Disadvantage of holding Passive savinng accounts rather than closing it ?

POSTED BY maddy ON November 10, 2013 6:28 pm ONE COMMENT

I have a MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION \”as I am young and reckless like millions of youth in our country, I don\’t pay attention to my PASSIVE SAVING ACCOUNTS. Just to save myself from visiting the branch to close it instead I fetch all the money from ATM and left account with few bucks in useless saving accounts.

So my question is whether banks will sue me for not closing the account as it might attracts many charges after that (like debit card charges, closing charge etc). Or is it gonna affect my CIBIL score as per your blogs CIBIL score is affected by CC and loans, just for confirmation?

Manish Dabra

One reply on this article “Disadvantage of holding Passive savinng accounts rather than closing it ?”

  1. Ashish Garg says:

    Hi Maddy,

    As of now Savings Account are not considered by CIBIL while arriving at your Credit Score. So from that perspective, its not doing any damage to your credit score.

    At the same time, having non-operative savings accounts will attract some administrative charges / penalties (in case of not maintaining the minimum balance requirements) from Bank and you may end up paying them at some point in time.


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