
May 29, 2010

How to think about Retirement Planning (Video)

Retirement Planning is one of the most important aspects of financial planning. Here is a 3 part video series on Retirement planning which gives you a good idea of how to plan for it and how to think about retirement planning . Look at how to 6 Steps of doing Retirement Planning by yourself

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

A very good book every one should read is “Retire Rich Invest” written by P V Subramanyam . Give your comments 🙂

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Bhagwad Jal Park
Bhagwad Jal Park
14 years ago

What do you think about the DTC and its impact on Equity linked mutual funds? From what I can see, as a freelancer I can only invest in the New Pension Scheme (NPS) to get tax breaks. But the NPS only allows me to invest 50% in equities – thus cutting my returns. Plus I don’t like annuities – which I will have to purchase when I retire.

I’d like to hear your thoughts on this whole mess in a post from you!

14 years ago

can you please suggest me a monthly pension scheme which gives more returns with risk and no risk.

14 years ago

Magazines, websites, are all useful to equip yourself when you talk to your financial planner / somebody who is helping you with your investing. To think they can be substituted by reading 6 steps is amusing. If you do not know how to cook, your kitchen tells you in 30 minutes. If you choose a wrong doctor your body tells you in 30 hours. If you s*c*w up your portfolio – without any review by anybody, after 30 years you will know that you…s…d up. I know of companies buying stupid general insurance policies which do not pay when the event happens. L O L. All the premium paid is a waste. Same is true for people who have bought term insurance from a company which has a clause of 5 year premium review IN TERM insurance. L O L. Buy cheap repent later :). Posts like this should carry a disclaimer…

Reply to  Subramanyam
14 years ago

Dear Mr. Subramanyam,
“To think they can be substituted by reading 6 steps is amusing”.

Let me clarify the point I am trying to make: Manish’s article demystifies goal planning to a good extent.
Call it Indian mentality if you wish, but I am of the opinion that CFPs tend to make goal planning look like rocket science and remind me of greeting card companies who market Valentines day, mothers day etc. and Jewelers who market Askhiya Tritya. So I am not going to a CFP (I cant afford him/her anyway).

I would rather read a decent article like Manish, use some common sense, research financial products (I have LOTs of time!), determine what I can save, review my portfolio every year and build my corpus. I can assure that I am saving more that Rs. 40 a day in the right ways.

A screw up is possible in any case: by me or by a CFP. All I am saying is that I believe that it IS possible to do it successfully yourself. Surely a man of your experience should allow for such a possibility although I am sure you have seen a lot of screwups!

In any case Manish’s article is way way better than the video.

“5 year premium review IN TERM insurance”: Wonder which product are you taking about?

Reply to  pattu
14 years ago

Strongly agree with your explanation. *Simplicity* is what is *missing by most of the CFP’s in their advices to a investor. 6 steps in retirement planning by Manish always beats any retirement product. We all are fed up of marketing ideas like greetings on Valentines day, mothers day and putting same concepts by CFP’s when comes to financial product.

14 years ago

From where I can find link to 6 steps in retirment planning by Manish? could u please hare the link

14 years ago

I am 100% agree with pattu dear :). Go for 6 Steps of doing Retirement Planning by Manish.

14 years ago

Dear All,
Skip the video. Instead read:
6 Steps of doing Retirement Planning by yourself by Manish.

I became a full time fan and (some-time critic!) after reading this post.
I structured my retirement planning following this.
IN fact it is this post which gave me the confidence that I could do planning on my own with some quality help.

The video is a total waste. Its only message is “Start Early”. There is not a single piece of complete information provided in the interview.

14 years ago

In third part of video, it talks about pension plan, which doesnt have any excessive charges like ULIP. Do you have any review about those existing pension policy. and how it track agaiint normal mutual fund + term insurance combo

14 years ago


Have you read the book? If you have, can you write a review of it?
