Happy Diwali, A great tip for Investment ?

POSTED BY Jagoinvestor ON November 4, 2010 COMMENTS (19)

Happy Diwali

We love Diwali—with its wonderful feeling of a fresh new start. And, it came just in the nick of time. A lot of people always want to know the best investments they can make? This Diwali, we want to share one of the greatest investment tip with you. If there is one single investment with the potentially highest payout, we would argue that it is maintaining a healthy body. All too often in the pursuit of financial health, we forget that we also need to invest in caring for our physical health.

We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

Everybody is running around the best 4 star, 5 star rated mutual funds, stock or the cheapest term plan or any killer tip which will make them wealthy.  However we often forget more important things in our life like Education , good values and great health which is more critical part of our life , Health is our True wealth and today we want to share an e-book which will help you understand how you can make your life more simpler and healthy using some basic suggestions made in the book.

If you want to invest this Diwali, the best thing I would recommend is to invest some hours of your time to read this valuable ebbok (atleast go through the content page and you will love it) , and your will reap the benefit all your life.

Thanking you all to be part of this awesome community 🙂 . Happy Diwali to you all

19 replies on this article “Happy Diwali, A great tip for Investment ?”

  1. naveed says:

    ebbok – Sorry I didn’t get it. Where can I find the book.

  2. vikram says:

    Hi Manish,

    I hope you had celebrated diwali well with your family and friends.
    Please provide the location of the ebook whch you are sharing.


  3. Narasimha says:

    Hi Manish,
    Where is the ebook link? can you please share the link.


  4. S S says:

    Remembered a famous saying which my grandmother often used to tell me when I was a kid ” Pehla sukh nirogi kaaya, dooja sukh dhan aur maaya” She and grandpa followed it all their life (still following). I learnt the most important investement tip from them for which I shall be forever thankful to the old couple.

    1. Nice quote 🙂


    2. khalid says:

      Its a million dollar quote, Nirogi kaya is as much important as dhan aur maya.
      Thanks for sharing buddy.

  5. Harpreet Kaur says:

    Dear Manish,

    First of all wish you a very happy diwali and thanks for such a meaningful gift.



  6. khalid says:

    Happy Diwali

  7. khalid says:

    Hi Manish
    Happy Diwali and thanks for sharing a nice thought.

  8. @All

    thanks for the wishes 🙂 .


  9. Mani says:

    Hi Manish & Readers of JagoInvestor,

    Wish You A Very Happy & Prosperous Diwali…


  10. Venshu says:

    The book is quite interesting. Thanks Manish.

    Happy Deepavali Manish and Happy Deepavali to all the fellow readers at ‘JagoInvestor’

  11. Ramesh says:

    It is good to see this article which helps us build very good health.
    I am a big follower of Dr. Manthena Satyanarayana Raju who wrote this book.
    His lecture’s are really impressive which is all about health.
    If anyone interested have a look at http://www.manthenasatyanarayanaraju.org/ . He is from andhra and all his lectures are in Telugu language except some of his books are in english like manish shared above.

  12. Ramesh says:

    Hi manish n all readers,

    Wish u Happy Diwali


  13. Rakesh says:

    Manish & Fellow Members,

    Here’s wishing you and your loved one’s a Very Happy Diwali & a Prosperous New Year.


  14. Gouri says:

    Hi Manish & Friends..
    wish you happy n prosperous Diwali..

  15. Ramesh Desai says:

    Happy DIWALI to all friends.

  16. Caribou says:

    Happy Diwali, Manish.

  17. sreedhar says:

    Wonderful e-book!!!!!! Of course money and good health cannot be separated.. Even to eat good and healthy nutritional food (at today’s food inflation rate) we need more money……. and to earn that more money we need good health… again to maintain that good health we need more money for eating nutritious food.. Funny indeed!!!!!!!

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