Single or Joint Term plan – Which one will you suggest and Why ?

POSTED BY me.finanz ON September 26, 2013 10:51 am COMMENTS (4)

I am keen on taking a term plan.

What are the pros and cons of taking one such plan either as a single holder (me), joint plan first dead or both single plan (husband and wife). Which one would you suggest and why?

Thanks, Rajiv

4 replies on this article “Single or Joint Term plan – Which one will you suggest and Why ?”

  1. ashalanshu says:

    Dear Me.Fianz, for the given situation that both of you are NRI, not many options are there with you. Please check on your own and opt.



  2. me.finanz says:

    Sorry, we are based out of India but are looking for term plans which many of the Indian entities now seem to be offering for NRI. This was not so at least 2 yrs ago.

  3. me.finanz says:

    Thanks Ashal,
    If so, both taking single plan – is that a good idea. Both of us work. However, it is I who would pay the premiums!


  4. ashalanshu says:

    Dear Rajiv, as far as I know, joint life Term plans are not available. if you do know such plan offered by any Indian Insurer, please enlighten us.



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