will all vanish by the end of the month, which would have happened anyways even if there was no “compulsion to pay EMI”.

2. Taking Home Loan

This is Interesting , A lot of people are afraid of committing themselves home loan because they feel the insecurity of jobs or no potential salary hikes in future etc and because of this risk factor, they have not taken a loan till now, and the worst part is they neither have any money left with them over the years (which they might have paid in EMI, where has it all gone ?) .

A lot of people who took courage in the start and took home loan even if it meant stretching their financial life, would be able to confirm that because it was mandatory for them to pay the EMI each month, they did everything and anything to make it possible. The compulsion of paying the EMI over years brought some discipline and seriousness in them about their financial life.

3. Recurring Deposits & SIP’s

Try opening a Recurring Deposit of Rs 1,000 per month (option 1) and try to drop two Rs 500 notes in a piggy bank at home each month at the end of the month or the start of the month (option 2) and then see the results after 1-2 yrs. The compulsion and automation which a Recurring Deposit brings in your financial life can never be achieved by a piggy bank, simply because of the passive nature of recurring deposit or a SIP in mutual funds (the money goes and you are not even asked for it and some times you are not even aware that it happened). However, with the Piggybank model, each time you have to consciously take that action, and since you are Human, you fail at it. Any decision where “you” have to take “manually” take some “action” eventually have very high chances that it will not happen (on a consistent basis).

4. Investing in Child & Endowment Policies

I was arguing with a Certified Financial Planner on how one has to avoid those endowment policies and child plans which they feel are amazing financial products. He asked me – “Manish, I know that these policies are not going to give the best returns, but do you know most of the investors want some short term pleasure to invest. These endowment/ULIP/child policies give tax benefits and because they have penalty for discontinuing – there is a compulsion to pay each year and that makes them invest each year.”

Just saying – “SIP is better and Mutual fund is amazing” will create short term excitement for them, but at the end of the day they will not take any action because Mutual funds and other powerful products are highly liquid and investors fall to this and can not control themselves in front of short term requirements which comes in front of them”.

This made me realize , that most of the time policies which are illiquid can be good for investors (who are weak in controlling themselves) because they need some compulsion and fear to continue. You can see people redeeming their Mutual Funds to upgrade the car, but hardly anyone does that with an LIC policy. Right?

Try to incorporate “Compulsion” with every decision

The biggest take away from this article for you is that wealth gets built over years only when you are consistent and disciplined and there are financial decisions which can bring that “compulsion” element. It’s in your interest to take decisions which bring some kind of compulsion in your life. So next time you decide to save some money at home in a piggy bank or in your almirah, ask yourself will it bring any accountability, compulsion, and automation (where you are not involved manually), or should you open a Recurring Deposit or a SIP which will help you on those factors. You might want to have a look at our full-fledged paid video program on “Automation in your Financial Life” on our Wealth Club

If you are still wondering why these compulsive decisions help you grow wealth, understand the advantage of bringing compulsion in your financial life is that it changes your financial life equation from “Saving = Income – Expenses” to -> “Expenses = Income – Saving” . You first “save and invest” and then spend !

Let me know your views on this topic?

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10 years ago

Dear Nandish/ Manish ,

Can you please explain me what is national pension scheme? how is it different from PPF ?



10 years ago

Please show me any one good , sound and genuine Financial planner who can take up the assignment. Ultimately its your money and you need to put hardwork to learn, unlearn and go about it. You just cant rely on any one. Yes of course lots of free tips are plentily available. No concrete solutions though :(. If any one has come across really good and genuine planner / firm , please share. It has to be a degree advance then just basics.

Gayathri Iyer
Gayathri Iyer
11 years ago

Very good article again..! I guess the best example to substantiate the article could be the EPF investments..
Most people by default / forcibly go for EPF investments.. and the corpus that this builds in years is remarkable…. For bad savers, it is actually advisable to increase the contribution beyond the basic 12%..

11 years ago

Well, coming to think of it – Those who want to inculcate a habit of forced investing into Mutual Funds should go for ELSS since MF investments in ELSS can’t be redeemed atleast until 3 years. Double bonanza of high return Equities and tax efficient too.

11 years ago

Another great article. I was just wondering if you could write an article about real estate companies offering assured returns to investors who buy units in their proposed projects, ranging from 100 sq units to 1000 sq units. These companies promise returns of 20-50%, after 1-2 years. If the future buyers (those that buy an apartment) are given a higher quote per sq ft, you as an investor are given a lower quote, you do not own the property, but merely invest. What are the pros and cons? Anybody on your blogs who have gone for this and if they got duped or made profits?

11 years ago

The presence of an authentic financial planner changes the equation totally and can bring about financial discipline in people over a period of time. But if certified financial planners also hide behind the excuse of indiscipline and start recommending inefficient solutions, we can see through the intentions clearly. Make quick bucks and blame the investor himself! In the absence of a planner, a bit of forcible saving is welcome though..

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
11 years ago

But u have mentioned in the article itself that a CFP friend of yours was giving the same ‘reason’, and so my comment. In any case forced saving is definitely a good idea for people who don’t have any knowledge/awareness of money and the options available. But an individual who has the basic sense of reading your articles can definitely gain sufficient knowledge to deploy his money appropriately. I’m sure this article of yours is just fodder for the existing financial intermediaries to justify selling inefficient financial products. For instance, when the new Irda regulations came restricting the charges in Ulips, the insurance agents had just one solution, sell traditional plans!

11 years ago

Hi Manish,
This is a well known fact that human psycology is to work under fear and compulsion. So its always good that they do some investments like endowments (though forcefully) to atleast save that way for their hay days. Also most of the people feel imp to have ‘Capital Protection’ as one of the imp factors thereby going for debt funds instead of MF’s. They also like to see a Lumpsum money as returns + trust is an important factor. Reasons why not many people vying for shares and MF’s as no one wants to loose hard earned money in these tough times.

11 years ago

There are different ways to look at it. Good, Not so good and somewhere in between.

However, the issue is, one has to take control of one’s financial life. For this one has to reconcile the needs on one side and resources on the other and make a strategy to balance both in the long run.

Once one gets to understand the nuances, i feel, one can control the needs and resources to reach one’s goals.

I know a person, who was not knowing much about finance. Over the period of last 5 years, he took interest and started balancing his financial life. Now he is in a position to plan well into the future and he planning to retire by 50(now he is 42). As per him, he spends only about 40% of his salary. Balalnce after deuctions(about 30-40%) will go into some tax efficient investment.

11 years ago

I agree that forced investing is great necessity . But getting your child to TAKE A LOAN IS NOT AT ALL A GOOD IDEA.
A parent would do well to inculcate the habit of compulsory saving.
1 My wife called a frinedly ” Financial Advisor ” home to educate all of us , including our two children. He was actually an LIC agent but wih financial expertise. He educated us on the inflation criteria and convinced us that after 20 years at current inflation what will be the money required after say,10,15,20 year .

You guys wont believe . Son took LIC Policy for Rs.ten thousand per month and daughter for rs.4,000 per month. This has made them future-proof with protection to “their future family ” Tax saving , +++++ peace of mind to all. This real compulsory saving beats whatever you have written man.

Reply to  GOPAL
11 years ago

OMG..another fool invested in LIC plans

11 years ago

hi manish,
what a coincident, past few days, i was discussing about misselling, forced investment. and your article came….really sometimes (very often) forced investment is required. what prompted me to think on this line when one of my friend, who is an agent, was trying to sell endowment plan to my one of my friend, whose wife is also working. i thought to intervene, but i stopped myself since both husband and wife are financially not savvy. so i thought atleast if the couple buy the endowment plan..they will investing somewhere.

Not in relation to this post. but it would be of importance to our jagoinvestor readers (be cautious while signing cheque). a pubic sector bank transferred erroneously huge sum of money to my account. and i gave it to them again all the money that they had transferred. Here is the story (http://goo.gl/JdWW3)

11 years ago

If one gets 40,000 monthly tries to save 50,000/- monthly taking 10,000 as loan from others, How many month can he pull on…Perhaps for years .He says… How? take loan from RDs. 90% you will get ….make a corpus…and from that corpus go on paying the instalments…One of my friends idea ? will it really work I do not know?!

Pratik Desai
Pratik Desai
11 years ago

Hi Manish,

Yep. This is true. I was kind of knowing this so I started making things automated quite early in my financial life. I started with the ULIP plan even before I got a regular job. (started investing during my internship, just to check myself up.)

Then I got a job, started thinking about other investment avenues, tax savings etc and regretted that I invested in a ULIP !!! But at least I started saving and this plan is still going on without missing a single premium.(tht feels g8 to write.)

When I read this article I actually realized that unknowingly I incorporated a good habit long back and it helped me build my financial life.

The latest addition to this is NPS scheme investment. I have automated the payments for this as well.

Thanks for this revelation. I am feeling somehow better now abt investing in ULIP plan also !!!

Dinesh Jain
Dinesh Jain
11 years ago

A great article…

Infact a co-incidence happened with me with regards to your fourth point titled “Investing in child and endownment policies”.

I was in a training today for entire day for term plan/mediclaim/pa policy. During the training, the training explained us about one endownment wholelife plan as well and he said that “agreed, although IRR of these plan will be around 5%” but the USP of these plan is that these are savings plan and not investment plan. In case of emergency, client will liquidate mutual funds, fd, recurring deposit but will never liquidate endownment plans. and the same thing has been highlighted in 4th point of your article.

To certain extent, i also agree with this .

Note: in my career spanning 9 yrs in financial service industry, i have never sold an endownment plan.

11 years ago

the artical is very good in pratical life.

11 years ago

Hi Manish,

Nice information as usual.

everytime you refresh us.

angan chandra
angan chandra
11 years ago

Yes in some cases force investment is beneficial but not for all. In my case, it was beneficial, i was planning for invest in a property & had reviewed lots of projects. At last one of reputed property broker came & literally force me to invest in a project of reputed developer. Although i’m aware of the project & the price but i didn’t go directly, it was broker who forced me to invest in it. And i think it was right investment. But in the flip side you can see, there are lots of mis-selling happening in insurance, ULIP, mutual fund section by the agent. So one have to be very careful.

11 years ago

Great Article Manish!
I definitely need to get into ‘Forced Investing’ mode.

One thing to note: Recurring deposit will fetch interest on it whereas piggy bank will not.

I’m trying to schedule a call for my financial planning but when I click on below url to schedule the final call with you, I am getting a blank page. Please help.


11 years ago

Hey Manish,

A nice article indeed !


sankar iyer
sankar iyer
11 years ago

superb article Manish!!!

A much needed practice that is slowly fading in an era of consumerism

Sankar Iyer

11 years ago

I can relate to the article from my own life, and yes can say for sure that compulsive investment has changed my life.