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Launching – Personal Finance Action Revolution BEGINS Today

Guys – It has been 5 years now spreading personal finance education through writing blog articles, writing books on personal finance, leading workshop in different cities. We started very small and have reached so far only because of your trust and partnership. Every day we (I and Nandish) wake-up with one thought in our mind “How can we help people to live an awesome financial life?”

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It’s time to look at what is exactly happening in your financial life?

I’ve always been fascinated by Socrates’ bold statement that “The unexamined life is not worth living.” The statement holds a lot of value and meaning in it, it has acted like a wake-up call to me. I examine my financial life every year very closely and my personal finance actions.I want you also to examine your financial life and your actions. Look at what is going on in your financial life, How many articles you marked as important but you never found time to read them, How many personal finance actions you have been procrastinating, how many times you told yourself it’s high time I need to get serious as an investor. Get honest with yourself as that is the first requirement to be a part of personal finance action revolution.

You are committed but then why you are not able to take actions?

It is not that you are not committed but as life is dynamic you are always surrounded by multiple responsibilities in life. You play different roles in life and one of the role you play is of an investor. One of the thing we have found to be missing is a STRUCTURE. Yes, to move from point A to Point B you need a structure without that you will not be able to become effective. We have created a wonderful personal finance structure for you that will help you, motivate you and empower you to take actions in your financial life. It will not help you to complete 10, 20 or 50 actions but it will help you to complete 100 money actions in your financial life.

In our experience Personal finance is NOT about knowing things, it is about getting things done !

A lot of people think they need to have a lot of knowledge to take actions in their financial life. Because of this they start to expand their knowledge domain, they start subscribing on different websites and blogs, start to buy different books but eventually due to lack of structure they are not able to take required actions in their financial life. 100 money actions program is about getting things done, it is about expanding your action domain and it is about breaking your habit of procrastination.

What Existing Users are Saying about

100MoneyActions is a real boon for people like me who are charged up and convinced to improve their financial life and take it to next level. Thanks to Jagoinvestor’s prolific pioneers Manish Chauhan and Nandish Desai for launching such a beautiful concept that is filled of actions. I have started recently with this program and I can sense the positivity that it has started to bring in, in my financial life. 100MoneyActions provides an excellent structure that is built on top of one critical thing “ACTION” and not just actions but “CORRECT POWERFUL ACTIONS”.

I believe that if I take all those 100 actions (believe me it is not as easy as you can read it ) my financial life will move from where it is now towards positivity. I believe that 100MoneyActions will bring in structure and actions that is missing in my financial life. And I wish that it will do the same to many more like me! Big thanks to this concept and all the best to the program/concept. I am sure it will be a great success.

Prasad Kulkarni
IT Professional


100 money actions is one of the best thing that has happened to me. This is one program which I am following very religiously over the last 2 weeks. After reading so much on Jagoinvestor blog I used to think that my all fandas related to investment instruments, finance management etc are in place but still I was not sure if I am doing everything right or I am taking enough actions to put the plan on track. This program is helping me in structuring my thoughts, making me aware about the smallest of gaps, consolidating literally everything.

Today I am using the sheets of this program extensively to track the progress of my actions which I am supposed to do within the defined timelines. While your blog and its articles are very informative and in plain English for a layman, this program is a next step to identify, structure and follow the actions which you always want to take. I am so thankful that I came in contact with you guys. Thanks Manish & Nandish. Cheers!

Anuj Gupta
IT Professional, Microsoft
Delhi & NCR


What you get on JOINING this ACTION REVOLUTION ?

What it takes to be a part of this ACTION REVOLUTION ?

It takes commitment to be a part of this ACTION Revolution. You will have to trust the structure of this program. If you can make a commitment you will complete all 100 actions you can be a part of this revolution. Anything free has no value so it calls for a small financial commitment to be a part of this program.

Visit 100 money actions website and get more idea on how you can be a part of this personal finance action revolution. From the bottom of our heart we invite you to be a part of this ACTION REVOLUTION. Once you complete these 100 actions in your financial life, your financial life will not be the same and THAT IS OUR PROMISE TO YOU.

Now, anything free has no value so we decided to keep a small fee to be a part of this action revolution which is Rs. 1999/- only.( This fee is to generate commitment in you). Don’t let your concerns get in your way, don’t let the conversation of money get in your way as your Financial life is Priceless. Paying Rs 1,999 will not make you bankrupt but not taking actions will surely lead you to bankruptcy

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