
December 3, 2009

Questions and Answers , Part 6

I am putting some questions answered by me to users on “Ask a Question” form . I am putting 3 questions and there answers  . If you have any comments or better suggestions please feel free to add as comment . You can see other questions and answers done in the past Here .

You can also ask your questions from other experts on recently started Jagoinvestor Forum

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Question 1#

I’d like to invest Rs 5,000 – 7,000 a month through SIP to build a corpus for my child’s education in 20 yrs from now. I think I will need around 20 lakh (which will be around 60 lakh when we count the inflation). I’d like around 80% to go in equities for 1st 15 years and then switch to a more risk averse equation. Which funds do you suggest? Child will be born in Apr 10, can I start rightnow?

I’ve a term plan for 70-80 lakhs. So, ULIP would not be appropriate for this goal, right?

Answer 1 :

Excellent , congrats on planning this .

>>> 7000*(1.01)*(1.01**240 – 1)/.01

Understand the Formula here

7000 per month can make around 70 lacs assuming 20 yrs and 12% yearly (1%) return . This is as per your requirement , which looks achievable easily , considering you review your investments every year and maintain your asset allocation .. .

You can put some amount (20-30%) in PPF (child name or yours) .. and then rest divided in some 2-3 good funds through SIP .. this should do the job .

you can choose any good fund listed on the article some days back .. You can also look for Balanced funds if you dont want to take too much risk ..

Question 2#

I am planning to invest my money in some CHIT fund scheme where in on an average you get more interest than in SB/Fixed deposits. What is your view on it and can we really trust these chit fund companies.
Following are links of couple of chitfund companies:

Answer  2:

I havent looked at what they have to offer , but without seeing that I am telling you dont invest in these .. Have you every heard these names from more than 3-4 people , Might be they have made some money out of this , but is that under law and are there contracts which are legally binded .

There are cases of frauds in these kind of chit funds . I found some complaints against these chit funds on net .. please go through them .. they might be offering higher returns but always remember that anyting above 8% is with risk 🙂 otherwise everyone will go with them only .. Don’t get into this unless you are ready to loose all your money someday ..


I feel even options trading is safer than these .. because you only loose because of yourself there , not someone else .

Question 3#

I would like to invest Rs.7000/ month by auto SIP ( for 2to 4 Years. My risk profile is moderate and my preference is to invest in Balanced Fund, Debt Fund & Diversified fund. My age is 45 years. Please recommend some of the good fund and amount to be invested per month.

Answer 3:

2-4 yrs is a modetate time frame .. You should go for Equity funds or Balanced funds only if you can take some risk on your investments , Risk does not mean negative return , it means below normal returns also ..

If you are ok to invest 7k per month , then even if you invest in something which gives 10% , you can generate around  4.14 Lacs . If you take risk and target equtiy funds , you can get 15% returns also , which will make 10 Lacs ..

Incase your Goal after 4 yrs can be met by 4 lacs , then i would recommened 10% route which will involve mostly debt funds or Balanced funds .. or Debt funds + Equity funds (30-40%) ..

You have to ask your self if you want your goal to be met or Generate higher returns with RISK 🙂

The best thing I think would be

  • 3k in Debt fund or FD
  • 1k,1k in 2 Balanced Fund
  • 1k,1k in 2 ELSS funds (equity , tax saving also)

Have a look at

Best of Luck , Dont hesitate to ask any other question and reply back if there is any doubt yet

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14 years ago

Hi Manish,
I have invested my money in the below listed funds for last 3 years…
1. ICICI prulife — lifetime super ( 18000 pa)
2. ICICI prulife — lifetime gold return gurantee fund (50000 pa)
3. LIC Jeevan Anand — (7332 pa )

I invested my money into these plans without knowing much as I was very new in this field. I have a plan to take a policy for my retirement… Please suggest me how to go ahead and which are the good ways to build my wealth ..

Recently I have done Jeevan Tarang from LIC … I think I have done a mistake, Now please suggest me how to achieve my goals ..


Prashanth G
Prashanth G
14 years ago

Hi Manish,
Thank you very much for all your informative blogs.

Can you let me know how can I find out the existing cost of completing courses like MBBS (in India) and MBA/MS in top universities (US/UK)? I’m finding it difficult to get this information. Any pointers would help (for financial planning for my kid’s education).


Prashanth G
Prashanth G
Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Hi Manish,

Amazing to see your quick response! Thanks!

I’m actually looking for top rated colleges. Looks like I’ll have to consult a financial planner who I believe will have this kind of information. Also, can you recommend a good financial planner in Bangalore? I’m ready to pay whatever fee they specify.


S Singh
S Singh
14 years ago

I still don’t understand why people get so excited about chit fund, I have read numerous cases of fraud, may be these people never read newspapers.

14 years ago


I have small doubt in my mind thought of clearing with you. If CAGR of 12% appreciation is expected over next 20 year or so, what will be the sensex levels or nifty levels and how about indian GDP over next 20 years from today, Do you think all these are practical returns over long term. I believe stock markets/global economies are more or less become trading platforms, though we could see 100% or 200% returns from time to time over next 5-10 years, i some how suspect this returns are really sustainable in long run,because of the hidden reasons which we are not aware today?,

Am i sounding too pessimist, but the reasons are,

1. Last 10 years were I.T industry created lot fo employment directly and indirectly, which indians never seen before in decades such as 40K,50K, hence inflation shooted at sky rocket levels.

Now, where are we finding the right opportunities for our unemployed youth in order to convert them to users.

Indians are traditionally conservative, so indian consumption story some how i doubt to appreciate at the rate of 12% CAGR.

Last, yes there are some companies which might outperform, but we will only come to know, when it is done.

Please share your views.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Specific to your statement “If market moves up and down and come back to same level . its 0% increase ”

If this is the case, then don’t you think that a average customer required to put lot of attention to portfolio(specific to equity) and NOT just after 1 year or even 6 months. In that case it doesn’t prove the modern phenomenon that promotes a traditional user to invest into stock market/MF as it is needs high intelligence to be in good profit.

Your views please

14 years ago

thanx for the links
but can u please tell what should one look for while buying the shares.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

hi manish
i recently went through ur article on akruti city crash. wat i got is u hv mentioned a link to nseindia.com to knw the history of any stock, my question is , is it right to take the stocks which is having more delivery then trading, i mean is it one way of picking the stocks. u got me, nah……..

14 years ago


14 years ago

Hi Manish

I have taken ULIP policy on June 2009 for next 20 years. My premium is 48000 per year but they are charging 440 rupees per month. 5280 rupees per annum, but as per new IRDA policies, how much they need to charge me? and also I contacted them about new IRDA policies and they said the new rules for only policies which are sold after Jan 1st 2010, for the old policies they continue to charge as per the previous charges only. is this true? if this is non compliant as per New IRDA policies, who and how do we complain about my insurarer,
Appreciate your inputs if any in this regard,
Thanks in advance.

14 years ago

As many others mentioned this blog is very informative for one’s financial planning. Ok here here goes mine and I don’t think I am in the correct peg (realized after going through these blogs)….kudos to you…..

I am now investing in LIC (jeeva shree – ~25000/- p.a, money plus (ULIP) – 10000/- p.a, jeevan tarang – ~27000/- p.a.) and in 20000/- p.a. in ULIP of a private bank. So investing close to ~80K in just insurance and ULIP. I am now planning not to invest in ULIP once they complete the lock-in period. I did realize that the SIP would be primary option (then EPF) for me to go with to get the best return over a long period of time (25-30yrs). Apart from these I normally invest in delivery trading (NOT marginal trading) but that is just a hobby.

Am I going wrong with my assumptions?Please throw some insight, also I would like to know how the returns would be calculated sort of any math expression.


Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Thanks for your dynamic response. Can you brief on “You shoudl take a term insurance asap”?? I am in an impression that Jeevan Shree I am going with is already a life insurance policy, isn’t the case? Or you meant in addition to this I should take one more?

May I know if you were me how would you invest? (assuming the goal is just getting the best realistic returns in log term).

I started to trade just to experiment my understanding of certain market segments in real time, though the earnings are not discouraging, I don’t want to invest big chunk of my savings in trading.

Thanks in advance, I would certainly go through your video.


14 years ago

thanx for that prompt reply,
but can u tell me which one is the better amongst these 7 options to start with and when to switch over to other option, and please tell me about the better ULIPS.

Vijay Kumar
Vijay Kumar
14 years ago

I am planning to start a investment club with a group of about 10 friends with small capital and later expand it to bigger investments. I want to invest in shares, real estate, start a business like hotel / hospital / school and others in the future. I would like to know the legal issues and procedures for starting it. Any advice and guidance will be highly appreciated.

14 years ago

what is icici life time gold plan can you give some detail about it.
anyways, your blog is very informative. thanx

vivek chowdhry
vivek chowdhry
14 years ago

hi again
but manish i m a doctor, i have seen the documents ,ofcourse it has some exclusion like all other mediclaim policies,but it covers the cost of hospitalisation,operations,accidental injuries,cost of doctors,drugs,nurses,investigations or tests. I, myself is a cardiac anaesthetist ,i see the critical care part also.but the thing i dont understand if operation, accidents and hospitalisation for more than 24 hours are not critical care then wat type of critical care the critical care rider includes.

vivek chowdhry
vivek chowdhry
14 years ago

hi manish
i m planning to take a term insurance.
i have a mediclaim policy (family floater) frm star health with SI of 5 lakh.
should i take the term policy with riders or plain term policy.can u please explain about these riders.

14 years ago

I dont know manish, However i cannot save more than 20,000 rupees per month, after considering PPF and reserves for short term expenses i reserved myself to invest not more than 20,000 rupees because thats the amount which is surplus for me. Would you suggest, how much do i have to invest if i need make 1 cr in 10-15 years.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Thanks manish, I really like the idea of “Self dependent”. I appreciate you.

14 years ago


I am looking for your advise, i am 35 years old with spouse 2 kids, earning 2.4 lakhs per annum ( Surplus money after my expenses which i can invest for any long term 15-20 years, single income family my wife does not work).

1. to work not more than 15-20 years from now.
2. aim to achive 1 cr by 2020. or early whenever my investments achive 1 cr.

Would you be able to adivse whether investing in the above 2 funds, will achive my target by 2010? or you do you suggest any thing else in my investing profile?

14 years ago

Thanks Manish, I have been wandering to get answer for this, You have made it pretty clear.Thanks again. Hence Can i just invest in HDFC top 200 and DSP Black Rock 100, in these two funds in SIP manner for next 10-20 years.? Please advise.

14 years ago

Hi Manish,

I have the following questions, could you please comment.

1.If EQUITIE’s are really good for long term capital appreciation, why Japan stock markets are not recovered since 1990.not even half of the 1990 heights.

2.Why US markets are dragging at the same level of where they were at 10 years ago. ex. Dow was struggling at 10,000 since 10 years.

3.Do you foresee any such kind of problems will/might happend to indian sensex in this decade? between 2010 till 2020.

Could you please give me your analysis by comparing history of work equity markets as well. I am basically long term invester, however i can stay any long time such as 20-30 years. But I dont want to loose my money. Please let me know your reply.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Goal is to get monthly returns @10,000. Postoffice MIS gives 6,000 per month for 9 lakhs @ 8% pa + 5% as bonus at the end of the term ie 6 years. Is there any other instrument better than this as monthly payout which is safe,not related to equity which provides better returns on a monthly basis.

14 years ago

Hi Manish,

Need you analysis on Post Office MIS since I have been building up 2-3 lakh to scale up to 9 lakh (joint account) so that it should pay me a regular montly payout. Need you suggestion as to how to invest for montly returns if any. Thanks.