2nd Batch of Investor’s Boot Camp starts on 25th Nov 2013
Let us remind you again that – Personal finance is not about knowing things, it is about getting things done in your financial life. In other words, It’s all about taking required actions and steps to be in control of your financial life. Now, we know that life throws several responsibilities at you and TIME is the BIGGEST constraint/problem/challenge to complete personal finance pending actions.
To make things doable, we experimented something called Investor’s bootcamp some weeks ago and 33 investors joined our first batch. The boot camp really took all of us with a surprise, we integrated personal finance with social media (yes it happens on your favorite place facebook).
While you hangout on facebook, you will be able to gain key personal finance insights and you will be equipped to complete important personal finance actions in your financial life. Some of the participants had the best personal finance actions days, while they were in the Investors boot camp. It is amazing experience learning from other’s financial life while you are in boot camp. We (Nandish and Manish) will be there throughout the journey guiding you to take actions in each week.
2nd Batch of Investors Bootcamp from Nov 25, 2013
Today, we are launching 2nd batch of our investor boot camp and we invite those who wants to GIFT a NEW financial future to one self, to those who think it’s high time they get in ACTION, to those who want to expand their actions domain along with knowledge domain when it comes to personal finance.
What is Investors Bootcamp ?
Jagoinvestor Bootcamps is a life changing experience for investors. For 6 weeks, investors who are waiting for doing something concrete in their financial life come together and work on their financial life with help of Jagoinvestor Team on facebook group. Each Week – one area of their financial life is taken and whole group work for the whole week investors work on that area of their financial life. A group structure helps them to learn from each other’s financial life, get accountable to their promises made on bootcamp group. The interactions are rich in nature and deeply meaningful for everyone. If you have been waiting for long time to improve your financial life, its a great way to work on your financial life. Its much powerful than a financial plan because of group structure.
Listen to the audio below to understand what is Bootcamp.
[button link=”#register” color=”#38CFCF” size=”3″ style=”1″ dark=”1″ square=”1″] Register for Bootcamp[/button]
What happens inside Investors Bootcamp ? Here are some Snapshots!
What Bootcamp Graduate’s Have to Say
“Its going to be a million dollar worth asset for You”I heard all the 10 audios .Really am speechless when i want to thank you guys for those wonderful audios.If i say your audios are excellent,amazing,marvellous then those words would be the least meant for admiring your words in those audios.I dont think simply you guys are doing your work since we paid.Your words are something beyond that.It shows the real meaning of humanity.It makes me to realise your bond towards the society. As u said in your audios,you are SERVING us by making ourselves to realise the importance of SLOWNNESS,to be OUTCOME centric,to focus on NETWORTH,to concentrate on what MATTERS,how to CREATE,necessity of COMMITMENT,the vision of BIG game,mindset of playing to WIN,the need of ZERO tolerance I don know how many times am going to hear your audios again and again.I wont stop till i get the complete fruit out of it.Surely i could say these audios are going to be a game changer in my life.I like to thank Nandish and Manish for the quality of their work which helps for the persons like me to grow in their lives. Friends ,those who got access to these audios ,please dont miss it.Its going to be a million dollar worth asset for u. Thank you. Sriram Chennaswami |
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“Not only improve financial life, but also the whole way of your life”Today I heard all 10 audios! Speachless…. Its not because that all these are superb, yes – it is! , but inspite of all these, these words not only improve financial life but also the whole way of your life. ZINDGI JEENE KA NAZRIYA HI BADAL DETE HAI. I want to start a business after 1 year. For that I wanted use this year to gain more and more knowledge information. Today I learned my first chapter from your audios – ‘PLAY TO WIN ‘ . Yss – I’ll try my best to follow this principle . ‘Amazing things to realise’ – Thanx to Nandish & Manish.. Dr Minakshi |
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“It made me look deep into the earnings from the seven years of work life”Hi Everyone, First of all, a remembrance to the father of our nation Mr. M. K. Gandhi and to our second prime minister Mr. L. B. Shastri. Whatever their lives and times were, what stands out is that they put the nation in front of their own self. May the message of unity spread by them continue to remind the masses that true happiness lies is helping others grow with us with no boundaries of race, caste, creed, religion, nation or species. Now to the Week 7 task, Experience till now: First, I did like to give a look back on how I landed in this forum and then proceed towards the experience of being a member of it. My first encounter with JI was through an email sent by a friend, an article written by Manish on the JI website. One article led to another and before I knew it, I had gained a lot of financial know how on topics I always shyed away from, more like Darsheel Safary in Taree Zameen Par. It truly felt like Aamir Khan teaching the kid in the movie. The simplicity of the language used and the non financial analogies to the concepts made it fun to read and understand. Before long, I had subscribed for email updates on their website and was also following them on the Facebook page. Articles kept coming, I kept reading them and I was beginning to look at Personal Finance in a whole different way. But I must confess, I did not always act upon these articles and most of the time, bookmarked them for later read. By now, I had also hit upon the books written by Manish and Nandish, flipping page after page of immense experience being shared, working through the exercises and relating them to the position I was in and wanted to be at. So, when the mail for registration to this unique Facebook based Bootcamp came up, I knew, this was surely going to help. I did not obviously know the content or the methodology, but I had the confidence. So, I signed up. What followed is explained below. Wee k0 was thought provoking to say the least. It made me look deep into the earnings from the seven years of work life and arrive at the pros and cons of every financial choice done during those years. If I was a movie producer, I would never accept the script. However, like most things in life, I took the full responsibility to the situation I was in and made a commitment to rework and improve my situation. Week1 was an eye opener. Thinking is good, especially with past experiences being factual. But if you haven’t written it down, you haven’t done anything. So, if I did not know where my money was flowing, I wouldn’t know which control valve to adjust. So, with all numbers on the excel, I could see why the script of Week0 was so flawed. I knew I had to cut corners, but more importantly I had to make some important lifestyle changes. So, another commitment to look at financial life as an important part of physical life and not as an offshoot. Week2 was like faith restored. When we start with something new, before even the first step is taken, we are hit by the single most dangerous question of all ‘What if I fail?’. So, security or fall back or whatever we term it can be the only answer. The importance of Life Insurance was well established. But is the investment cost per lakh of insurance justified? Term Insurance was the answer. I went back to correct the traditional policies in-force and then invest in the term policies. Though life was the key asset in focus, importance of personal health insurance policies, over and above the coverage provided through companies we work at and the importance of emergency funds were very well explained. I have since worked on these two aspects as well. Biggest learning which I have never seen highlighted in any other forum was that having insurance is not a license to play with your life. Health is still the biggest wealth. Another commitment, this time to work on health and fitness. Week3 was Dream Big Week. Dreams, dreams and more dreams, but at a price. So, we had to set targets and work on investing regularly towards these targets. The pit falls of saving up without investing was an eye opener. And the idea of one investment per dream made so much sense. This is when, I felt that current earnings is not enough and I was no where close to making the money work for me. Like any sport, when in doubt, ask the coach and the coach did restore faith. ‘Start small and stay at it’ and ‘You can only try, win or lose is always a chance’. It was also assuring to see that most of us had similar thoughts and were assuring each other with positive feedback. Commitment this time, work on investments as a habit and not when forced to. Week4 gave another threat. Reminded me of Yuvraj Singh’s ad ( http://www.campaignindia.in/… ), and to quote: ‘Jab tak balla chal raha hai, tab tak thath hai. Jis din balla nahi chalega, us din….’. Although his come back to the game is inspirational, his struggle through cancer is a big warning. Anyways, the point being, money does not grow in trees and most definitely, does not pour with the rain. You got to earn it, and what when you can no longer earn it, among other reasons, for you no longer are capable of competitive work? Retirement Planning should definitely be the most important aspect of anybody’s financial life. But yeah, I could see more investments coming, but could also see that less money is available to invest. What do to? Stick to commitment made in Week2, trying to ensure longer work life while investing whatever was feasible towards this goal. Also, a new commitment to never take a job for granted. Stay competitive in whatever you do, lest everything breaks loose. Week5 was frankly a breather. With some good habits inculcated at home (like being organised with things under your possession), most documents were in order, neatly filed and stored in an easily accessible, but important place. But wait, like other things, storage has also evolved. So, why not use the Internet to make it ‘access-anywhere’ and also, confide the details in a confidant so that, god forbid, if you cannot access it, somebody else can. Like common sense, simple things, but highly uncommon. No new commitment, but to continually review and update this section. Week6, I could sense this coming. It had to be something to simplify things further. Technology to the rescue again. Automating the banking tasks was never this easy and in this era where businesses run out of a single laptop or even a tablet/mobile, we had to get smarter too. So, some tasks to work on and I was able to automate most aspects of the financial plan. Week7, did I see a ‘break’ in the title? But wait, how is it a break if we still have to play competitive and win a book? Feels like school holidays!! No school, but you still have home work That’s the experience so far and looking back, it’s been a wonderful six weeks. It would be injustice to end this note without thanking our wonderful coaches Manish Chauhan and Nandish Desai! Thank you sirs! None of this would have been possible without your efforts! Anyways, it is the ‘Joy of Giving Week’ and I hope that along with the tasks in our financial program, we also take some time off and do our bit for the under-privileged and the not-so-privileged. Nanaiah Bayavanda |
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“This Bootcamp has made me acutely aware of the pitfalls that I had”I too started with a lot of apprehensions on this bootcamp. My major question was this – I have already taken personal Financial Coaching/Advice from Nandish and Manish just last year and have gotten significant benefits from that. How will this be better? How will this be any different than what they have done earlier? etc. Eventually, I entered this game for one purpose only and that was to improve the RIGOUR and DISCIPLINE into my Financial life. So far, this Bootcamp has made me acutely aware of the pitfalls that I had. The single biggest issue that I have struggled with is to have a proper budget in place, and keeping track of my expenses. All this time, my excuse was “anyway I have a lot of disposable income, so, why should I track where I’m spending”? This whole thing dramatically shifted after I bought an apartment in Dec 2012, and I had to start paying an EMI of 88k per month! Suddenly, all the values of budgeting came up and hit me pretty hard as I was struggling to meet my expenses for the past 8 months. So, since the past 2 months, I have been tracking expenses on a daily basis. I also convinced my wife to manage the Household expenses, and keep track of all the stuff that we spend. To my horror and shock, I see huge gaping holes that I did not even know existed, and this is something that I’m realizing how TOTALLY BLIND I was! Another takeaway for me has been the whole experience of Automating… Will share more about this in another post soon. Venkatesh Kumar |
Get FREE BONUS Worth Rs 4,000 with Bootcamp
Bonus #1 – 100 moneyactions Program
100 money actions Program is our flagship program for taking lots of actions in financial life. We given this Rs 1,999 worth of program complementary to all bootcampers!. Listen to the Welcome Message for 100 moneyactions Program below
Bonus #2 – 10 part Audio Program
We also give a 10 part audio program worth Rs 1,999 with this bootcamp which is a life time experience for investors. In these audio’s you will learn how RICH people think and what makes poor investors always poor. Listen to one sample Audio here
Dear Manish,
Please clarify on the requirements for the program. As it is a online program do you want the participants to be present on a specific time. Also clarify if any other prerequites for the same.
Can you give a rough estimate of time/day required in these weeks to get the most benefit of the program as i travel a lot in my job.
Also please suggest how it can be different from wealth club where we are getting access to many videos, audios, excel sheets etc.
Its a ACTION program . you have to take lots of action in this ,if you want to get the maximum out of the program . Yes there is some requirement to update your actions , but there is no requirement of you being present at a specific time. This is not related to wealth club, wc is totally an educational program which has video and audio content . but this is purely a closed 6 week program which is going to have lots of interactions.
Thanks Manish,
I just did the registration for the boot camp.
I’m curious as to why this bootcamp is for 6 weeks, while the first edition was for 8 weeks. (http://jagoinvestor.dev.diginnovators.site/2013/07/8-weeks-bootcamp-for-investors.html)
Could you briefly describe the changes that were made to the program (which parts got cut out)?
It was changed to 6 weeks, because it was looking like a stretched one, we found that things which were done in different weeks were kind of similar and could be done in a week itself . And actually speaking it would be 7-8 weeks only at the end , because there is a week 0 also and then at the we give another extention week to make sure it ends smoothly . Trust us the changes are considering the betterment of the bootcamp only . You must have watched few great movies, and you must have thought in mind – “If only they could cut some scences and keep it a bit short – it would have been much better” . Its something like that 🙂