I was very impressed with the articles of Jagoinvestor.com and the language used by Manish Chouhan is very basic. There was nothing technical about it and that is the reason why he is able to connect with everyone. Also the group discussion under every article is highly educative and interesting. Goes on to prove that a good section of people are associated with the blog and the participation is very healthy.
Association with Nandish Desai is like talking to a friend. His approach towards money is unique and he does not proclaim being a financial wizard, which actually he is !!! The approach of educating on financial issues is what lured me into the Financial coaching programme. Apart from being guided on my financial future, I would really like to get trained on various financial features and understand the magic of money management. Nandish has guided me well and I hope to achieve financial freedom with his innovative approach.
J. Raju
Vice President at shipping Corporation
First of all I would like to congratulate Jagoinvestor team for coming up with such an awesome blog which not only informs you but also teaches you about financial planning in a very simple language. I thank god that I came across this blog and had a great start in financial life and was saved of making bad financial decisions (which was referred by relatives and friends of relative who seem to show that they care but actually they don’t and just want their share of profit).
I learned a lot about financial planning and a lot other stuff from the blog. I also learned how wise people make decisions in their life. I would like to say that I became wiser in my financial and personal life and started looking at things in other ways as well. I had never thought about financial planning earlier in my life and would have never thought about it or understood it’s importance, if it weren’t for the JagoInvestor team and their blog.
I took a step further in financial planning and took financial advise from JagoInvestor team. It helped me a lot, as I understood some things in life which makes a big difference which earlier I did not pay heed to.
There are some things in life for which you need to have a coach besides you to guide you. Thanks Manish and Nandish for coming up with the idea of Jagoinvestor and for your financial guidance. You guys rock !Sahil Bhatia
Server Administrator
New Delhi
JagoInvestor – A blog which i came across while surfing for some of the products on web, and also few of my friends sent couple of articles as forwards in email. After spending some time on the web, and comparing the articles with mistakes which i did or user comments where i can relate to my situation, it made me realise i was in need of a financial planner. What made me choose jago investor, i mean Manish and Nandish as planner, was, i was impressed by the amount of time & effort they had put to make us realise, our money should work for us, and harder each day.
After speaking to Nandish, for the first time, i knew, i will go ahead with the Financial Coaching plan which they had developed for the person like me, who has spent time spending and practially with zero assets. I spoke to Nandish on more than couple of occasion. He explained me, insurance not to be taken as investment product and as per the risk apetite, how and where money needs to be invested. Best part was, he never sold me any product, he just advised me with the reasons as why to go for that product. And it was up to me to go for it or not. To be honest, its just a month before i started my financial coaching with JagoInvestor team, and i feel my self more responsible towards wealth creation instead of retirement planning. They also sent me 2 documents, which was developed after my cashflow inputs and i was surprised to see the available surplus which can be utilised for the investment.
As per my opinion of the first month spent with team jago investor and couple of calls after it, i can say, they just dont devise a plain plan for you to execute but makes us more aware towards better finance management and makes us responsible for our investments, and helps to climb the success ladder by making us realise each financial year has to be the better than previous one.
Sunil Mandaliya
Software Professionals
Since the day I came across the Jago Inevstor website, I have seen a positive change in my financial life. The insight that Manish provides through his articles are easy to understand and apply in one’s financial life. It did not take much time for me to decide to avail the paid service lauched by Jago Investor. I like the no nonsense approach by Nandish. He lays out the facts in front of your eyes and puts the ball into your court. It’s upto to us to take ‘action’ if you want some ‘reaction’ from your money. This is what I have learned from the first few days with the Jago investor team and I am certain this journey is going to be beneficial for me and Jago investor. As Nandish said, whenever we discuss something, both of us have opportunities to learn something new. For me, that’s a great attitude! Wishing the Jago Investor team all success!
Abhilash Rajan
Software Engineer
Dear Manish and Nandish,
Its has been great being associated with your service from last couple of weeks. Last many years my financial life was not on track or rather never been action-oriented despite many things known to me. Your financial coaching service is really eye-opening exercise. I see major change in my financial perception and thinking. I can now understand and sense the importance of savings and investments. The coaching service is designed and prepared with clear-cut road-map and met my expectations up to great extent. I would like to appreciate Nandish who has very good financial acumen. My actual financial freedom will start once I will follow continuously suggested plans without break and I am confident on that.
Needless to mention about Manish here, but my actual learning and wisdom started once I started to read and learn from his jagoinvestor blog. I must complements him on this. The way he writes thats simply amazing and exceptional even layman can understand. We dont need to hunt anywhere to get more information about said topic or discussion. I really learned a lot from his blog and his research.
Very Best of Luck of Their future endeavors.
Navin Maheshwari
Software Engineer
Jago Investor, “…a team which really enables you to know what you are, where you are and what you can do in your financial life for future…” . I wont flatter and say it has changed my life , etc … but it has definitely gave me “Right direction towards financial life, which is really really important as indirectly it is related to your personal life..” and I am sure.. this knowledge which is like an Asset shall help a lot in future…..
during association with JAGO, i came to know many new things,..like there are also some terms like “Short/long term GOALS”..”NET WORTH” etc in Personal Finance… and how one should look into it and decide strategy to tackle it efficiently with available resources. perhaps they make you look into finance as a PROJECT and then work on it… its a fantastic thing and as time goes you get more involved and ultimately become confident about achieving your Goals.
this team is taking lot of efforts in gathering such huge amount of data in market and then segregating and making it simple for their readers/Clients … Also I have to appreciate the patience shown by Nandish in answering all (stupid) question and also Professional approach in providing services while dealing with their client.
believe me, till the time you get involve in this Personal finance stuff “…you wont understand how important it is for your financial life and then inturn for your dependent and all other stuffs”..
Great JOB by Manish, Nandish and Team, I wish your BLOG shall reach more and more people …!!
Amit Wani
Software Engineer
We , like most other earning people , have tried to create corpus for our financial goals like retirement , children’s marriage , education , by saving in instruments as advised by our local agent’s , buying endowment policies , ulips , money backs ,investing in shares etc .But we were never sure whether this would really create the corpus we wanted .More often than not we realized that we were sold policies to meet sales agendas and not the one that fitted our needs.
At this time Manish’ site jagoinvestor.com was a real eye opener that LIC policies , ULIPS would not generate this corpus for our goals . He also gave us vital information in an unbiased manner about good investments . We were excited about jago investor and kept following it’s articles .Somehow even though we read and gained lot of knowledge from jagoinvestor we were not completely sure which investments we should discontinue , which to keep or which to start new to create the required corpus .So when Jago investor introduced paid services we decided to go for it , to help us take the correct decisions and when there was still good time
And it was indeed a very good decision we had taken . Jagoinvestor analysed our present financial situation and gave us a clear picture of our present standing in terms of our savings and investments . It gave us a plan and the rationale behind the plan. This included stopping some investments , starting new ones , taking the adequate life cover , taking proper health insurances and then creating corpus for our financial goals in right amount in the right investments .Also one to one discussion after the planning helped answer our concerns and queries .It has helped us overcome the indecisiveness and get into motion .And finally it is based on complete statistical data which gives us more confidence that we will reach there .
Thank you Nandish /Manish for the wonderful services you have provided .Wish you all the best so that you can use your knowledge and expertise to help other people take good and timely decisions
Sudipta Chowdhury
Telecom Professional
“I wish I had gotten to know Manish and Nandish 5 years back when I started my professional career. My personal finance status would have been much more organized. I have known tAmihem for 6 months now and they have been singularly responsible for correcting my last 5 years of mistakes. They not just guide but more importantly educate their readers and clients. And that to me is their biggest contribution. Nandish has gone beyond the role of financial advisor to actually become sort of a personal mentor to me and I owe to him for bringing to my notice the most important SIP we all should make but usually don’t – “Health SIP” – investing every month in ensuring we stay healthy and fit.
I hope we will continue to engage for a long time and I wish them all the best in their future endeavors”
Brij Bhushan
Management Consultant
My Husband and I are both in our late 30’s. While we were staying in Cambodia, about 1.5 years ago, I came across JagoInvestor and got hooked on to his site. I contacted Manish to help us do our investment planning and and he put us on to his team mate Nandish Desai. Nandish and Manish both worked on a detailed investment plan after understanding our needs, income etc and helped us be on track and motivated us to implement the plan. They are extremely professional and thanks to them we have a disciplined approach to investing now.
Shalu Mehra
Hiring Lead,
Human Resources
Once a girl asked to her dad “From when should I start saving for my retirement”, Dad replied”The day you get your first salary”. These words got engrossed on my mind, I started searching for guidance before I got on job so that I can save right from my first salary. In my journey I had been through various financial advisers who recommended me “Whole Life insurance”, “Ulips”,”Sick mutual funds”. With my research I knew everybody was trying to misguide me to attain their targets. I had been to big branded financial advisors but I found the same thing over there. I thought I am stucked, but to my grace I called Jago Investor on 25th Sept 2010 for the first time. After that no looking back I had been in touch with Nandish Sir, taking guidance on financial planning almost every alternate day and I wanted them to be my only financial advisors but due to certain financial problems I postponed the process but finally due to Nandish Sir faith I became part of there family on 22nd Jan 2011. I had read “Rich Dad and Poor Dad” where a Rich Dad, Business Man, guides a young chap to his journey to become America’s one of the Richest person called Robert Kiyosaki. At the age of 23 I found one named Nandish Desai, I am on my way to be what i intend to be. Thanks to Nandish and Manish Sir for their immense faith.
Kamaljit Ridlon
Deputy Manager
Kotak Mahindra Bank
I started thinking about investment and financial protection for my family just three years back. I took some endowment policy for me & my wife; and for children – education and lifelong policy. I was very much satisfied with my decision. In fact I used to feel very proud while I was handing over the cheque to the agent for annual premium. Aah! What a safety! One day, while I was browsing, I came across this site- “Jago Investor”. I thought that this gentleman- Manish , could be an agent of some fund houses and that’s why he is (mis)guiding investors. But, days were passing by; I was reading more and more topics on the site and my confidence on my wise decisions for financial protections were running towards negative. Finally, I contacted Jagoinvestor and since last one year I am following his guidelines. I took sufficient term cover for my family and progressing towards children’s education and my retirement goal. The difference I felt with my earlier investment, endowment policies – my family was not sufficiently insured also premium was very high and return benefit was not in liquid nature. Now, I can expect to reach the goal beating the inflation with higher returns. Moreover I can encash my present investment any time to meet any immediate requirement – if extremely required. Finally I can feel that “Jago Investor “ has taught me what is financial planning and how to achieve it. Thanks to Manish and Nandish. Thanks to “Jago Investor”.
Utpal Chakraborty, West Bengal
I have always been grateful to my teachers in my school and my college right from my childhood because they were the one who opened me up to a sea of possibilities and an ocean of knowledge. I am educated ‘formally’ because of them. But was I financially literate? No. I wasn’t. I, then, went in search of quest for financial freedom through Education and subsequently Action. As the maxim goes if you ask the Universe gives, I came across Jagoinvestor blog and took a decision to pursue it seriously. You were my teacher encouraging me to learn about the most important aspect of our life, Money, which others ‘choose’ not to talk about either because of ignorance or because they don’t want to project themselves as running behind money.
Today (PRESENT), I can say, I am lot better in my knowledge of money than I was few months ago(PAST). Importantly, I am more confident of my FUTURE.
And all this is possible because of the awareness created by you guys. In short the most vital thing I learnt is Education combined with Action will lead to your Dream Destination.
Thanks a ton for that!!
Srinidhi Rajshekhar
Software Engineer
The financial coaching done with you was indeed a life changing experience for me. It helped to remove the clutters and complexities in my financial life and make it simple and straight forward. I have more clarity on my investments and Iam sufficiently insured also. By changing my investment portfolio, Iam sure my present portfolio will give me more returns. I no longer worry about my life’s goals.
Nishant Murlidharan
Have you trekked? You should try that, to know what it is like – to work with you..! One of the difficult trekking in my life has been ‘Chembra’ peaks in Kerala, most difficult thing about this was:
You see a peak at a little distance, and you think you are close to summit,
You climb that and then it presents another peak, but your mind tells you that this will be the last peak and so you climb that and there’ll be summit.
You climb that and then you climb one more and one more.. it was endless (virtually).Working with you (+Jagoinvestor) has been like climbing Chembra again..! . You see a thing to be done and hope that the summit is just after that, but then therez one more and then therez another…
I had committed common mistakes: multiple LIC policies, direct equity (blindly invested) etc, trying to swim in the rough waters and unable to decide which is the right “..Light House..” But after I had committed a very big financial mistake life, I stumbled on Jagoinvestor.com it was late, but there was so much to read and learn from there, and now I wanted to opt for their Paid service, but then I was not comfortable in parting with the fee. I would ask many times if this is the right “..Light House..”, would this be the right thing to do, can I trust these people. After much in-fighting I plunged into their service, am sure I did the right thing. Its a realization, you can get there and experience it, only if you will choose to get there (like me). As Manish says results are not immediate, so wait till I write back 🙂
Sri Harsha
Software Professional
Abu Dhabi
I must say that I started learning about the whole world of managing personal finance through JagoInvestor blog. As I began to read and follow the blog more, I got completely convinced of the sound understanding and stronghold of the Jagoinvestor team in improving your financial health. As soon as I came across this opportunity to speak to Nandish and to work with him on my personal finance situations, I jumped on the opportunity and I am glad I did so.
Most people can relate to two key things involved in running a business: Increasing revenue or optimizing costs. Nandish helped me view myself (& my family) as business. He helped me think through ways to reducing unnecessary expenses and provided ideas for increasing revenues. Also, he helped to plan to optimally utilize the “profits” i.e. savings – to be invested in SIP or Loans etc. Before talking to Nandish, I would always wonder at the concept of planning for long term goals because I used to think that my goals are always flexible and “depends” on lots of things. Nandish helped me re-define my goal to be “Wealth Generation” & that’s perhaps my single best learning from him.
I sincerely thank Nandish and Jagoinvestor team for the tactical support to improve my financial life. More importantly, I think the real value of counselling with Nandish is the physiological shift that I trust will continue to help me in future – as and when things change. I wholeheartedly recommend Jagoinvestor services to anyone genuinely interested in making smarter financial decisions.
Vinit Garg
Management Consultant
In the short time, that I had the opportunity of learning from you , I have the following comments :
1.Many myths as regards to money,were busted ,and I had a more clear picture,as to my perception about money, its importance, its value.
2.The importance of discipline in Money management was understood,which will eventually lead to better Wealth creation .
3.Lots of tools,were provided,in the form of books, calculators,goal management, but most important was that all these tools changed the thought process,to enable ,one to take up money management more affectionately, and not as a chore.
I believe, this short training, would certainly help me in optimizing my resources,to the maximum, and I appreciate your time and efforts, in helping me for the same.
Gopal Khetan