Mumbai and Ahmedabad readers meet

POSTED BY Jagoinvestor ON October 1, 2010 COMMENTS (6)

We had Mumbai and Ahmedabad meets in last month and I am sharing Presentations and Pictures of those meets . We have done around 5-6 meets in total in Pune , Mumbai and Ahmedabad as of now and we are looking forward to do more in coming months with more better structure and more enthusiasm .

Mumbai 3rd Meet Presentation

Ahmedabad 2nd Meet

Give your opinion on these meets and presentations . Readers from Mumbai/Ahmedabad are invited to Join our Facebook group and also attend future meets. We will try to do the next session by this month end or the next month end depending on how much we can do it with everyone support. We would like to hear your suggestion about the meets in cities and what you all are looking for these meets which we do face to face. Should it be more on basic level or at advanced level ? What topics should be cover in coming sessions . We would do Bangalore session soon .

6 replies on this article “Mumbai and Ahmedabad readers meet”

  1. Ashish Shah says:

    Can you please update about upcoming meet in Mumbai??I am keen to join

  2. atul says:

    any plan to have it in hyderabad?

    1. Atul

      We will do the meets in future .. stay tuned

  3. Sreekumar Menon says:

    Suggestion- A video recording would have been more useful for us who cannot attend these sessions.

    1. Sreekumar

      We will do that in future .. for now its not that organised and we are short of funds to do all the professional video recording .


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