
August 7, 2013

4 FAQ’s about Investors Bootcamp Answered – which might be stopping you from joining !

Its only 5 days left for our investors bootcamp and we got some interesting questions from some our readers regarding Investor’s Boot camp that we are starting from 12th August. It is possible that you might be having same questions in your mind and so we thought of compiling questions for all. The concept of investors boot camp is new and it is perfectly fine if you have doubts or queries.

4 FAQ’s about Investors Bootcamp (Only 5 days LEFT)

Question 1 – I am a procrastinator by nature. If only I wasn’t a procrastinator, I know I could be a STAR Investor. I’m on jagoinvestor  from many months and I also follow other blogs on personal finance, I know I should be buying adequate life cover and health cover and be more goal driven but I am failing at taking actions. Can this boot camp be of help to me as an investor. I trust you guys fully and paying 4k is not an issue for me.

Answer:  “This boot camp is designed for procrastinator and for those investors who are struggling to take actions in their financial life. As a boot camp participant we will assign you simple actions every week and you will be reporting directly to us and we wont tolerate any kind of casualness from any participants. We are going to be extremely demanding and direct with all participants and will make sure you get strong on the action part. This boot camp is an opportunity for you and so don’t miss it.”


Question 2 – I am kind of person who will do a lot of research and always find myself in “Crossroad situation”. I am always confused as I have more than one option in front of me. I want to get out of my research mode and want to take many actions. Will this group be of help to me. Please send me details

Answer: The problem you are facing is faced by many investors. Investors are getting drunk on information on the name of investor education which is dangerous from wealth creation point of view. As boot camp participant we won’t dwell into intense intelligent discussions. We won’t over load you with more information. We will simply ask you to do X every week and you will complete X actions in your financial life. Let’s make things simple and do what is required to live a good financial life


Question 3 – I am very new as an investor and I have no personal finance knowledge. I have bought one of your books but still have not completed reading it. I am into job from last 1 year and want to start investing. Can this boot camp help me?

Answer: This boot camp has to be seen as a strong starting point. It does not matter whether you are new or an experienced investor. The content of each week will be generic and something that will be useful to all kind of investors. We will provide you with a structure and an environment where you will start to think and act in your financial life. We will help you to plant right seeds in your financial life that will be of help to you. We look forward to serve you.


Question 4 – I am still not clear how a boot camp can happen on a facebook group. I mean how will you guys help so many people in taking actions. The group will have people from different backgrounds and age level. I want to join and I know when you guys come-up with something it will be high on value but can you throw some light on how will you manage this boot camp. Thanks in advance

Answer: This is a very good question. The beauty of this structure is it’s simplicity. Anyone from any location can be a part of this boot camp. We have chosen facebook as most of the people have facebook account. This is new and first of it’s kind bootcamp but we will make sure that participants will create immense value. Every Monday we will upload one action sheet (Excel based) and will post weekly actions for all group members and on Saturday people will report their results.

The actions and material provided will make action taking extremely simple. We do not intend to create great investors in this boot camp but we want make better investors. Investors who are busy and want and extra helping hand in their financial life. In past we have done such groups for advisors community and we know the dynamics of how to help people move forward as a group


Even after reading these questions you have any further doubts or questions feel free to write us. We will be more than happy to answer your queries. And if you are clear this boot camp will be of help you click here and complete your registration. We invite all the readers to be a part of this Investor’s Boot camp

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11 years ago

Is it something based on stock market investment?

Rachit Aggarwal
Rachit Aggarwal
11 years ago

Hi Manish,

My only question is that if we didn’t have enough liquidity, will this program still helps?

11 years ago

Hi Manish,

I am interested in this bootcamp but I want to know the duration of this activity. I am concerned that I will not have internet access from 22nd August to 3rd Sept.


11 years ago

Hello Manish,
Your Boot camp looks very interesting and rewarding at the end as was your 100 money actions plan I participated. 100 money actions helped me a lot in taking actions and except a few actions .I am going well wit it.
Want to know how this boot camp is different from 100 money actions plan.
My number one concern is I have got very busy these days with work so 100 money actions last few actions are not yet completed by me.
My question is how participating in boot camp will help me in a very busy work schedule?