
January 30, 2012

Why some agents pay your first year premium ?

While replying to some of the comments 2 days back, something caught my attention. One of the reader wanted my opinion on what he should do with his Jeevan Saral Policy for which the first premium was paid by the agent and future premiums were to be paid by him. As this happened recently in Jan 2012 only, the first premium had been invested (by agent) and he had to pay his future premiums (monthly). What caught my attention is that his agent paid his first month premium.

In addition to this i recently taken Lic Jeevan saral policy in the month of Jan 2012 (First premium payed by agent) and i need to pay from feburary 2012 thru ECS. After i read the article i realized the returns will 6 ~ 7%. My doubt is.. Do lic returns 6~7% any proof or evidence? If it is sure 6 ~ 7% what i need to do whether to continue or stop? (source)

You might be aware that many agents offer to pay first month premium and at times the whole first year premium. Many a times hungry investors shamelessly ask their agents if any pass-back can be earned out of it! So in such scenario, agents have to pay premiums from their own pocket. Now to many of us this whole “agent paying premium” might look very shocking and confusing because what can be the reason for an agent to pay your premium? So lets see why this happens.

Agents get commissions out of your premiums

One reason as to why an agent might be ready or eager or forced to pay your 1-2-3 months of premiums is because he earns commissions out of your premium. He earns around 25% of the premiums as commission in first year, 7.5% in 2nd and 3rd year and 5% for all the other years. Hence agents can safely afford to pay up to 25% of the premiums (which he gets back in form of commission) from his own pocket. So he can pay up to 3 months of premium without loosing any money.

Because of the competition and wrong attitude of clients

Another reason why most of the agents are forced to do this is because of the competition in the agent business. If one agent does not offer the pass-back of premiums in form of paying the first few months of premiums then some other agent will and the agent will lose the customer and all the future commissions he might have earned. Even the customers want to choose agents based on how much commissions he can pass back to them rather than how he will serve his clients. While writing this article, I came across this yahoo answers link where the question topic was “Where Can I find a LIC agent who returns the commission?” and then these clients will blame agents for miss-selling.

Purely as a bait to the client

Who in India does not like the word FREE? When someone else pays your premium, you are so tempted to take it and ignore the fact if it’s really a worthy product or not. So if the agent feels that a client might be interested in a product, well and good. If he feels a little hesitation or sees that a client might get stopped because of some reason, then an offer of paying first few months premium is really an ace move. That really stumbles the client’s rational thinking ability.

Because it plays with clients psychology

It’s very simple. I don’t need to sell you anything, just start the policy and pay first 2 months premium. I tell you that “Sir, your policy is started, don’t worry for the first premium as I will pay it”. Then comes next month and then I say “Sir, I have already paid your two month premiums now all you need to do is continue it”… So this gives you a feeling that you already got 2 premium payments for FREE. This in a way attracts you to make future commitments and the agent had to part away for some of this first year premium commission, but in a long run, he will make money out of it.

Meeting targets and urge to win incentives

A lot of investors have no idea on this point, but companies have load of sales targets and even bigger incentives for meeting these targets. For example – Foreign trips for top 100 top Development officers, a CAR to the agent selling maximum policies and many more like these. So at times in order to meet these targets and be eligible for those incentives some agents pay the first year premiums for some of the client.


As this trend to pass-back commissions is totally disallowed by IRDA. Its illegal for agent to pay clients premium or give him excessive gifts to lure him in taking the policy. An agent should totally avoid paying his clients premium. Also as a client, one has to understand that it’s not in his best interest to ask an agent to pay their hard-earned money for your policy. In the case an agent is offering to pay your premiums please ignore it!

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7 years ago

Your Article is good . I would like to mention that being an LIC agent is hard to survive , i feel like as we(LIC Agent) are doing charity . LIC agent pay back commission some even from their pocket . Some time i ask myself what are we ? If we compare ourselves with private insurer advisor those people get fixed income + Incentives and LIC advisor their commission even don’t belongs to them. How is responsible for this practice . We have hardly left anything with us . Commission we pay back and at the end 5% , kindly calculate Rs 100/200/300 maximum 500 . Is this amount is satisfactory for survival of a family ?
Investor demanding shamelessly from agent should see the fact . Do these people share their salary with other ?

Reply to  rashmi
4 years ago

100%true,we should not pay back

8 years ago

Can we have modification in making any Policy suitable to us like for e.g LIC Money Back Policy is more 20 Years, so can I make it for 10 Years (When I take Policy it would be for 10 Years for Sum Assured) and get Half the time what they Guarantee for 20 Years?

OR IS it 20 Years Means it should be 20 Years?

8 years ago

After reading article what I understand is that even Private Insurance Companies Agent do get commission same in line with LIC Agents.

Am I True?

8 years ago

Hi Friends,
I have a small doubt, need your advice for the same, kindly help,
I have purchased following LIC Policy,
“PLAN:0815 New Jeevan Anand TERM:26 AGE:31 SumAssured:500000, Monthly (Rs): 1773” – details as per online LIC website Premium calculator, excluding service tax.
Where as Monthly Premium : 1815 is what I pay for the same policy as I have taken the policy from a Agent.
Is this possible, that the premium is different for the same policy if you buy online or if you buy from an agent.
As what I had assumed is that premium must be same irrespective of whether you buy online or from an agent. instead LIC would be paying to the agent from his profits and not by increasing our premium and paying to the agent.
So my doubt here is can there be a difference in premium for the same policy, if you buy online vs agent?

Also as per the agent the premium will reduce from next year onwards due to decrease in service tax which is currently 3.5% for the 1st year and from the next year onwards it will become 1.75%. then what about the ECS instruction given to the bank will if automatically agjust as per the decreased premium rate or the premium rate remain constant even if the premium decreases ?


9 years ago

Any way by which i can cut sort my term

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
9 years ago

my term if 30 years of new jivan anand i want it to be 15 years

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
8 years ago

What are your views on Sumit Bose Committee?
I think you should write an article on the recommendations of Sumit Bose Committee and well send me a link when you do so.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
8 years ago

You can read the full report here: http://mintne.ws/1NeFMNj .

9 years ago

I have received new hdfc policy document today, what can i do cancel the same ?
kindly suggest me.
Policy adviser committed to me this policy is directly from company not through agent but agent code mention in policy document.

9 years ago

Hi Manish,

Is there a way where I remove the agent assigned to my policy. if yes how do I do it.

I recently got a call from some agency saying that If I get the Agent name removed from my policy, the insurance company will send his commission amount back to me. How far is this true.


Shivakumar A
Shivakumar A
10 years ago

Thanks Mr Manish,

I get alteast 5 calls daily saying that my agent is not helping me. They say please help me for existing policy also say want to take new policy.

There are many Clients knowing that we are getting paid for our job, do not ask for anything from our commission. For them I say “My services are there would be there till marturity of the policy or till I live in this world”, whichever is higher”.

I salute my clients for their support and trusting me.

Shivakumar A
Shivakumar A
10 years ago

I agree with the Author. In Insurance field around 75% of Agents are part time. They work for only when they require Minimum business guarantee i.e. 12 policies and Rs. 1 lakh premium.

The most affected are Agents like us who are full time and fully depend on Insurance commission and services. These part time agents take business by giving their full commission and forget the customer once cheque is collected. Some times Customer also agree for this and say WHAT SERVICE YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE, PAY ME AND I WOULD TAKE CARE OF MY POLICY.

10 years ago

if 25% save from our packet, then why should deny if agent is ready to pay our premium. person who deny this is a fool.

Sagar Gupta
Sagar Gupta
10 years ago

Dude ,
What do you mean by shamelessly ask the agents if there is any pass back, of course, who doesnot like value added offers.
You speak as if you have never enquired the price of a product at two or more diferrent shops before purchasing.

If you come across an agent who claims to give you back 5% and another agent is approching you for the same insurance, whats the harm in askingfor the pass back.

One can ask what are his benefittes from buying through an agent.

Its a humbe request when you post blog, please be soft, you might hurt some body.

Thanks and have a graet day

Reply to  Sagar Gupta
8 years ago

Mr sagar investing in lic is itself a big mistake , lic plans are not meant for investment and your lured by agents for the stupid plans , if you ask same agent to sell a term policy he will never give you single buck as its not profitable,and offers are on those products which are not worthy,

Rahul Kumar
Rahul Kumar
11 years ago

Venky and Manish

Both of you are right in your opinion.

As an Investor, I met many agents who offered me some discount on some products…and I went to one…why? Why didn’t I tell bhayee dont give me yr 20 or 25% ?
The above can easily understood…what we buy?…any product or any product with same features or more with some added advantage? can you think of…No No I dont want some product with some added features or at discounted price? Here lies the answer…
People dont invest, say 50,000*25=Rs 125,00,00 just because they are getting Rs 12,500 back….rather they are looking for some additional advantage that they can receive over the same product…and here all this activity comes from….some1 is promising to pay almost 12.5 Lac just becuase Rs 12.5 thousand is senseless…can not be even think of…the base lies that they are interested in getting this additional benefit over the features of policies…and some1 is paying only because he has to survive in the market. Thats all!

11 years ago

only greedy customers ask rebate from agents ..some times agents forced to give rebate for greedy customers . so in that case agent will propose highest commission policy to customers …..agents dont pay the first year premium .suppose customer payng yearly 10000 …for 10 years term .total commsion get by the agent is 8000 only ….
if agent doesnt have the knowledge to sell the policies then only he will pay the first year premium . LIC is helpng indian govt as well as customers also ..rejection rate is higher in private companies ..but still jago invester supports private insurance only i dont understand the motto of jago investor …giving wrong information to online readers ….who doesnt have the knowledge of insurance .
i always suggest term insurance but 99% customers reject term insurance even educated fools in india also ….they want returns and insurance .greedy customers always go for endowment and money back …
educated fools asked me some strange question …if i take term insurance for 20 years ..and suppose i survived for 20 years i lost my money !!!!!!
my request to jagoinvestor is dont degrade life insurance or LIC whatever ….

Ramchandra Kolambkar
Ramchandra Kolambkar
11 years ago

What it is guidelines about collection of premium of LIC policy. Is it a mandatory duty of LIC agent to collect premium from the door-step of Policy holder if policy holder have not interested in ETC/net banking/courier services?

Prashant Saini
Prashant Saini
11 years ago

Agent should not pay the premium on behalf of the customer at all….And if he is getting the commission that is from LIC not from the customer…also the agent is working & getting the business for LIC. So it is a salary for him…then why paying on behalf of the customer.
If a customer is paying the LIC premium that is for his own benefit & interest also whatever the premium he is paying he is getting the receipt of the same amount. Then why agent should pay his premium.

Agents should not increase this as this would be a direct attack on their salary(Commission).

12 years ago

suppose monthly premium is rs 5000 so agents pays =5000*3
=15000rs now agents gets 25% of first year premium tht means annual premium comes out rs=5000*12=60000 25% of 60000 is rs 15000 he covered the money which he paid from his own pocket now if clients countinue to pays the future premium then agent will continue to get the commission as mentioned by u clearly research is very imp while analyzing any product whether it is insurance or m.f thnks for the info.

12 years ago

in my dictionary nothing is impossible. but i am not aware about financial market kindly give me batter suggestion,

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
11 years ago

how many cases is given to LIC in one year by a LIC agent

Reply to  Sudha
11 years ago


12 years ago

Dear manish, i would like to go for children plan of kotak either aviva tell me which company is good ,which can give me better return without any risk.

12 years ago

what happen Mr. Manish could you give me solution

12 years ago

i having a policy of Lic, i am not satisfy with agent service .could u tell me which is the best option , online either through agent…. i want to invest 1 lakh per year .