Term insurance

POSTED BY Santosh ON June 18, 2011 6:32 pm ONE COMMENT

I am 25 years old and I went to Birla Sunlife to purchase a term plan, I had short listed on High networth term insurance where the premium was around Rs 15834/- for 1cr for 30 years, but on reaching the office the advisor  mentioned that the High Networth plan has been merged into Birla Sunlife Protector Plus plan and the premimum for a non-incremental term plan will be around Rs 13456/-. So my questions are

1. Is the Protector plus plan a true term insurance plan.

2. Is it true that it got merged with the Hight Networth plan.

3. How good is the Protector plus plan?


One reply on this article “Term insurance”

  1. If you look at this website , it mentions the name as High network plan only http://insurance.birlasunlife.com/ProductsSolutions/IndividualSolutions/ProtectionSolutions/BSLIHighNetWorthTermPlan/tabid/327/Default.aspx

    But if you look at the protector plan page , it also gives the feeling of term plan only , but its for a situation when you want to increase your cover with each year . So you need to find out more on this from their office or customer care


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