
June 5, 2017

The myth of “Early Retirement” – A real life case study !

This article is a guest post by one of our readers Vikram Agarwal, who wanted to share his experience on the concept of “Early Retirement”. Vikram was generous enough to share his story and some of the real-life things which will make you think hard about this concept. Like Vikram, if you feel you can write on jagoinvestor, please click here

Over to Vikram.

Most of my friends in my friend circle in late 30’s ask me one question – “How much money I should have now, so that I don’t have to work anymore while maintaining a decent standard throughout of my life, with all the future expenses taken in to account?”

They want to ‘Retire Early’

early retirement

In fact, I also used to be an ardent follower of the concept of ‘Early Retirement’ but now have realized that the concept is more like a mirage, which does not exist in reality and once you reach there, it vanishes.

Moreover – in my view, it is quite dangerous for an individual to run after this concept. In my opinion, you achieve retirement either ‘NOW’ or ‘NEVER’ irrespective of your current level of income or financial state.

Early Retirement is a state of mind

It is a state of mind, rather than a stage achieved. The moment you achieve early retirement as per the physical criteria set by you five years ago taking inflation, life expectancy and all major and minor expenses in your monthly calculations, by the time you achieve retirement as per your old financial definition, all those things become sub-normal or default.

Your mind will have another definition that looks normal for you in today’s context for example for future kids’ education, your house quality, the type of car you own, facilities you desire and all other such expenses.

My personal example

For example, five years before, owing a 2 BHK house in the newly developed area with Marti Dzire hatchback car and with the kids going in a decent school used to be a life I wished for and I had done calculation for the amount required to maintain the same standard throughout rest of my life without working.

And that was ‘Early Retirement’ according to me and as per standard definition.

great future illusion

But, now it seems owing a 3BHK house (one extra room for parents or for guests) in a good location of a metro city, a nice Honda sedan and a ‘good’ school for kids throughout their education duration is ‘Normal’ for me. Now it’s the standard, I would like to maintain before retirement and after retirement.

My next target!

My new “target” might be owing to a villa or bungalow, and a nice SUV and kids in the ‘best’ school of the area. And once I achieve it, I think it will become a new normal with time.

The next level

And who knows, a car for wife will be a standard I will look for in the future, as I will not be able to manage all the household activities on my own and an extra car becomes a necessity. (I did all my retirement planning calculations with taking decent return on investment as 10% which is quite modest in the long term, so as not to fall in the trap of exuberant returns which might be temporary and actual return might spoil all your calculation.)

Even with a slight increase in any of the above ‘wish’ list (like the possibility of sending you kids abroad for his or her graduation) will push you back in time and you will not be able to achieve you ‘wished’ retirement any time and this carrot and stick game continues.

When your desires convert to your “needs”

You would not know when your ‘desires’ got converted into your ‘needs’. And now it looks like there is a meaning in the sayings of wise old man that “There is enough in this world for one’s needs and not for one’s desires”. I can sense the truthfulness in these lines with some financial literacy and practical experiences.

Greed Desires

If at all early retirement could mean anything for a ‘disciplined’ guy is thru’ a windfall gain from lottery or legacy, otherwise if one tries to achieve early retirement from normal gradual process where mind and hard work is involved, his thinking mind will quickly adapt to current situation and will turn the old desired standards in to ‘Normal’ or ‘Below Standard’ life in today’s’ terms.

The word ‘discipline’ need stress here because there is an old saying that irrespective of the size of the pot, if kept isolated all the water will drain out eventually if not refilled on time and only a disciplined life can control this drainage process and can prolong it (Read, why we are overspending these days by Manish)

Or you can become a hermit in deep forest, secluded from this physical world and concepts of ‘Future Expenses’, ‘Inflation’ become meaningless for you, one can think of early retirement stage.

early retirement myth

But, I guess this is practically impossible and this article is not intended for those who might be thinking of this stage as one of their future possibilities.

Story of my seniors – Real-life case

I personally know two of my seniors who after working at very senior positions in the company left their jobs as they thought they had enough money to sustain the rest of their lives and tried to follow new pastures in future life.

But, eventually, they had to join back in their respective jobs in order to meet their monthly bills and continue with their other passions in life.

It is human psychology to get adapted to the current situation and at present it looks like achievable calculations on paper and unreal confidence of being satisfied in case you achieve current target, but in reality it does not happen and by your own nature and human being’s reason of existence, you will always be pushed to work.

Basic foundation of human existence is WORKING

This wish of ‘ Not working’ one day will take you away from ‘Karma Yoga’ which is the basic foundation of human being’s existence. Even in GITA, it is mentioned that all of us have to work one way or other and this is the law of life.

I remember a recent discussion with a prominent businessman in my home town. He told me that he used to ‘struggle’ a lot to book rooms in his locality for any private family functions for his guests they had to ‘adjust’ sometimes as per hotel terms and conditions.

Now, he has built his own guest house and no need to be ‘dependent’ on the hotels any more for bookings, etc. and I was thinking that if this rich man thinks booking rooms in 5 star hotels as per their terms and conditions is a compromise in life, what independence could mean for him ?

Don’t buy anything less than a BMW

A few years ago I was having a discussion with one of my friends and in his views, having something below Mercedes or BMW is a compromise as all other brands do not give importance to safety standards and life is precious more than anything else.

At that time owing a Honda city and maintaining it was the kind of life I wanted to live for all early retirement calculations and now since I can afford Honda City easily, I have a choice, either to keep working to be able to buy Mercedes or BMW one day or put my life always at risk while driving mass-produced cars!

We can retire the day we are BORN

On second thought, I achieved financial freedom years back, the moment I had enough money to be able to afford public transport all through my life. In fact, to take it to one extreme side, we have the potential to retire the day we born and it is only afterward that we enter into the working force in this world, fall into the financial trap and again want to get rid of it.

This wish of ‘Not working one day’ can make you lazy, averse to work and afraid of accepting challenges as in your thought process you are always after something else and it is quite natural that you will not focus on the very basic aspect of life you want to get rid of one day.

Here is a great answer which deals with this issue on quora thread

don’t want to work

These days a lot of people think of retirement at an early stage, some talk about retirement in the late ’30s or early ’40s and there are various articles circulating around to tell how to achieve it.

But, this kind of thinking pattern in today’s youth is preventing them from acquiring skills which can help them in their current job profile and make it interesting.

Story of my father

My father achieved his financial freedom just after his retirement and both of his sons are well settled and living a decent life and he does not have any liability in his life, yet he is always focused on ‘working life’ and whenever he gets any chance of making money with guest lectures etc., he always looks forward to it and that’s what he says is the secret of his healthy life.

Had he focused on early retirement, this ‘fire’ or ‘energy’ inside him would have subsided quite early and he could have attracted many lifestyles related diseases like blood pressure and diabetes etc, which is happening these days even to the young generation.

So, one should not focus on achieving early retirement any time but should think of living a simple, satisfied, and an exemplary life and realize that the ‘Work’ is the only thing that matters in life and for this you need continuous practice for sound physical and mental health to keep your body fit and energetic and let other things come on its own without worrying about it.

Watch this TED video which talks about an experiment of living a simple life in a tiny home.

It is a good idea and in fact a necessity to have the habit of saving and investing, but the idea should come from the need to meet future expenses and not to achieve early retirement.

So what should be your plan in life?

The financial goal in one’s life should be to have sufficient inflation-adjusted funds for all major expenses in the future like owing a house, Kids education funds, children’s marriage funds, emergency funds, and retirement funds in present terms and all funds invested properly.

At large, one can think of a ‘stage’ where he or she will not be worried about ‘Net savings’ from the income and can live a life one desires with his current income from job or business and even If he/she spends all of the earnings he should not be worried financially.

The more one earns, the more facilities one can desire and his current lifestyle will remain in accordance with his income levels and this is what I call real ‘Financial Freedom’.

That is an inherent assumption here that the rise in expenses (with inflation) will be taken care of by salary increments/ job changes or business expansions and for there is no other alternative but to ‘Work’.

What do you think about Early Retirement?

So let us know what you feel about this concept and my points regarding it? Do you agree with them? Is there any point where you can add?

Would you like to share your own story in the comments section and how you have dealt with the concept of early retirement? We would like to thank Vikram for his contribution on this subject on this blog.

Also, if you feel you can write on jagoinvestor and contribute, please click here

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rajesh KUMAR
rajesh KUMAR
3 years ago

very informative article. so helpful. such a wonderful blog. thanks for sharing this post. keep sharing.

7 years ago

the article tells the balance to have between living life and planning retirement.thanks manish.

Reply to  investor
7 years ago

Hi investor
Thanks for sharing your point of view

Juhani Tontti
Juhani Tontti
7 years ago

I am now 67 and I just cannot understand the early retirement talk. That would be the worst case for me, because I see a work as a priviledge for myself ( I am an entrepreneur). The work for me is a meaning of life, not a punishment. So I will go on working as long as I can, the target is now 80!

7 years ago

Once again. Amazing post. I have been following Jago Investor for a long time and the blog posts here are just astonishing.
I also do not believe in early retirement. If you are passionate about the work that you do, then you will not want to retire. However, I do believe in mini-retirements. Like a one month trip every few months. This can help in increasing your efficiency, alongside enjoying this wonderful life. Thanks again for sharing this post.

7 years ago

Sorry but I disagree with you because the meaning of early retirement for many people is not about to simply left their and sit at home doing nothing, for them, it is about pursuing their passions and doing what they love to do.Most of the people don’t like their jobs so they want to retire early and want to enjoy the life the way they want and there are many ways to it.for this you have to know the concept of passive income. and for your kind information, many people are successfully achieving that.

7 years ago

Very nice post. Really helpful

Reply to  Ramesh
7 years ago

Thanks for your comment Ramesh

Anand kumar
Anand kumar
7 years ago

nice article…….

Reply to  Anand kumar
7 years ago

Thanks for your comment Anand kumar

7 years ago

Every one of us having different definition for “Early retirement”. In my dictionary it will be the day I can get a guaranteed regular monthly income equal or higher to my salary from my investments which I had earning through my current job.

Also It does mean that everybody is going to sit home idle after early retirement, it is a misconception. Everybody is sacrificing some thing in current job (stress, excess travel, away from home, less time for family etc.,) and they want a relief from that.

In short early retirement is a change over of “work for money” to “work for happiness/satisfaction”

7 years ago

I must say that comments and the discussions in comment sections unfold the term “Early Retirement” in a better way than the article itself.
I myself have been a strong contender of early retirement. For me, early retirement is not stop working at all. There are compulsions in life which one has to oblige and work to meet them. Deep down the heart, you know that you wanted to do something else, you also know that to meet your current financial obligations (home loan emi, children education, marriage etc) you cannot stop what you are currently doing and start doing what you want. Because what you want to do may not earn you so much to support your financial obligations, this may not be true in some cases.
That’s when planning to retire from current job and accumulate a corpus to support your financial obligations start taking place. So that when you start your alternative job, you are still well provided for. For this planning, you will have to apply your due diligence to segregate the “wants” from the needs. Start saving and investing – that’s the mantra.

I wish good luck to all the early retirees!! May I also retire early 🙂


Reply to  Priyank
7 years ago

Thanks for your comment Priyank

Reply to  Priyank
7 years ago

Hi priyank,

Can’t agree more. One fine day at office cafeteria. I overheard a conversation among some collegues about 2 bhk property worth some 70 lacs. And the guy said “iske baad car ka number hai”. Instantly he had few among them suggesting make and model. Then one popped up “home loan saves tax also”. So like you said people are buying for social pressure. In 30s you think of home and car just because of peer pressure, to feel the part of the successful crowd.
When we all know deep in our heart this peer pressure consumption is useless. Lets pray that better financial sence prevails in our mindsets.

Manu Vikram Singh
Manu Vikram Singh
7 years ago

I believe, the current generation in their late 20s to 40s are the ones who will have to support both their parents & their off-springs but our next generation will not be supporting us in our old-age. The concept of duty towards parents would have weakened much more under the burden of lifestyle, gadgets, cars & competition. It is imperative to work longer for our generation to secure (at least financially) a better old-age & throw this concept of Early Retirement Completely out of our mind.

Anand J
Anand J
7 years ago

it is okay to read another point of view, other’s experiences.

Whatever good take it else leave it. Don’t criticise if it is not for you.

Nagarethinam V R
Nagarethinam V R
7 years ago

The confusion start from the word retirement as we have our own age long , traditional thinking of retirement means not doing anything.

Dear Manish could you coin a proper term, instead of early retirement,

Because here the early retirement means doing their passion,leaving the job without risking their loved one’s future and well being.

7 years ago

Thanks for this article.this is real truth of our society for retirement like in early age.

Anurag Gupta
Anurag Gupta
7 years ago

Thanks Vikram for an interesting read and laying bare your experiences around early retirement. It really encapsulates well the games the mind and the social interactions play. The early retirement really seems a myth to me now – if the goal is to not work anymore. However to have a financial buffer to follow your dreams seems to strike a cord.

7 years ago

I strongly disagree with the views presented in this article.
The idea of early retirement is not to be lazy and to lose the focus of life. Neither the purpose of work is just to compete with others due to peer or social pressure.
I too dream of retiring early with enough inflation adjusted retirement fund. So that I can get into organic farming which I dream. I am sure I won’t get lifestyle related diseases or the fire inside me will go off because I chose to do farming in a countryside because I can afford it then because I work my ass off today to build that retirement fund and not to buy that shining BMW.
I am highly disappointed by the shallowness of this article from this great platform.

Reply to  Adarsh
7 years ago


I started with a assumption about the meaning of ‘Early Retirement’ and its general sense ( that you are not making money from your current job or business) and does not mean that you should work for shining car or to please you boss. You can still be in a satisfying job and work for the sake working. I am happy to know that once your retirement fund is in place, you will still be ‘working’ on organic farming and that was the idea of the article.


7 years ago

After reading the article I was pondering on few points as below:

1) The concept of work is important, but working in an uninspiring and rote 9 to 5 may kill you early than the lack of it.
Yes, it would be advisable to work/chose to work in the field of our interests, but given the scenario of unemployment, you are bound for work to meet ends meet.
2) The above is the main reason many contemplate early retirement by making a few bucks with lots of sacrifice and get an opportunity to invest time on their own life, as you know YOLO is the new normal
3) If one can take time/ break from current working for few days/weeks for leisure then the people may restrain from early retirement. But the current profile of many people is early to work and late to bed (or even worse sleeping in daylight for working on after hours)
4) Nowadays many younger folks are pursuing education which are in vogue producing limited occupations (engineers, doctors, teachers). So this mismatch only makes things worse to pursue the profession which matches our passion. So it may be advisable for enterprising people to think of taking a BREAK from their current profession ( for few years) and pursue their passions with the early retirement funds OR accept whatever life throws at them if they fail to succeed on their ambitions. Guys born with silver spoons never mind their profession/education/trades they just need to carryon unless they are pretty determined to pursue their passion than their profession
5) The concept of work is only functional when there is FLOW, the flow which we feel in tune with all our energies. The kind of flow when people can equate play/fun/in the zone with work.

So it is vital to chose your education/profession/area of work in the direction of your inner interests, skills and passions. On the Skill part there are exceptions like actors/producers and their next generations can pursue their ancestors since they are born with golden spoons.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
7 years ago


Reply to  anil
7 years ago

The situation in India could have been a lot better if the companies weren’t so hell bent on maintaining ridiculous profit margins by making their employees work like donkeys for 15 hours a day with total disregard to work-life balance. They forget that human beings are not machines and our productivity cannot scale linearly with more numbers of hours spent in office. Obviously when exposed to such an environment, it only takes a few years to get burnt out and you start thinking of early retirement at any cost because you know deep down inside that you won’t last long at this rate.

Heck people can’t even take a sabbatical in India. If you have even a 1 month gap in employment, employers start asking all sorts of questions and they spare no effort in lowballing you when it comes to salary negotiations. I mean can’t a guy take a couple of months break after working continuously for 4 or 5 years? What kind of sick twisted world do we live in? How are people supposed to follow their passions when faced with such odds?

Rajan Jee
Rajan Jee
Reply to  anil
7 years ago

Early retirement is fraught with uncertainty and listlessness. It all depends how much one needs to take their lives forward. A Maruti 800 too goes from Point A to Point B, so does a Merc. So would DTC bus or a auto. Which one a person chooses depends on what they want or get out of life. Would it really matter? A boy of 17, topper in CBSE became a Jain monk. Is that a life’s goal? Maybe… because it enables him to find what he seeks. How many want to do that? Opulence, frugality and purposefulness are to be weighed in consonance with each other.

7 years ago

This article was clearly written by a materialistic person for all the materialistic people in the world. Sounds like a good fit for most of my materialistic IT colleagues. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that lifestyle inflation is one of the biggest threats to all early retirement plans. If you constantly upgrade your lifestyle to match your rising income over the years, you will never reach your retirement goals.

A bigger home, a better neighborhood in the city, a luxury car, more expensive gadgets, the best school for your kids – these are “wants”, not “needs”. You are saying these are normal human desires while branding to rest of us as “hermits” who do not subscribe to your definition of “needs” and are happy with our simple frugal lifestyle. No sir, just because you have fallen victim to the rat race of competing against the Joneses, it doesn’t make the rest of us hermits.

Some of us actually have the mental fortitude to not fall for peer pressure. Just because my friend or next door neighbor is driving an Audi doesn’t mean I too need to drive one. I am perfectly happy travelling by public transport. Just because my next door neighbor lives in a huge condo, doesn’t mean I should sell my small home and buy a big house in the middle of the city which will take 30 years to pay back. Being contend with what you have irrespective of what you earn is a great quality to have. Just take me as an example. My earnings has increased by leaps and bounds over the years but I still I have had zero lifestyle changes. I still live life exactly the same way as I did in college days with no regrets.

Early Retirement does not mean you stop working. This is a big misconception. Early Retirement is akin to Financial Independence. You take Early Retirement when you no longer work for money and can survive without having to work a day in your life. But most early retirees don’t stop working, they rather invest their time in doing something more innovative and purposeful with their lives. When you no longer have that axe hanging over your head, you can do much more amazing things in life. If you feel like being stuck in your office cubicle all your life and taking orders from your “boss” and think it is what you were born to do, then go ahead and keep running on that rat wheel, nobody’s stopping you but please don’t preach to us.

You have quoted a few conversations with your materialistic friends and are trying to pass it off as wisdom and general consensus in this article. If I started listening to every Tom, Dick and Harry….I don’t know where I would have ended up in life.

Honestly, this is a rubbish article. Manish, please vet your guest writers for quality instead of allowing anyone to publish anything. You as an entrepreneur who risked a great deal in life to follow your dreams and reach where you are today should know better what I’m talking about.

Mohit Goyal
Mohit Goyal
Reply to  Jagoinvestor
7 years ago

AS much as I too disagree with what has been said in the article, I’d still refrain from using the word RUBBISH here.

Life is all about perspectives and opinions. There are no rights or wrongs really…

Just like the author, I too have had tendencies to compare my lifestyle with those who are driving a better car/ living in better houses. It didn’t make me a jealous/ hate all creep. I see nothing wrong in the article from that perspective.

If someone disagrees with the article, one can put forth their argument in a polite, non-offensive way; appreciating other person’s opinion and not trashing it just to get attention.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
7 years ago

I know rubbish is a strong word but I justified why I said that in my post. Let’s not take things in too negative a light. The comments section can be a place of great debate, so we shouldn’t be afraid to post opposing points of view. I just felt it was wrong how he generalized and stereotyped everyone into one group by saying that we are all slaves to our desires and if we are not, we are essentially hermits. Perhaps the author has never seen non-materialistic people in his life.

As to how many people think it’s a rubbish article, I don’t know but I just said what I felt. I know most people probably won’t say anything against the article because of “follow the herd” mentality that is so common and which eventually forces them to compete with the Joneses, a problem which the author himself probably suffers from. I mean just to draw an analogy, why do you think people spend obscene amounts of money behind weddings to make others happy? You already know the answer.

I like most of your articles because they are sensible and grounded to reality. I know you didn’t write this article and hence not blaming you.

Reply to  Anjan
7 years ago

I fully agree with Anjan that this is really a flawed article. Basically need or thought of Early retirement comes from the fact that one is not happy in the Jobs that we have full of stress and against our beliefs and hobbies.

So in order to gain that we should be ready to give up needless desires like BMW cars etc. Early retirement is more about being satisfied with a decent level of lifestyle and taking care of major goals like children education etc. Running behind material things is what brings misery. Good luck to the Author who wants to keep living this life.
I would rather be a fit guy able to run 20 kms at age of 50 rather than be a fat guy with heart problems sitting in a BMW.

Each to his own

Reply to  Bhushan
7 years ago

Ha ha your last line is pure gold. I practically live my life with the same philosophy. Running is one of my biggest passions and the endurance that I have built up over the years through rigorous training is a badge of honor that I wear proudly on my sleeve. I also do cycling a lot.

I prefer being fit anyday than driving around in a nice car with a pot belly like 90% of the office goers today who become a slob by the time they turn 30. Health is wealth afterall.

Reply to  Anjan
7 years ago

Hi Anjan.

It seems you totally misunderstood my article, the spirit of it and were quite critical of it. Let me have a change to explain the misunderstandings:

1) The author is not at all materialistic. If that is so, than any person reading this article, commenting on it is also materialistic as for this one need some gadget ( laptop, computer, smartphone) and internet connection.

2) I never say you should copy others and sell your car/house and buy new one with loan etc. to match their standard. But, one should look at his or her current standard and do calculations to see that if he can maintain it throughout his rest of life without earnings( from his current job) and this what I call a myth, and not a real thing to follow as that ‘ standard’ itself is variable as per time dependent events, situation and understanding and there is no other alternative but to work and earn.

3) Also, I don’t know why people jump on the conclusion that if one is having a BMW, he will have a pot belly along with other diseases. If your current income allows, there is no harm in owing an BMW and maintain your health at the same time. I never said you should achieve anything in your life at the cost of your health.

4) Sometimes, we wish to maintain our college life standards, but once you get married you see the real picture of life and all the related expenses.

5) My idea was to convey a general message about the wish ‘ non working and non earning life’ . If you love your current job or business you will not like to retire and continue working till you are given chances and you will be working throughout the end, and in other case if you do not like your current job or business and is not passionate about it, you will not be able to retire financially any time even after 58 years of age and in this competitive world you need skills and passion about your job and to have good salary in hand, and you will keep on working till 58 even in this case. So, in both situations there is no other way but to’ work and earn’ till you turn 58. The only difference is , in the first case you accumulate your retirement fund early.

6) You also need to know that the outward looking extravagant life may not be a wish but a necessity. Sometimes, there are lot many things at stake that you can not compromise on safety and security and insurance companies do make sure you follow those standards to give you heavy cover and we think that is extravagant and wishfully compromised life.

7) And for wedding parties, my idea of spending comes from the fact that you have attended lavish parties, you should pay back to society ( if you can afford) and they desire the same standard of food and party which you have tasted before, otherwise if you don’t like it, you don’t go in their parties and you don’t feel the need to throw lavish wedding party then. Sometimes, it is not to showoff, but to satisfy your inner self.

8) And the last one, not every one who is doing a job is in a rat race and stressed out and not passionate about it ( the kind of misconception people carry for a ‘ job’ profile) . Yes, when you are working you loose some kind of independence and that is that you want to get rid of sometime and wish for early retirement and this is the misconception I wanted to remove that anyways you will have to ‘work to earn’ and you will not be independent in true sense till you die. If one is not happy with his current job profile, he should come to a job or profile which is more satisfying so that he can continue to work without compromising on health etc and live a more satisfying ‘working’ life.

Reply to  Anjan
7 years ago

Hi Anjan

Not only lifestyle inflation,but it seems normal inflation also affects a lot. In my calculations I used 7 % as inflation rate till the life expediency of 75 years ( which is quite reasonable as all of us agree that our monthly expenses get double in 10 years)


Himanshu Agrawal
Himanshu Agrawal
7 years ago

Finest article I read till date for retirement. This article reverberates my thought process too. One should keep on working till God allow one’s to work. Don’t stop your hands by yourself. One must keep on earning irrespective of less/more money as keep on working is much more important than financials itself.

Mohit Goyal
Mohit Goyal
7 years ago

even though i agree with most of the article, i still beg to differentiate a bit here.
the idea of “early retirement” to most people is to attain financial independence OR a passive income equal/more than their active income. This ‘mental comfort’ cushions them to not chase an active income, but doesn’t imply that they stop working. if anything i hail such people as ‘achievers’ and ‘focussed’ individuals who had the courage to eliminate ‘financial equation’ out of their working years to come.

my own story – i am 34, decent income, good invested corpus than my yearly income (almost 6-times) and hoping to achieve financial independence/ early retirement by 40. Then i have huge ambitions for myself thereafter, but money won’t be a factor in it.

7 years ago

This article is really misleading and probably did not come across real life genuine retirement cases.

The article highlights the greater safety features of German luxury cars Vs mass produced cars in India. Being the once owner of these German cars, I can tell that for Indian roads it does not make sense to own these cars at all. In urban commute, one can’t travel more than 40 km/hr speed and owners of these cars would not feel any luxury because it takes 2 hours to travel 10 km distance. This is true for most of the metros including B’lore and Hyd. On the contrary, you would always feel worry that people around you including 2 & 3 wheelers have scant respect for your super luxury sedan.

It is rare in India that salaried class owns Mercs and BMWs. Even if some of them can afford, they would feel torture rather than luxury. Most of these cars that we see on the road are owned by businessmen who takes depreciation advantage or given as perk to CEOs or Celebrities which again linked to business.

I don’t know why retirement is taken as ‘do nothing’ or watching roof, TV and Movies only. We have to accept that there are stressful professions that includes long commute, toomuch outside travel, burning in the sun, horrible work culture, unpleasant boss, sexual harassment to women employees and so on.

I know many senior execs who worked in Metro cities of India but hailing from small towns who took early retirement came back to establish small businesses or look after family business or accepted simple jobs or doing charity or even to take care of family agri fields.

Even in the forced retirement case that usually happens at the age of 60, retirees are busy doing many things that included taking care of their kids investment and its related docs.

Let me conclude with this famous quote : We don’t see the things as they are, we see them as we are

Reply to  Krish
7 years ago

Hi Krish

Thanks for highlighting the points of senior execs. This is what I was saying in my article. The point is those exec are still ‘ working’ and ‘ earning’ after leaving their corporate jobs and not sitting ideal ( as against many people wish of retiring , of getting independence from corporate culture and relax there after without earnings and this is what I said does not happen). My whole point is you still need to work one way or the other to ‘meet’ your current expenses and that is the way human life is designed and should be lived. The whole idea of the article was that you must know you will still need to work ( with earnings attached) even when you have sufficient funds in place irrespective of your ‘liking’ and ‘disliking’ of the work you are currently doing.


Reply to  Krish
7 years ago

The best ever comments by Kris .The article was not as good as are comments on it .The article was really a rubish writing not cocluding to any definite purpose which anybody eagerly read it but disappointed later at last.