Mismatch in Expense Ratio on FundsIndia and ValueResearchOnline

POSTED BY Ravi ON May 26, 2013 11:24 am COMMENTS (4)

Dear Friends,

I was about to invest in Franklin India BlueChip G MF through FundsIndia when I found that the Expense Ratio mentioned for this fund on FundsIndia is 2.15 whereas on ValueResearchOnline it is 1.81. 

Similarly on another fund the Expense Ratio is lower at FundsIndia and higher at VRO. 

Anyone has any idea why this difference is there? Whose figures should one believe?


4 replies on this article “Mismatch in Expense Ratio on FundsIndia and ValueResearchOnline”

  1. Dear Ravi, the answer for this question can be given only by VROL people. 🙂



  2. Ravi says:

    Thanks Ashal and Pattu Sir. Yes the website of Franklin Templeton lists Expense Ratio as 2.15. Just wondering why VRO would list it as 1.81.

  3. Current Expense Ratio listed by the AMC (as on 13th May, 2013)
    Regular 2.16%
    Direct 1.30%

  4. Dear Ravi, please check the figures from the most authentic source, AMC’s own site.



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