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query regarding aggrement and registration

I booked flat which is almost 85% ready ,so we need to go agg. and registration process.But here the problem arise.we will take a loan first applicant -husbnd and co applicant -my self.
I am housewife.In aggrement we like to add first name my husnd name and second name as me.the builder askd for pancard of both of us.I have pancard but it contain spelling mistake in only one character.If i go for correct it thn it will take a long .We dnt have dt much time.We takd this thing thn builder told us to submit my adhar card.but the adhar card I issued after marriage so it has new surname,and pancard have earlier surname .Now I talkd with lawyer but all lawyers tells diff story.I think pancard is req at the time of registration ,Is it true or not?
cn it be happen tht i mention my pancar number in aggrement and I joint accknowlegment of correction with that .I dnt understand wth to do with this .pls guys help me out .

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