
June 9, 2010

Jagoinvestor Group meets every month

It has been an excellent journey so far and we have to build a great community of readers who want to learn and understand the importance of personal finance. We have readers who are ready to learn much more if given a chance and they will if they are provided more support and platform.

So whats next? I have decided to take this blog to next level, so I have decided to form groups of enthusiastic people who are ready to learn at different levels and also want to join this “Jagoinvestor” movement and help to spread financial literacy. So we will group meets in different cities (Read Update). We will start from Bangalore first as I am in Bangalore. Later we will extend it to all the major cities in India like Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Kolkatta etc.


As I will be in Pune this coming weekend (Sat and Sun) and in Mumbai one day (preferably Saturday), We will start off these groups in Pune and Mumbai with whatever number we have, will choose one lead there and let’s kick off this idea fast :). I am sure we will have 15-20+ each place :). And we will start the group in Bangalore in July (as I will be in Bangalore only after June).

Note: As there are many readers from the Bay Area in the US (Sunnyvale / San Fransisco / San Jose). Readers there can also make the group (even 5 is ok), I have included Bay Area in Registration form Below.

What will happen in these Meets?

  • We will meet offline in person and build a community that will share their knowledge, ideas about a variety of topics that we discuss here on the blog.
  • We will also cover one focused topic in the form of presentation or session by any volunteer or expert in every meeting, it can be for 30-60 min long.
  • Discuss various strategies to invest money in the stock market (only after some meets, when more people are interested)
  • Discuss various topics like how to make better Real estate deals, tips, and tricks in investing which are not known generally to investors.
  • Build presentations and other content that can be shared back on the blog to all the readers.
  • Take up some research topic and then brain storm on the idea and find out why’sĀ  and how’s (example, BUY OR RENT ? )
  • How to plan all major aspects of financial life in the best way and be self-dependent

Current Registrations

(Changes dynamically with every Entry)

Any thing more?

This will be an informal meet which will start from the cafe’s or odd places and later we can think about how to formalize it more in a better way. There will be leads from each city who can take up the responsibilities so that it can function independently. Each city will have the main lead of the group who can be the main person in the group and take the responsibility of the meets. The meets will only be on weekends (2-3 hrs)Ā  so that everyone can join. In the start we will start this only in Bangalore (with me leading all the meets) and let’s see how this whole stuff goes, we can then take up this group meet idea to other cities once the situation permits and there are enough readers interested. Below is a registration form for registering yourself with jagoinvestor for these group meets, we will soon start these groups in all the cities once we get more than 10 interested people in any city. Please share your views and how we can make this concept a success.


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14 years ago


I am from a small town. Nearest meeting point, Pune, is 4-5 hours drive away. Though I would like to attend the meetings, I am afraid I won’t be able to do so. Can you post videos / transcripts of your meets on your blog?

Thank you for your blog.

14 years ago


Great Initiative! thanks for putting this together. Have registered for the group meet. let me know when u plan to start.


14 years ago


I stay in cooke town (near banaswadi main road).

14 years ago

Am from Bangalore , i had registered for the group meet. Kindly inform us for bangalore meet details.

JagoInvestor Pune Meet Updates
14 years ago

[…] register here for future meets in your city . Any comments ? Related Posts:How to think about Retirement Planning […]

14 years ago

Hi Manish,

First time to your blog and already liking it. Will be back for more. Will be glad to meet the group and learn and share/clarify so many of my financial doubts.


14 years ago


It’s a good idea! Everyone will definitely get benefited out of these meetings for sure.

One one request,
Let’s avoid any mis-selling in such meetings in case any agent(s) also joins the meeting. However selling of any worth product by an agent is fine.

good efforts


Pankaj Parashar
Pankaj Parashar
Reply to  Jagoinvestor
13 years ago

Can any Agent dare to mis-sell in such a meet??
because after being a jagoinvestor reader no one will go for any financial product without some research …..

14 years ago

where in pune u r pllning a meet dis weekend ?

I’m waiting for a reply to a question in how much MF one shld have article? I regularly check for reply but always my bad luck šŸ™

14 years ago

Hi Manish,

This is a great initiative. I guess, in Bangalore (the city of gardens), a garden could be a good place to meet?

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Any garden is fine, as long as it is not raining šŸ™‚

14 years ago


Great Initiative…this is something for which I was waiting…to share and learn about Investment… I am working in bangalore… and very much interested to join the weekend groups… if I can be any help let me know…

(one suggestion , only after some of the successfull meet -in person- lets go for extra options like webinar & all )

14 years ago

Hi Manish,
aother option is to have Webinar so everyone can join.

Vikas Sharma
Vikas Sharma
14 years ago

Am sure most of us are working / occupied during weekdays.
Sunday seem best for such meetings and discussion. We work on Saturday’s hence to attend meeting, we’ll have to plan leave in advance, which may not be possible always.

Anyways, wherever the meet, we’ll surely join.

Further, i concur with suggestion of Rupali to post disucssed topics on this blog.

Keep up the great work and looking forward to meeting all.


14 years ago


I dont see any other option for USA in the location drop down
other than san jose/sunnyvale
Hum mid west walon se kya dushmani hai bhai šŸ™‚

You should definitely post take aways and informative articles
from these meetings on your blog for the benefit of those
who aren’t able to participate in person.

Its an excellent idea nevertheless and I hope it catches on
and more people participate and share their knowledge and also
learn from others in the process.


Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago


I don’t know about any other readers of your blog in the immediate vicinity. But let me check if any of my acquaintances/colleagues/friends are interested in participating.


14 years ago

What should be ideal duration for meeting ?
I think it shud be I dont care as its a Weekend…. [:D]


14 years ago

Hi Manish,

Its actually a great idea, one suggestion that can we post the same topics on this blog which will be discussed every time on Jagoinvestor monthly group meet, So that even someone missed this meet he/she can collect this through on blog. I mean you can even keep a separate space for the Jagoinvestor monthly group meet on the blog. So at least you will be able to know what can be done further to make it more convenient for readers.
Keep it up and all the best. šŸ™‚

Hemant Beniwal
Hemant Beniwal
14 years ago

Manish – Indian Robert Kiyosaki šŸ™‚

Even he is having Rich Dad Clubs across the globe, where people meet & share their knowledge. Learn various aspects of personal finance through games (Cash Flow).

Few Suggestions:

People can even start from home – calling others for high tea. If not monthly, once in 2 months or quarterly.
Members should be encouraged to bring their spouse & friends but this should be informed to organizer in well advance.
Financial Planners/advisors/agents/bank & AMC employee should be strict no-no. It’s about general readers, I think you should add this question to registration form.

All the best.