
March 31, 2012

How Jagoinvestor Forum answered 10,000 times !

Most of the readers of this blog do not know whats going on at the other end of this blog which is our questions and answers forum. It’s a place where you can post any personal finance query, whatever doubts you have in mind and the community will help you with answers. You can extend the conversations untill you are fully satisfied and some amazing people on the forum will go miles to fully help you.

I want to take this opportunity to thank few key people on this personal finance forum who have gone beyond expectations and really taken up the full charge of the forum. You can say these people have taken over the forum from me and I am damn happy about it.

Some amazing statistics about the forum

There are close to 2,300 questions asked till date on the forum and close to 10,000 answers are already given, which makes it an average of 4 answers per question asked, which shows a good mix of discussion. I feel proud to say that out of those 2,300 question , all 2,300 are answered, which means 100% questions are answered. The average time it takes a question to be answered ranges from few minutes to few hours . I hardly know any question which was answered after 24 hours of its posting. There are around 1,300+ members on the forum.

Teaching is the best way of Learning

I would like to acknowledge mainly two people on forum who are really amazing and have exceeded the expectations of everyone. They are Ashal and Ramesh . You would really be amazed that they have answered at least 30-40% of the total answers out of those 10,000 answers and they have some really amazing and deep understanding of personal finance topics, which can even beat some certified financial planners ! .

The main idea of this post is to show you that incase you want to excel in the area of personal finance, all you need to do is help people solve their queries, give some time to help others and answers more and more questions from others. This is exactly what Ashal and Ramesh have done and they are the best people I know when it comes to personal finance understanding.

Btw, Ashal is a chemical engineer and Ramesh is a Doctor and this is enough to break your myth that “I cant be great in personal finance because I am not from finance field” . I want to stress on the point is that personal finance is not an area which demands you to be from a finance field. All you need is some passion and that attitude of helping others and learning through teaching others – that’s all . Within no time – you will develop a good understanding of everything 🙂 .

Some really good conversations on Forum

To give you an idea, here are few good questions asked on the forum and you can see the length of the discussions and to what level discussions happen.

Why should you use Forum and When ?

You can ask your question on the forum, for any topic which you need to discuss at length, or anything which you feel should get extra attention and different people views. You can also use the forum to take a second opinion. Just make sure that you have done some homework on your side before asking the question.

If you want your login/password to be created for the forum, you can register yourself on the forum here or just fill up this form and let me know that you want me to open an account for you by filling up this form.

I really want you all to acknowledge the efforts of these wonderful people on the forum and congratulate them. They have really done outstanding work.

I would also kind of acknowledge the efforts of some other heroes who have contributed significantly on forum like BanyanFA , wealthucreate , justgrowmymoney , Shashank , Bharat Shah, Jagadees , Rakesh , Prabeesh , Abhishek and MoneySavingsHelp and many others !

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ramesh mylswamy
ramesh mylswamy
12 years ago


12 years ago

Hello Manish,

Thanks for your appreciation.

R G Budhar
R G Budhar
12 years ago

Congrats & a BIG thanks Manish

Ram Mohan
Ram Mohan
12 years ago

Great work Manish. I really appreciate the opportunity this forum gives to explain to others what I’ve learnt the hard way. Maybe I’m no expert and may not have the correct answers, but the best way to learn is to teach 🙂

Abhinav Gulechha
Abhinav Gulechha
12 years ago

Hi Manish

Thanks for the post. Jago Investor forum is a real happening place, wherein investors can post their questions on various facets of personal finance and dedicated experts resolve it in the best way possible.

I also join you in commending the consistent efforts of Ashal and Ramesh, and the rest of the experts. I have been following the posts in the forum and it has definitely contributed to increase in my knowledge and practical application of personal finance concepts.

As regards the statistics, it was simply amazing. 10000 is a milestone that could not have been made possible otherwise than by a dedicated commitment and a true giving attitude…

I will recommend active participation on the forums to not only the investors but also new CFPs and people who yearn to sharpen their skills in the practical world out there..

Wish the team all the very best!

12 years ago

I take this opportunity to acknowledge Ramesh and Ashal for being a stand for peoples financial life. I am truly inspired by your commitment for people and the passion you have for personal finance. Great to have you with us.

12 years ago

Thanks Manish for giving the insight details of forum. My jaws were dropped when I learnt that Ashal and Ramesh are not from finance background and they are giving advise on finance. It really helps me to understand that anybody can manage personal finance if he / she tries sincerely.

Keep It Up Jago Investor Team.

12 years ago


Great work. I am a regular at forums and have benefited from it. I have been following Ashal’s and Ramesh’s comments closely and they are very good. They make every effort to reply to the query.
Surprised to know that none of them were from finance background.

Ashal & Ramesh thanks for your contribution here and you don’t know how many people you guys are helping to sort out their financial queries.


Pro Money Investor
Pro Money Investor
12 years ago

It is a great forum and really helps in answering personalized questions where the blog deals with concepts and issues at the broader level.Thank you Manish for the wonderful job doing.I am sure that this makes many regular readers into informed investors so that they can take decisions with better understanding.

Bijaya kumar pradhan
Bijaya kumar pradhan
12 years ago

Dear Mr. Ashal, as per the revised rule if the property is in the wife’s name then husband can apply for the HOME LOAN as owner, dont put wrong reply on this portal. if dont know please updated then confirm the concerned. Dont be hesitate to take the advise before giving advise. Thanks.

Reply to  Bijaya kumar pradhan
12 years ago

Dear Bijaya, My take was on Tax benefit that ownership of the house/property is compulsory. I already told that you may become the co-borrower for the home loan of the house property in question. Yes I’m always open to learn & to take advise. Thanks for reminding the same to me.



Bijaya kumar pradhan
Bijaya kumar pradhan
12 years ago

I have the plot in the name of my wife, I am going to take HOME Loan from SBI
whether against same can i avail Loan or not. if not Can i avail aginst Co-applicant/ Joint accounts. Please suggest ??

Reply to  Bijaya kumar pradhan
12 years ago

Dear Bijaya, Please post the question in the forum.


By the way – As the plot is in your wife’s name, your wife may apply for a home loan for construction of the property keeping you as co-applicant. But do remember you ‘ll not be able to get any tax benefit as primary ownership of the property is with your wife & not you.



12 years ago

Congratulations to JagoInvetstor Team and Special Appreciation to Ashal and Ramesh.

vimal vinod singh bhadauria
vimal vinod singh bhadauria
12 years ago

congrates!!!!! Manish chauhan & all members

I have just join this forrum since last month but it becomes my habbit to read this regularly. you all are thank full to not only educate peoples but also provides good information .
realy thanks.