credit card question

POSTED BY Aishwarya ON November 15, 2012 12:08 am COMMENTS (2)

1> what is the monthly payment or bill ,is there any monthly bill if we don’t buy anything from credit card ?
2>Can my card be hacked ? how easily it can be hacked ?

3>is it safe to give Credit Card  number to website from where we are buying any products ?

2 replies on this article “credit card question”

  1. Always make sure there is a “https://” in the start of the URL . !

  2. Gaurav Thakur says:

    1> what is the monthly payment or bill ,is there any monthly bill if we don’t buy anything from credit card ? –

    Ideally there would not be any monthly payment or bill if you don’t buy anything on the credit card, unless.
    1. You have a previous outstanding, in which case there would be the principal repayment as well as the interest accrued.
    2. There are a few annual fee cards, which means you have to pay an annual fees to own the card. So even if you don’t buy anything, you could be asked to pay the annual fee. But that happens only once an year.

    2>Can my card be hacked ? how easily it can be hacked ? –

    The answer to the first part is Yes and to the second part is “Not very easily”. There are a few countries where credit card fraud is more prevalent than others. All the south east Asian countries fall under that category. So its always advisable to change your card if you have travelled abroad and swiped your card.

    3>is it safe to give Credit Card number to website from where we are buying any products ?

    yes its safe as long as its a known website and has a dependable payment gateway. Most of the websites have a payment gateway of one of the banks. If possible look out for a https: connection and 128 bit encryption which is displayed when you are entering your card details.

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