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Disclosure of illness in term and health insurance policies.

Dear Sir,
I would like to thank all you people for giving valuble guidance regarding our financial planning. I have company group health insurance and my personal term insurance from ICICI Iprotect covering 3000000 taken in sept2010. Unfortunately I need to go for kidney transplant in 2011 year end. Now I am thinking of taking one personal health insurace and a term insurance with high coverage.

My queries are,

1.when I disclose about my illness, how the insurance companies will consider for term and health insurance like, will they load more amount or will they reject my application etc..?

2. Do I need to inform any thing to my exisitng term insurance comapny(ICICI)?

3. Will I get critical illness rider on the policy?(some companies cover kidney tranplant in critical illness)

Please guide me about how to take or what is the best thing that I can do for my insurance for both term and health.
Thank you.

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