Ideal amount for health insurance under family floater plan ?

POSTED BY Javed Khan ON January 28, 2014 2:25 pm COMMENTS (4)

Hello Guys,

Was wondering what should be an ideal amount of Health insurance one should opt for a family plan comprising of husband wife one child.




4 replies on this article “Ideal amount for health insurance under family floater plan ?”

  1. ashalanshu says:

    Dear Javed, if you feel it’s good, so be it. Please do note – people may argue that there is no need to waste so much money on prem. or to tone down the sum assured but in my personal opinion, it’s not waste of money. Insurance prem. is an expense, which you are paying to transfer your risk (financial risk to handle health problems here in health policy). So it’s my personal request, treat this prem. as expense and do not try to squeeze things more. 🙂



  2. Javed Khan says:

    Thank you guys,
    I know there can’t be a straight answer to this, I was thinking somewhere 15-20 Lakhs should be ok.


  3. ashalanshu says:

    Dear Javed, as big as you can afford to pay prem.



  4. divya.advisor says:

    no perfect answer all depends on the kind of hospitals that you plan to get treated at. In absense of all this information I would suggest at least 10 lakhs to take care of future inflation

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