
March 22, 2012

Why you should take more than 50 lacs of term insurance

Are you planning to buy a term insurance for less than 50 lacs of sum assured? I would suggest better take it for more than 50 lacs sum assured and there are two main reasons for it- which I will share with you in a moment. A lot of people who want to split their life insurance cover into 2 policies, split it in such a way that the sum assured of both the companies are below 50 lacs.

For example– If you want to take a cover of 80 lacs, you might want to take 40 lacs from first company and another 40 lacs from some private company, or any similar combination. But did you know that the premium you would be paying can get you much more sum assured than you had imagined. It might be the case that you can take 60 lacs life cover from each company you were planning and still pay the same premium. So now lets see in detail those 2 reasons why you should be taking a sum assured of more than 50 lacs from a particular company term insurance plan.

Reason 1: Discounted Premiums For 50+ lacs Sum Assured

Have you ever noticed how the premiums for online term plan keeps on increasing till you move upto 50 lacs, but the moment you reach 50 lacs and move beyond, the premium suddenly reduces? Now you must be thinking, what logic on this earth makes premium for 60 lacs policy lesser than the premium for 40 lacs? See an example for recently launched Bharti AXA eProtect online Term insurance plan. The premium changes when you change the sum assured from 40 lacs to 60 lacs for 30 yr old make with 30 yrs tenure.

Term Insurance premium for more than 50 lacs

Why the premium reduces when the sum assured increases beyond 50 lacs? Sourav Shah of Aegon Religare helps us to understand this –

At higher insurance rates, the medical tests are compulsory for most companies. Mostly this limit is over 49.99 lakhs. So as such when a customer goes for medicals, the company is sure that they are insuring a better quality of life with a higher life expectancy. As such the risk with insured population of customers undergoing medicals and being issued a policy, is much lower than with customers who opt for lower sum assured and are not required to undergo medicals.

It’s a risk-reward mechanism. The company offers an incentive to the customers to undergo medicals by offering lower charges for higher cover. Only people who do not have enough time to go for medicals opt for life cover of lower amounts where premiums are higher. But this doesn’t mean that customers who do not undergo medicals and pay higher premiums should worry at all. Once they have declared all details correctly to the insurance company and are issued a policy, they are as secured as those customers who have undergone medicals. Also the medical costs are borne by most companies. For instance AEGON Religare bears the cost of medicals for all customers.

So from this statement what I can understand is that if you take the policy for more than 50 lacs, the company makes you go through medicals (mostly all of them) and that way they can sure at the start itself, if they want to issue a policy to you or not. In case you go for lower sum assured, then they charge higher premium because they dont make medicals compulsory! . So this reason for lower premium for more than 50 lacs should be the first reason why you should opt for more than 50 lacs cover. As you can see from the snapshot above, premiums for 40 lacs and 60 lacs are almost same, so why settle for 40 lacs ?

Reason 2: Medicals are compulsory for Term Insurance of more than 50 lacs

It’s mentioned that even those people who do not go for medicals, don’t have to worry about their claims if they are not around, because they are generally paying more premiums, for the reason they don’t have more than 50 lacs of cover. However, personally I think it’s a grey area despite all the regulations. Let’s take a case, suppose you are suffering from high BP, but you are not aware about it and then you take a term plan for 30 lacs where in there are no medicals and in the declaration you mention that you don’t have any illness, because basically you are not aware about your own illness. Now in this case, what difference does it make if you are really aware about it yourself or you are not aware about it. Later on after 5 yrs suppose if you die, then company can prove the point that you had high BP at the time of taking the policy, but how will they prove that you were aware about it or not.

You all know that ICICI iCare has no medicals in their term plan upto sum assured of Rs. 1.5 crores and that’s the reason why their premiums are higher than other companies term plans because they factor in this point that there would be many people with illnesses. Some might be aware about it and some might be not. But today if you have the option of clearing things in black and white and have your medicals done, then its better that you do it, so that tomorrow there is no chance of any confusion and repenting (oh .. you will not be around even).  Even Sourav Shah of Aegon Religare thinks alike .. here is what he says about this “no medicals” term plans.

Yes, you are right. A term plan without medicals will obviously factor in the cost and be planned accordingly. But it dosent mean that there should be problems at the time of a claim. If the customer at the time of taking the policy declares all facts correctly then there shouldn’t be a problem. But as a personal view Yes, I would definitely recommend that a customer goes for medicals and then applies for a term plan as this leaves no room for ambiguity or any doubt that the customer was absolutely healthy when he undertook the plan. But then this is strictly my personal view.

So were you planning to split your term plan and take two term insurance plans for less than 50 lacs? Better take plans for more than 50 lacs each and mostly it will not affect the premiums. What do you think about these 2 points which I have mentioned? Do you agree about these points about term insurance !

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7 years ago

hey i want information regarding health plans

8 years ago

i am 45 yrs, old, have a home loan of 35 lac. would like to take a policy worth 40 or 50 lac,
which policy will be best and what would be the approx premium per year.

8 years ago

Dear Manish,

I have purchased two online term plans worth 50 Lacs each from ICICI Prudentials and Max life. Both insurance companies have issued term insurance policies to me without doing any medical test. Executive from Max life has called me and said that there is no medical test required in my case. When I have asked him that then how you will make sure that I don’t have any medical problem, then he has answered in 7000 rupees premium, they can’t do full body scan. ICICI Prudentials (10800 rupees premium) has not even called me for the same and issued the policy.

As of today I don’t have any Disease/Medical Problem mentioned in policy conditions, but as you never know about future and any Medical Problem can occur to anyone. As I have taken this policy for next 35 years, I don’t want my family to be in situation if they file claim in their bad time and these companies reject it by saying that some Medical Problem was there at the time of taking this policy as we have not done Medical tests.

Are all companies doing this these days to save medical checkup expenses? As I know couple of years back my friends have taken similar policies and blood/urine tests has been for them. Please suggest what should I do. I am still in free lookup period and don’t want my family to be in trouble after me.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
8 years ago

Thanks a lot Maneesh, for your guidance…

8 years ago

I have my own pvt ltd company in which me and my mom are director. I had loses in the first 3 yrs. now a profit of arnd 1.5 lakhs. I used to draw a salary of 12000 in the first year, then 20000/- and now in the current year 25000/-
Am i eligible for term insurance of 60lakhs and which companies you recomend. Also my company has now a turnover of 12 lakhs.

dixit vijay
dixit vijay
10 years ago

thanks boss, but why not specific and into merit and demerits of the issue ?

dixit vijay
dixit vijay
10 years ago

hi manish,
thanks for the answers provided.
incidentally i would like to know whether a non working woman i.e. housewife is eligible to purchase the term plan on the basis of income proof of husband ?

dixit vijay
dixit vijay
Reply to  Jagoinvestor
10 years ago

thanks !!!!!!!!incidentally i would like to inform you that my son is having rs. 1 crore term plan with bharti axa purchased in feb 14. he is drawing rs. 13 lakh p.a. and now applied for term plan for his wife, who is not working but a housewife. even bharti axa issued a policy in her name on the basis of income proof of my son. shall he proceed with the same ? medical is yet pending and it is possible to look the same differently if your opinion is negative.

dixit vijay
dixit vijay
10 years ago

please inform whether a housewife is eligible to tale a term plan and if yes which is better ?

Vikas Badhwar
Vikas Badhwar
10 years ago

Hi Manish
I am 27 years old and want to have 1 cr term insurance for 35 years. I zeroed out on Aviva i-Life(35 Yrs, 50 lacs) and Aviva Health Secure/30 YEARS and Max Life Online Term Plan(35 Yrs, 50 lacs) and Max Life Comprehensive Accident Benefit Rider . What would you suggest.
Should I opt for Aviva and Max.
Can i trust these companies for long run.

Vikas Badhwar
Vikas Badhwar
Reply to  Jagoinvestor
10 years ago

I have taken Aviva for 50 lac…. and I want 50 lac with some other company. Which pan would you recommend.

Pankaj Kumar
Pankaj Kumar
10 years ago

Hello Manish,
Why it is mandatory to provide other insurance details while taking term insurance. What if I dont want to provide?
I have purchased a term insurance from Aviva (iLife), they are asking if I have any insurace/investment from other providers .

10 years ago

Hi Manish,
I Have Reg Finance Company I want to Insure my Customers who have taken loan from Us against Natural, Accidental & Suicide Death (Suicide death Coverage after one year).
Term Plan, my Requirement is from 1 to 5 Lakhs & which should me assignable to our company.

Which company will provide with above facility please let me know


10 years ago

Hi Manish,
I ‘m 38 years old, i am planning to take a term insurence for 50 lakhs for 30 years , can u suggest me which is better in these

11 years ago

Hi Manish, I m 33yesr old, i want to purchase Term insurance plan for my family, Can u suggest me which is better.

11 years ago

what type of death are covered and exempted by hdfc click 2 protect online term plan

Ashok Singh
Ashok Singh
11 years ago

Hi manish,
I am 29 years old and I am looking for a good endowment insurance plan for myself.
can you please suggest a best plan for me.My income is 5-7 lacs per annum.
what about AEGON Relygare I Maximise Plan………
plz suggest…………

11 years ago

Hi Manish,

I am 23years old and I am looking for a good term insurance plan for myself.
can you please suggest a plan for me?

Dr.Suneet Jindal
Dr.Suneet Jindal
11 years ago

Hello Manish, Can you tell me about BhartiAxa eProtect Plan.. is it good? You or any of the person you know had any experiences?

11 years ago

Hi Manish,i want to take a life cover of 1 crore.my present age is 31 yrs please suggest me the best term plan among HDFC,Aviva and Bharti Axa.

11 years ago

I am thinking of buying a 1 crore term insurance from bharti axa. But the website says that the minimum salary required for this plan is 5lacs, which is slightly more than my salary.
I am willing to pay upto 7,000 pa for a 1 crore term plan,which should cover accidental death situation also.
Can you suggest me a suitable plan?
Thanks in advance.

viru singh
viru singh
Reply to  Satyajeet
11 years ago

my date of birth 27/11/1967 , i am intersted for term plan but i am confuse my
income 3lakhs , samal shop extera income i am smoker, & alcoholle kabhi kabhi , letast i am going madical chacking i am ok no any issu find me , my age 45
i have no insurence so ple, suggest me how much
ple suggest me compny name and plan

11 years ago

Hi Manish ,

I’m 38 old and having taken term plan from Birla sunlife of 50 Lac last year June . I have read your blog and threads . I want to take another term plan in next 1 month which is 50 Lack – 1 Cr . Could you pls suggest which one I should go far it . I want premium low and good settlement ratio . Kindly help .

Thanks ,

11 years ago

Hi Manish, I’m 23 years old and have purchased Aegon Religare iTerm plan for the sum of 50 Lacs for 75 years. Do I need more insurance? If yes, which one should I go for after Aegon Religare and for how much sum?

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
11 years ago

Thanks for your reply. Could you suggest some other companies for additional cover of 50 Lacs??? I have read your blogs and in one of them you have praised Aegon Religare iTerm plan a lot. Is there any other company you would like to recommend which is too close to Aegon Religare in providing same or additional benefits???

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
11 years ago

Could you please prioritize among Aviva, Kotak, HDFC??? Like 1st..2nd..3rd.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
11 years ago

Thank u so much to introduce me to this particular blog. This is what exactly I’m going through. Thanks once again.