Life Insurance

POSTED BY sadagopal ON June 6, 2011 3:54 pm COMMENTS (3)

I have seen the financial calculator. They are very useful. But i have a question. In the Insurance planner calculator, after entering the inputs, it says, for example, (your 83% of life insurance investment would give you monthly this much for somany years, or 113 % of your insurance investment would give you the monthly income for so many years etc., How this % is being calculated. I am able understand all the other inputs except this. Pls.clarify.Thanking you in anticipation. sadagopal.

3 replies on this article “Life Insurance”

  1. sadagopal says:

    Dear Manish,

    I am talking about insurance planner calculator-given in your blog.
    As desired by you, i giving the link, below
    Thanks & awaits your response.

  2. which calculator are you talking about ? give link

    1. Sadagopal

      Its simple , there are different amount for different purpose . For example

      Rs 1 crore for providing you monthly income
      Rs 50 lacs to pay off you debt
      Rs 50 lacs for emergencies

      So total 2 crore , Now the calculator tells you total Rs 2 crore as insurance amount and internally it knows that 1 crore is required for giving you montly income , so it says 50% is required to provide monthly income .


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