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product review of lic jeevan saral needed

Hello Manish,

I came across jagoinvestor just 3 days back and i found it to be just amazing as to how you help out people in making more informed personal finance decissions.

kudos to you…n more importantly thanks a lot for providing everyone with such a platform..

I had read your article How lic policy works…and all the comments too…wherein i sensed that according to you lic jeevan saral policy is litle better than other lic policies….please enlighten me on the same… i have a jeevan saral policy in the name of my husband taken in july 2010….i pay Rs.15000 per quarter i.e.Rs. 60000 p.a……i have paid 90000 as of now….please suggest should i continue with this policy or not….

i am discussing this on forum as you had requested a lot of people to start a new thread on this product-jeevan saral

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