Personal Finance Quiz to test your Knowledge – 10 questions

POSTED BY Jagoinvestor ON August 10, 2012 COMMENTS (38)

How much do you understand personal finance? You must be reading this blog from last many months or years, now let’s see how much you know. We have designed this short 10 question personal finance quiz to see your knowledge. Just answer these 10 questions and pick and answer from the drop-down. I will post the answers and scores very soon. Please write your full name when you enter your answers.

The quiz is over and Results are declared here

Direct link to Quiz here

38 replies on this article “Personal Finance Quiz to test your Knowledge – 10 questions”

  1. M M. says:

    Hey Manish,
    What is my score? Looks like I didn’t get the score.

    1. See the answers ,you can see how much you scored by looking at answers !

  2. Sunil Kumar Dalmia says:

    Hello Mr.Manish ,
    When you will announce the results ?
    What is my score ?

    1. I hope you got the results !

  3. Sunil Kumar Dalmia says:

    Hello Manish ,
    When you will publish the results ?
    How much did I score ?

  4. Jig says:

    Hi Manish,
    Its like, after studying us since so many years ( for me last 3 yrs ). its is a very short exams. I try to make my teacher sure that he is on right track. let see how i learnt. πŸ™‚

    Keep it up,
    waiting for your post on buisness , Guru…

    Happy Independence Day. ( i learnt to do independently πŸ™‚ )

    1. Thanks .. you must have seen the answers by now !

  5. Rakesh says:

    A tough one……

  6. Deepa says:

    Hi Manish,

    It was a very tough quiz. Tried to attempt. Hoping at least I should get 3/10

    1. Will publish the results soon !

  7. Anurag Srivastava says:

    Hello Manish ,

    How much did I score ?

    1. Anurag

      You scored 4/10 . Will publish the results very soon !

  8. Excellent idea always blogging is boring to you and visitors sometimes.Frankly I say after reading your website I come to know about CIBIL report. I cant guess why you ask Income status and Profession in this questioner?

    1. It was just taken to see how a profession or income group performs ! πŸ™‚

      1. nehal says:

        I want to share ebook with you.
        where can I have your emial address.
        please let me know.

  9. Krish says:

    The Quiz idea is good. I have participated with lot of interest to test my knowledge levels but was disappointed in the end when I got the message that it is been ‘recorded’ in the central database accessible only to Manish. I felt quiz takers should have been incentivised.

    Would the quiz takers be notified of the result in future?. or would it only be used to generate stats?

    1. Dont worry

      I will publish the answers and results in few days !

  10. Karthik says:

    Given my answers. (dont have much knowledge abt CIBIL. I don’t bother since I have a good credit score πŸ™‚ )

  11. Mansoor says:

    Done Manish, Answers please

    1. Answers will come in few days , wait for it !


    Khatarnak-Test. reminded me of IIT-JEE!!!

    1. Haha .. will post answers in few days !

  13. chandan says:

    Very good initiative manish keep doing good work… πŸ™‚

  14. khalid says:

    Very useful quiz, please continue to launch similar in future too.


  15. Dr nilesh kate says:

    Such types of quizes should be weekly, it make story type of reading (of blog) by lazy readers like me into serious thought provoking and long lasting knowledge reading.
    Many many Thanks for such a nice care of all readers.

    1. Thanks . .will try to do more of this

  16. Suhas says:

    I have given my honest Answers…:)
    Awaitng for results πŸ™‚
    It made me think I have read so much…..But remember only the relevant to me or which I had difficulty with ( i am only human)….Anyways I am confident I will flare well in the quiz….thanks to JAGOInvestor….

    1. Suhas

      Actually Suhas, you scored badly (3/10) , but dont worry , you are same as average score , the questions were really tough if you ask me , scoring 3 is good in a way , i will post answers soon !

      1. Suhas says:

        πŸ™ thats really bad I think though……Anyways will wait for the answers….

        1. Dont worry .. you are above average i guess

  17. Sushil says:

    This is good thing. There should be atleast one quiz in a week

    1. Sure .. will try to do more in future !

  18. Anand says:

    When are answers coming?

    1. Soon ! .. but not very soon !

  19. Mansoor says:

    Website blocked from office network πŸ™
    Will try from home.

    1. Then how are you able to comment on the article πŸ™‚

      1. Mansoor says:

        I was able to comment because JagoInvestor is not blocked. But everything else below was blocked because your survey is not a questionnaire from your website but from google docs. Our office security policies has blocked google docs and hence I could not comment.
        I wasn’t lying, you see πŸ™‚

        1. Then do it at home later πŸ™‚

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