
June 14, 2015

Care health insurance Review – 12 features explained

Today I am going to review features of “Care“, one of the good health insurance policies in the market. It was launched few years back and it’s really one of the most comprehensive health insurance products available in the market as on date. So what I will do is, share with you, its features one by one, so that you can know what all it covers, along with few disadvantages in the policy

I digged deeper in its policy wordings and I will explain them in detail, so that anyone who is looking forward buy a health insurance policy can take the decision in a better way by reading this Care review. Here you go..

1. High Sum assured up to 60 lacs is allowed

The sum assured offered by the policy ranges from 3 lacs to 60 lacs. Gone are the days when 2-3 lacs of sum assured was sufficient. Now it’s very common to see people buying a cover of 10-20 lacs. Many people even want to go for a cover of 30-40 lacs also and there are very less options right now if someone wants to buy a high enough health cover. Care gives you an option to buy up to 60 lacs of health cover, and the best part is the high cover comes along with added benefits which we will look very soon

2. Single Private Room (no rent limit)

If you choose the sum insured of more than 5 lacs, then you are eligible for a single private room. The wordings in the policy is of “Single private room” and not some percentage of sum assured.

Most of the policies cap the room rent limit, however this policy caps the room type. Here, if the user takes a room higher than the type eligible he still is required to pay the difference of the room rent as well as all other expenses which increase due to choosing of a higher room type

I love this point especially because room rent limit is such a critical factor while calculation of your claim amount, you can read how room rent limit affects your claim process if you choose the room with higher rent

3. Cashless treatment in network Hospitals

Care has a network of around 4,100 hospitals around the country. If your hospitalization is planned after few days, in that case, you don’t have to shell out any money from your pocket. You can choose to take cashless treatment and the bills will be settled by the health insurance company directly to the hospital.

This is not a special feature in Care. It’s present in almost all the health insurance policies these days. But I thoughts it’s a good mention in this article as we are looking at all the features. Also, note that cashless treatment is an additional benefit which helps a customer. You can always choose to not have a cashless treatment and pay the bills yourself and settle the claim later by submitting the bills. In case of emergencies, you anyways can’t choose cashless treatment.

4. FREE Health Check each year

You also get free health checkup’s facility every year for all the adult policy holder’s lifetime!. There are no terms and conditions for this. Just that the facility is there only for sum assured of more than 5 lacs. Also, the number of health checkups depends on the sum assured amount. You get more detailed checks done when your sum assured is high.

I have realized that a lot of people do not spend their own money for regular health checkup’s, so in a way it’s a great feature in the policy, due to which one will form the habit of regular checkup’s and will be informed about their health issues.

Each year you just need to contact the company and express your desire for the health checkup and they will schedule it for you in one of the centers they have tie-up with and which is also near your house. You can choose the timings and place as per your convenience. You can collect your health reports after 24 hours of the checkups. It’s a really great thing offered by any company.

Below is the health checkup list for various kind of sum assured slabs as per their brochure.

Care review - free health checkup

5. Restore of sum insured up to 100% amount

The policy has a feature called restore. In this feature, if there is a large claim in the policy due to which the sum insured is exhausted or reduced substantially, in case of a subsequent unrelated claim, if the sum insured falls short to pay the claim, the policy reinstates/restores to cover to 100%. Let me explain that in detail.

Let me give an example

Suppose you have a 10 lacs sum assured. Now due to some heart-related issue, you were hospitalized and the expenses were Rs 4 lacs. So your remaining sum assured is 6 lacs. You can utilize the 6 lacs sum assured for any purpose.

But if some another hospitalization comes up for an unrelated claim, and the expenses are more than your remaining sum assured, then your sum assured will be restored to the full amount of 10 lacs. Even your other family members can avail for the full sum assured even for the same illness. Note that in case of family floater plan, it’s highly beneficial because even the other family members can take benefit of full sum assured for the same illness.

6. No claim bonus up to 50% of sum assured

No claim bonus is a very simple concept, where you get rewarded if you don’t have any claim in a year. In Care, your sum assured gets increased by 10% of the base sum assured if you do not claim in a year and keeps increasing upto 50%. Which means that if your sum assured is Rs 10 lacs, then if you do not have any claim in a year, then next year it will increase by 10% (10% of 10 lacs) , and your sum assured will become 11 lacs . Again if you do not have any claim in the next year, it will increase to 12 lacs and so on..

So your cover of 10 lacs can go up to 15 lacs maximum if you do not claim for 5 yrs consecutive. A lot of policies (like Oriental Happy Family Floater), they reduce the premium by some percentage as no claim bonus and many people are happy about that, because that means less money going out of their pocket. But truly speaking what you need is the increase in sum assured, not a reduced premium, because every year due to inflation and rising medical costs, you need higher sum assured.

I don’t see a big benefit in saving few thousand or hundreds in premium in the name of no claim bonus.

Super No-Claim Bonus

This policy also gives an additional benefit called Super No-claim Bonus which will cost you extra premium if you wish to take it. In this super no claim bonus facility, your no claim bonus will be 50% extra each year up to the maximum of 100% of sum assured.

What that means is that if you do not have any claims, then within 1 yr, your sum assured will increase to 1.5 times and in 2 yrs, it will double. So if you have a policy of 5 lacs sum assured, then

  • Sum Assured in first year – 5 lacs
  • Sum Assured in 2nd year (assuming no claim made in previous year) – 7.5 lacs
  • Sum Assured in 3nd year (assuming no claim made in previous 2 years) – 10 lacs

And this super no claim bonus is over and above the no claim bonus which you anyways get in the policy. So truly speaking your sum assured can increase anywhere from 60% to 150% in some years if you take super no claim bonus option while purchasing the policy. At the time of applying for the policy itself you need to mention that.

Care review - super no claim bonus

7. Around 170 Daycare Treatments covered

The policy covers around 170 day care treatments (In-patient treatments) , which are mentioned in the policy document. A lot of times you don’t need to get hospitalized for many days or even 24 hours. Some treatments can be done in just few hours. You can get admitted in morning and get things done by the evening or just few hours.

Even these kind of in-patient treatments are covered in the policy. A common myth is that you need 24 hours of hospitalization to claim your health insurance benefits, but it’s not true. Many years back when health insurance was a new thing in India, it was probably true. But not anymore.

Below is a snapshot of the policy terms and conditions pdf and you can see some of the day care treatment names mentioned. There are total of 170 treatment names listed in the document.

Care day care treatments names

Please do not confuse these day care treatments with OPD. OPD treatments are not covered in any health insurance policies

8. Second Opinion and Organ Donor Cover

If there are any expenses which are incurred on the organ donor, then even those expenses (along with hospitalization expenses) will be covered in the policy. The limit for this expense ranges from Rs 50,000 to Rs 3 lacs depending on the sum assured. A lot of times, in critical cases, if there is any organ which needs to be replaced and you get any donor, then you will not have to incur the expenses from your own pocket due to this feature. While this is an extreme care, still we should appreciate that the policy takes care of this point.

Also the policy has a feature called “Second Opinion”. In this, if any of the policy-holder is diagnosed with a critical illness, then the company will arrange a free discussion with a qualified medical practitioner for you. This is great feature, because a lot of times, you want to consult another doctor before taking a big decision like surgery, operation or any hospitalization. The policy lists down the critical illnesses for which you can take second opinion. Note that the second opinion facility is only for sum assured above Rs 5 lacs.

Below are the critical illness mentioned in the policy

  1. Benign Brain Tumor
  2. Cancer
  3. End Stage Lung Failure
  4. Heart Attack
  5. Open Chest Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
  6. Heart Valve Replacement
  7. Coma
  8. End Stage Renal Failure
  9. Stroke
  10. Major Organ Transplant
  11. Paralysis
  12. Motor Neuron Disease
  13. Multiple Sclerosis
  14. Major Burns
  15. End Stage Liver Disease

Each member of the policy can avail the second opinion facility for each illness every year if required.

9 – Avail Medical Treatment anywhere in world

If you have opted for sum assured of 50+ lacs, in that case, you can avail the medical facilities through the world, where-ever you wish to , but it’s limited to only 5 major illnesses. Also, the benefit is available only on reimbursement basis only. Means you first have to spend the money from your pocket and then claim it back later. So I think this will mainly be helpful for the high net worth individuals and not to the middle class. Anyways a good feature, because some people might look forward to this.

10 – Pre and post hospitalization expenses

The policy also pays for any medical expenses related to the claim before and after getting admitted to the hospital. It covers 30 days of pre-hospitalization expenses and 60 days of post-hospitalization expenses. A lot of times a big amount is spent before and after the hospitalization in medicines, checkup’s and other things. It’s very important that a policy takes care of these facts. However, note that this is a basic feature, and almost all the policies in market gives this benefit.

11 – Domiciliary Expenses Covered

The policy covers the medical expenses incurred on the home treatment. A lot of times a patient is not in the condition to the hospital, in which case the treatment can be done at home. The policy will pay upto 10% of the sum assured in this case. The condition to avail this offer is that

  • The patient is no in condition to be moved to hospital
  • OR, there is non-availability of the room in hospital

Note that there are many illness for which the domiciliary expenses cannot be claimed, please check that list in the brochure of the policy.

12 – Lifetime renewal and no restriction on entry age

Once you buy the Care policy, you can then renew it lifetime. This is one of the most important points one should remember while buying any health insurance policy, because you buy the policy looking at a very long-term and not just for next few years. The policy should be able to help you when you are in your late years, because that’s when you really need it badly.

Also, there is no limit on the maximum age by when you can renew it. On top of it, even the entry is not restricted due to age factor, a person can buy the policy at any age, provided they fulfill the health checkups and the restrictions by the company.

Waiting period of 4 yrs for pre-existing illness

Under this policy, any pre-existing illness will be covered only after 4 yrs of taking the policy. This is a common exclusion in almost all the policies. However if you are a senior citizen, then the coverage for that particular illness might be excluded permanently, because once you cross the age of 60, the chances of you getting hospitalized due to that particular illness is high and it does not make any business sense to cover it.

This is precisely the reason why one should take their parents cover as soon as possible, especially before they cross the age of 60 yrs. Apart from the pre-existing illness, a lot of illness have their own waiting periods from 1-4 yrs, which is a standard thing in any kind of health insurance policies. Also nothing other than accidental hospitalization is covered for the first 30 days of taking the policy. I suggest you read this article which talks about exclusions in mediclaim policies in detail.

Other Points

Below are some other important points one should be aware about

  • If your sum assured is more than 5 lacs, then there is no sub-limit on the ICU charges, Doctors fees and Medical fees.
  • The policy provides ambulance expenses ranging from 1,000 to 3,000 depending on the sum assured
  • There is no age limit of buying a new policy. Anyone can buy the policy at any age, just the minimum age requirement is 91 days for family floater and 5 yrs for an individual policy.
  • Maximum 6 people can be covered in a single family floater plan
  • The policy like every other policies in market does not offer any dental care treatments
  • This plan does not cover maternity expenses, but that’s ok. Don’t over focus on this point, as it’s something you can take after yourself
  • You get 7.5% discount if you renew/buy the policy for 2 years and 10% discount of payment of 3 yrs in one-shot.

Disadvantage of Care Policy

Let me mention some the problem and disadvantages of the policy.

1. Average policy, if sum assured is less than 5 lacs

A lot of features are applicable in the policy only when the sum assured is more than 5 lacs, if you want to take a lower cover like 3 lacs or 4 lacs, in that case, Care is an average policy and not the best.

2. Room type capping

You already know that the policy caps the Room type instead of room rent. This was a good advantage also, but at the same time, this can be a disadvantage also. In this case, suppose the room type which your policy allows is unavailable, then you will have to go for some other type of room and in that case you might have to suffer the reduced claim amount. You are tied-up with a particular room type only.

Suppose there is some other policy, which caps the room rent limit at 1% of sum assured and imagine that your sum assured is 10 lacs, then you are eligible for any room with rent of up to 10,000 per day. In that case, you can choose either a single room without AC, with AC or a premium room. It’s totally your wish as far as the room rent is below 10,000. But in case of Care, if suppose you are eligible for a single private room whose rent is 6,000, and the next category of room costs Rs 9,000, then you can’t go for the Rs 9,000 room . You can surely take it, but then your claim amount will get affected. So make sure you think on this point properly before you buy the policy.

It’s totally your wish as far as the room rent is below 10,000. But in case of Care, if suppose you are eligible for a single private room whose rent is 6,000, and the next category of room costs Rs 9,000, then you can’t go for the Rs 9,000 room . You can surely take it, but then your claim amount will get affected. So make sure you think on this point properly before you buy the policy.

I suggest that you also compare Care policy with some other policies like Max bupa plans or Apollo Munich Optima Restore and then take a final decision.

3. Co-payment of 20%, if policy taken after 60 yrs of age

If at the time of entering the policy, the age of the policyholder is more than 60 yrs, then a 20% co-payment will apply. Which means that the policy holder will have to bear the 20% bill amount and only 80% will be paid by the company. But if you enter the policy before 60 yrs, its not the case.

Hence the policy becomes unattractive to senior citizens who are looking for health insurance. In comparision a policy from L&T insurance is better where 10% co-payment applies after the age of 80 yrs. The policy from Max Bupa called Heartbeat, does not even have the concept of co-payment. So the policy from Care scores low on this point.

Premium Chart for Care

Below I have listed down the premium amount 5 lacs sum assured, for various age range with two cases of a single person insurance, and another one is a family floater policy with 2 adults and 1 kid. You can check how the premiums will rise over the years when the policyholder will move to various age slabs. Note that now there is no claim based loading in the premium. Now as per new guidelines of IRDA, a policy premium increases when the policyholder moves in a different age range.

Care health insurance premium chart

An important point to note in the premium chart about is how the premium is very less in the initial years, when you are below 60 yrs and how it increases when you become a senior citizen :), which is quite natural and explanatory. Also you should not be shocked to see these high premium values in today’s time, because these are all future values, and even though today these premium values might look big to you, but when you turn 60 or 70 yrs, at that time these premium values will look very normal to you.

Snapshot of the Care benefits

Care policy features snapshot

Do you want to buy the Care policy?

If you want to buy the policy or want to enquire about it, then just fill up the form below and you will get a dedicated phone call to help you choose the policy and explain you.

I hope you have got a fair idea about the policy. Note that this Care health insurance review is mainly for educating you on various features of the policy. Please check other policies details and make sure you choose the policy which suits your requirements.

Let us know what are the points you liked best about Care and which point you didn’t like ?

EDIT : This is not a paid review. We have started d0ing review’s of various policies and we will do review other products as well. This is just a point by point explanation of each important point in the policy. Also, we have added the disadvantages of the policies, not just positive’s. Care is definitely not the best in market in all respect, but a very good policy considering most of the profiles. Please see the article more as an attempt to help a person understand what all policy provide’s its customer.

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7 years ago

Dear Manish
Quite Good Article.two drawbacks noticed in CARE policy 1. Room type capping- single private room for policies upto Rs 10 lakhs /single private room up gradable to next level for above Rs 10 lakhs policie. This is applicable at the time of admission if single private room is not available & hospital should give this in writing and the Religare should accept the proposal.2. Organ donor cover for specified value Rs 50000/- to Rs 300000/-/ AYUSH treatment(Religare recently upgraded CARE as CARE V2 & Ayush treatment included upto Rs 30000/- based on coverage)- These are for limited amount only. In Max Bupa Health Companion no Capping on Room Rent/ AYUSH ,etc. Premium also lesser than CARE
With Regards
Satheesh Rao

Reply to  SatheeshRao
1 year ago

Yes I also agree….Being an old customer now I think that Care Health Insurance is now not bothering about their old customers, and may be focusing on new ones.

As a service person we purchase the medical policies thinking that it will be financially beneficial at medical emergency/Accident.
But now I believe that I was wrong as these people make me wrong.

Being a genuine claim of Road Accident and even after submitting all document/reports, proofs now Care Health Insurance is denying to give claim settlement.

Sorry to say but, you have opened my eyes and now I will never recommend any one for Care insurance.
Secondly I will share my case with higher authority so that everyone should be aware of Care Health Insurance reality.

8 years ago

Hey Manish, Thanks for this great information it helped a lot. I am definatly buying this health coverage plan for my family. Also can you sugggest some gud plan for my fater who is 60+ of age. Thanks

8 years ago

Hi Manish sir,

Please suggest which is better healtcare plan, Religare Care or HDFClife Assure Plan.
Also is best Critical illness plan for 40yrs person.


8 years ago

thanx for a good article, and my query is about a health that i want to buy for my mother her age is 48 yrs and last yr she was hospitalize due to B.P issue and a disease name septicemia so please suggest which policy would be better to cover the pre disease as sum assured is for 4 to 5 lakhs..

8 years ago

Is it true ?

8 years ago

I went through the ‘Policy Wordings’ of Religare Care and it is noted there that Single Private Room means ‘Room shall be the most basic and the most economical of all accommodations available as a single room in that Hospital. But in this respect when I asked one representative of Religare, then he explained that if in a hospital the cost of most economical room is Rs 5,000/- and cost of next tier room is 7,000/- then at the time of admission if the room cost Rs. 5,000/- is not available then the room which cost is Rs. 7,000/- then that room will be treated as most economical and then claim amount will not get affected

Reply to  Subrata
8 years ago

Not exactly, this option is available if you are insured for 15 lakhs and above if you are insured for lower amount you get single private room and may be you have to share the charges if you opt for room with higher cost

8 years ago

Dear Manish,

What is the claim ratio for the Religare health insurance?

I want to know which is the best company for claim ratio.

Religare Care Freedom: Get Health Insurance without any Medical Check-Ups | SIMPLIFY Your Financial Life
8 years ago

[…] do hope you would get a fair idea about the plan. You can go through full Religare care review this link to know more about other common features of this plan which is not stated in this post itself. It […]

8 years ago

Hi Manish,

Thanks for the article, It was cleaner & simpler to understand.
However i am bit confused with Religare CARE (Health Insurance) & Religare ASSURE (Critical Illness Benefit) products. As per your article, Religare CARE covers appx 15 critical illness, however i found similar set of critical illness being covered in Religare ASSURE. Why these two products are in place altogether. Please educate me to understand their difference.

Mohammed ali
Mohammed ali
8 years ago

I must say what a wonderful and clear post on religare care review you have here. I’m very sure that this would help so any people like me to choose a better insurance.

8 years ago


I need suggestion on what policy should I take for my father (DOB 22/10/1956) who has already undergone ByPass surgery in 2008. I am looking for 4-5 lacs health policy. As of now he is covered under Parental Policy offered by Employer’s Insurance Company but it is only till I dont resigned so I am looking for some other better Insurance Policy


9 years ago

Congrats Manish !!! First of all thank you and team making a positive difference to many lives of common fellas like us. Really I am benefitted by knowing that this policy also can be purchased by a NRI as well. Let me be little specific I want a cover of 15 to 20L for my wife (She stays with me in Sharjah and 49+ yrs of age having High BP & Cholesterol for which she takes medicine regularly) Medical Insurance. Please advise how to go about it. Can it be done from Sharjah or she has to go to Bhubaneswar(Odisha) where we usually stay in India?

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
9 years ago

Hi Manish !

Thank you very much for a quick and sage advice. I will be in touch with the cover fox & if need be arise I will do the medicals in my home city. Once again the very best wishes for your good work of knowledge dissemination.


peter mule
peter mule
9 years ago


Very good review, thanks for it, a question I had was around adding people to the plan in future. I am looking for a policy for me and my wife and we plan to have children after a year, I wanted to know if the plan will premiums etc will change if I want cover to be provided for my future children.

I also see that maternity benefits are not covered by this plan, can you confirm this?


9 years ago


This is good policy as per market standards. Thanks for the post.
As per the IRDA ratings and reviwe, Religare CARE health insurance policy has the highest claim settlement ration. I have pulled out the following details from IRDA (as per latest AR 2013- 2014, Page: 26-27)) for information. This is a good decision making tool rather that going with the marketing gimmick of the insurance companies.

Company Claim Settlement
Max Bupa Health Insurance 59.07%
Star Health and Allied Insurance 66.06%
Star Health and Allied Insurance 67.21%
Religare Health Insurance 79.92% (highest)
Apollo Munich Health Insurance 65.59%
Cigna TTK Health Insurance Data not available (new kid on the block)

9 years ago

Hi Manish

I wanted to know whether any health insurers cover treatment of hepatitis B or is it an exclusion like HIV ?

9 years ago

Hi Manish,

I am planning to go with a policy of Religare Care for myself 39yrs, wife 32yrs and kid 4 yrs for 25 lakhs as it will benefit for my tax planning as well for Rs.25000/- premium.

Apart from that I am also planning to take a single/individual premium on my wife’s name for Rs.10 or 15 lakhs. Please suggest whether its advisable to go with another company. If Yes, which one will you suggest.


Reply to  Jagoinvestor
9 years ago

Thanks Manish will go a head with your advice.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
9 years ago

I happen to reach Cover Fox 2 to 3 weeks back and raised a query but till date there is no follow up / communication from them.

Medimanage is better on the service aspect.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
9 years ago

I was away for couple of days and I’m back.

Thanks Manish !

9 years ago

Indeed one of the transparent and best articles. I am still awaiting for the comprehensive comparison of the health policies as mentioned above in the comments.

Myself (age 30) and my wife(29) are having 1 lakh health insurance provided by our employers. But I want to take health insurance for my parents (dad-63, mom-52) as well along with us. So, I am thinking of family floater in two pairs; first for me and my wife and other one for mom and dad together. Is that appropriate thinking? Also, we don’t have baby till now, but in future will a baby can be added in the family floater? Is that normally considered in such policies? I am thinking of going for Religare only. Please suggest!

9 years ago

I would like to know if i can opt for a health cover form India for my entire family. I am planning to move to Japan from September for a year or two. Can we get international cover. Please suggest.

9 years ago

I have been looking for a health insurance that covers hospitalisation due to natural disasters and terrorist acts. I seem to be at a loss. Icici does cover but the product mix is not great. Any inputs will be helpful.

9 years ago

Hi Manish….very useful article.
I had 2 doubts. Please be kind to clear them for me.
1. On the religare website, they have mentioned something caked Tenure. What sites it mean, wrt health insurance ?

2. What does critical illness cover mean ? If a particular policy doesn’t have critical illness cover, then does it mean that care in the ICU may not be fully covered ? Because critical illnesses are generally managed in the ICU


Reply to  Jagoinvestor
9 years ago

It’s mentioned on the religare health insurance website. On the right side of the page, where they provide a quote…. I’ll send you a screen shot

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
9 years ago

I’ve sent you a screenshot on FB messenger

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
9 years ago

I’m sorry ! ‘ called’ , not caked. My mistake
there’s something called Tenure on the website