Home loan from LIC in pune? how good is that as an option.?

POSTED BY Vishal Phadle ON November 6, 2012 12:07 pm COMMENTS (3)

I have been trying with SBI but it seems there paperwork takes hell lot of time and they are not even cooperative. So home loan from LIC in pune? how good is that as an option since LIC agents are saying it will be done within 2 weeks, I am concerned about their ROI in floating scheme and Post disbursement service.

3 replies on this article “Home loan from LIC in pune? how good is that as an option.?”

  1. Dear Vishal, what’s the update from you on the issue?



  2. Vishal Phadle says:

    Hi Manish.. Thanks for your response… I am still a little concerned with LIC with respect to floating rates… AS in do they change the interest rates as soon as rates come down or do they wait for the financial year to complete to do that…
    and Where should i check for this information while processing the loan from LIC

  3. Yes, SBI has too much of headache and documentation compared to other lenders . LIC has also been ranked very good when it comes to home loan as per our internal survey . Here is the link http://jagoinvestor.dev.diginnovators.site/2012/05/best-bank-home-loan-india.html


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