
October 9, 2008

Term of the Day Archives

This page contains all the “Term of the Day” posted on this blog earliar .

1. Short Selling

Short Selling : Short Selling refers selling of shares without owning them . If you short sell a stock , you first sell them at higher price and later you buy them (cover them) back at lower price .Lot of times you feel that markets will go down , at that time you short sell a stock . People who deal in Derivatives can either Sell the Futures or Buy PUT options . Short Selling can offer tremendous returns in short frame , because bear markets are markets fall with much speed and momentum compared to rising market . Read more

2. Derivatives

Derivatives : Derivatives are contracts whose value depend on value of some other thing. Examples are Futures and Options . Value of Stock is independent , But value of Futures or Options depend on the movement of Stock . Derivatives are dangerous Instrument and not recommended for Starters . In India People are attracted towards Derivatives because of its Return potential , but they underestimate its Risk potential and its ability to paralyse investor or trader financially , Better to learn first and then enter in Derivatives. Read more

3. P/E Ratio

P/E Ratio : P/E ratio is a reflection of the market’s opinion of the earnings capacity and future business prospects of a company. Companies which enjoy the confidence of investors and have a higher market standing usually command high P/E ratios. This ratio indicates the extent to which earnings of a share are covered by its price. If P/E is 5, it means that the price of a share is 5 times its earnings. In other words, the company’s EPS remaining constant, it will take you approximately five years through dividends plus capital appreciation to recover the cost of buying the share. The lower the P/E, lesser the time it will take for you to recover your investment. Its one of the most imortant Ratios you can look at .

Price/Earnings Ratio (P/E) = Price of the share / Earnings per share

4. ETF

ETF : ETFs are a basket of securities which tracks an underlying and are traded on a recognised stock exchange. Examples are Nifty Beas (this tracks Nifty) and Gold ETF’s (this tracks Gold prices) . Read More

Soon there will be Silver ETF’s in India .

5. FMP

FMP’s are close ended mutual funds , similar to FD’s but much more tax efficient and with marginally superior returns , but they have there own risks . The returns offered by FMP’s is indicative and not guaranteed. They come from 1 month maturity to 1 yrs maturity . In year 2008 , FMP have done very badly because of defaults . Read here for more

6. Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis : A method of evaluating securities by analyzing statistics generated by market activity, such as past prices and volume. Technical analysts do not attempt to measure a security’s intrinsic value, but instead use charts and other tools to identify patterns that can suggest future activity. It is generally used by people who want to take advantage of short term price movement. Technical Analysis can make you a better than average Investor

7 . Demat Account

Demat Account : Demat account is an account where shares are stored electronically . Just like Bank account deposits money , Demat account deposits your shares . Now a days , you cant hold shares in physical form , every share has to be in physical form . A person can only hold a single Demat account (trading account is different) .

8. Trading Account

Trading Account : Trading Account is an account through which you can buy and sell things on stock market . Dont confuse it with Demat account , Demat account is just a place of storage . Trading account is a platform which provides you a service of buying and selling things . You can have multiple trading accounts , which will all be connected with your single demat account .

9. Futures

Futures : Futures are the contract which gives you a right to buy or sell a specified commodity of standardized quality at a certain date in the future, at a market determined price . For Example, If you buy Reliance Futures for June series, you will get a right to buy specific number of Reliance shares at a fixed price on last Thursday of June . The future date is called the delivery date or final settlement date . Read more

10. NAV

NAV : NAV is a price of a mutual fund unit . You can see it just like a share price of company . Mutual funds invest the money in market and its tracked by NAV , if investments goes up , NAV goes up and vice versa . Generally NAV value starts with Rs 10 .

There is a myth among investors that low NAV mutual funds are better than high NAV mutual funds, which is totally wrong .



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Chetan Ambi
Chetan Ambi
11 years ago

Really nice 🙂

11 years ago

nice 1!informative article