
November 21, 2011

Health Insurance is Wealth Insurance

Does Health insurance or Mediclaim Insurance really protect your health ? Ask yourself this question and deep down in your heart you will hear someone shouting , No Idiot ! , There is no policy which can protect your health ! . Health can only be protected by right diet , right exercise and right lifestyle (download this ebook). Unless you are doing any of these your health can’t be insured. So what is Health/Mediclaim Insurance, when it does not protect your health ?

In reality, what we all fail to realise is that Health Insurance is actually “Wealth Insurance” . When you buy a health insurance policy, all you are doing is protecting your wealth from those scenarios which would ask for a lot of money from your wealth. So you have to understand the importance of buying a health insurance policy. (You can buy it from Coverfox website)

I was talking to some one few days back in Goa (Yes, I go on vacations too) who rejected to take a mediclaim policy because of higher premium due to his diabetes. I told him that I hear something out of his decision of not buying a health insurance plan. He was surprised to hear this because he didn’t say anything else other than “I will not take health insurance” . So I told him what I heard.

I told him that I hear from him that he is ready to lose a big part of his wealth in few years if he is detected with any further illness . I told him that I hear that he didn’t want insurance company to pay for his medical bills , but was ready to bear the cost on his own. If he has to spend 5 lacs , he will pay it . If its 15 lacs , he will pay it ! and even if its 30 lacs (after 12-15 yrs) , he will still pay it .

Protecting Wealth is much easier than Protecting Health

I told him that by choosing not to buy a health insurance plan, he is accepting that he is ready to bear a big cost in future incase the situation demands . A lot of people do not think about health insurance like this. While this is the internal truth that the job of health insurance is to protect your wealth and not your health, a lot of people just fail to look at it this way .

So if you love your Wealth , buy health insurance.

For health , you can take other routes like eating right food, physical exercise daily , having a positive and a good life style (see this post from subra)  .. But the sad thing is protecting your wealth is much easier than protecting your health 🙂

What are your views on this ? What have you done to protect your health and wealth ?